Runs on Vocore V1 and uses a NESDR Nano 2. Green LED on GPIO22, red LED on GPIO23.
Connection to Vocore: UART 57600 8N1, or ssh via WiFi in STA mode, or WiFi AP SSID "Vocore", "Openwrt" or "PBot".
Use the OpenWRT SDK. Source must be put in~/SDK.../package/PBot/src
.The vocore needs librtlsdr (which needs libusb (which needs libpthread and librt)), also libopenssl and curl.
Warning: opkg might not succeed in resolving dependencies, if that's the case, wget them
(HTTP not HTTPS !)
For the SDK, do./scripts/feeds udpate -a
then/scripts/feeds install xxx
to get the required libs.
To build, in the SDK's root:make package/PBot/compile
Testing code: SCP the binary alone from~/SDK.../build_dir/target.../pbot/pbot
, or the .ipk andopkg install pbot.ipk