We've verified that the organizationexpo controls the domain:
- expo.dev
- United States of America
- https://expo.dev
- @expo
- support@expo.dev
Expo is an open-source React framework for buildingtruly native apps and websites.Read the documentation to get started.
Expo is trusted across the world, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Check out theShowcase to see more.
💬 Join us onDiscord to chat with the Expo community, discuss the release, or ask questions.
⭐️ Help us out bystarring Expo on GitHub, filing bug reports inExpo issues, or openingdiscussions with questions or proposals.
👥 Follow Expo onBluesky,LinkedIn andX for more updates.
The Expo organization has many repositories. Here are the most important ones:
- expo/expo: Expo Go, SDK, Docs, and the Expo CLI.
- expo/eas-cli: Fastest way to build, submit, and update Android and iOS apps.
- expo/examples: Integrations and other examples.
- expo/config-plugins: Expo Config Plugins for working with third-party packages.
- expo/snack: Sandbox for building apps from the browser.
- expo/vscode-expo: VS code extension for working with Expo tools.
- expo/orbit: Desktop app offering one-click build launches and emulator/simulator management.
- expo-template-default Public template
⚠️ This is a mirror template repository for the new Expo default project template. Contributions and bug reports should be made in expo/expo repository.expo/expo-template-default’s past year of commit activity - expo-server-sdk-node Public
Server-side library for working with the Expo push notification service using Node.js
expo/expo-server-sdk-node’s past year of commit activity - react-native Public Forked fromfacebook/react-native
A framework for building native apps with React.
expo/react-native’s past year of commit activity - wa-sqlite Public Forked fromrhashimoto/wa-sqlite
WebAssembly SQLite with support for browser storage extensions
expo/wa-sqlite’s past year of commit activity - dev-plugins Public
Out-of-tree Expo devtools plugins for packages that haven't adopted the Expo devtools plugin system yet.
expo/dev-plugins’s past year of commit activity