is a self-organized open source community founded by top open source project maintainers.
It is committed to making every open source lover experience the joy of open source.
Make every open source lover experience the joy of open source.
Build open source collaboratively across the technology stack. Maintain community neutrality. Do open source in harmony and happiness.
Dromara community currently has more than 10 top open source projects and more than 30 excellent open source projects, covering popular tools, distributed transaction logs, enterprise-level authentication, operation and maintenance monitoring, scheduling orchestration, etc.
These open source projects serve millions of individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Dromara community welcomes all open source lovers to join.
The community provides a complete community governance development and organizational member growth platform to help everyone participate in open source better.Donation。
TheDromara community cannot continue to operate and provide better services without everyone's support.
We promise that all sponsorship funds we receive will be fully disclosed and used only forDromara community operating expenses.
- dynamic-tp
dynamic-tp Public🔥🔥🔥轻量级动态线程池,内置监控告警功能,集成三方中间件线程池管理,基于主流配置中心(已支持Nacos、Apollo,Zookeeper、Consul、Etcd,可通过SPI自定义实现)。Lightweight dynamic threadpool, with monitoring and alarming functions, base on popular config centers …
- easy-query Public
java/kotlin high performance lightweight solution for jdbc query,support oltp and olap query,一款java下面支持强类型、轻量级、高性能的ORM,致力于解决jdbc查询,拥有对象模型筛选、隐式子查询、隐式join
dromara/easy-query’s past year of commit activity - dante-cloud Public
Dante Cloud 国内首个支持阻塞式和响应式服务并行的微服务平台。采用领域驱动模型(DDD)设计思想,以「高质量代码、低安全漏洞」为核心,高度模块化和组件化设计,支持智能电视、IoT等物联网设备认证,满足国家三级等保要求、支持接口国密数字信封加解密等系列安全体系的多租户微服务解决方案。独创的“一套代码实现微服务和单体两种架构灵活切换”的企业级应用系统。🔝 🔝 点个star 持续关注更新!
dromara/dante-cloud’s past year of commit activity - orion-visor Public
一款高颜值、现代化的自动化运维及轻量堡垒机,提供服务器智能运维解决方案。支持资产管理分组、SSH SFTP 终端、文件上传下载、文件在线编辑、命令批量执行、多主机文件分发、cron 表达式配置计划任务,安全保障等。该项目是由 java 实现, 前端使用 vue + arco, 后端使用 springboot, 支持 docker 部署的服务器运维, linux windows 系统运维平台。
dromara/orion-visor’s past year of commit activity - RuoYi-Cloud-Plus Public
重写RuoYi-Cloud所有功能 整合 SpringCloudAlibaba Dubbo3.0 Sa-Token Mybatis-Plus MQ OSS ES Xxl-Job Docker 全方位升级 定期同步
dromara/RuoYi-Cloud-Plus’s past year of commit activity - RuoYi-Vue-Plus Public
基于RuoYi-Vue集成 Lombok+Mybatis-Plus+Undertow+knife4j+Hutool+Feign 重写所有原生业务 定期与RuoYi-Vue同步
dromara/RuoYi-Vue-Plus’s past year of commit activity