We've verified that the organizationexercism controls the domains:
- exercism.io
- exercism.org
Welcome to the behind-the-scenes home ofExercism!
Our website is powered by hundreds of different repositories, which you're free to browse and explore.Each track has a content repository (e.g.exercism/ruby) and one or more tooling repositories (e.g.exercism/ruby-test-runner,exercism/ruby-analyzer).The website source-code lives atexercism/website.
- If you're looking to open an issue,the best place for nearly all issues is theexercism/exercism repository.We can then triage it to the right place as appropriate.
- If you're looking to contribute, ourcontributing page is a good starting point.Be aware that different repositories have different contributing guidelines - you can always feel free to open an issue to ask how to help if you're unsure 🙂
Everything in Exercism is covered by ourCode of Conduct - please take a read and adhere to it in discussions on GitHub.
Finally, please note that different parts of Exercism are licenced under different licences, so please be mindful of the specific licence for any code you use!
Have fun! 🎉
- generic-track
generic-track Public - problem-specifications
problem-specifications PublicShared metadata for exercism exercises.
- purescript-test-runner Public
exercism/purescript-test-runner’s past year of commit activity