Web3 CLI tool for tracking the exchange rate of 2 cryptocurrencies on Polygon
Download the repository
In the repository directory create an.env
file and add the following information:
INFURA_ADDRESS_POLYGON=your_infura_polygon_address MAINNET_POLYGON=https://rpc-mainnet.matic.network
Next, create a new Python virtual environment usingvirtualenv
virtualenv venv
Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Install the project requirements
python3 install -r requirements.txt
Start it up!
python3 dexra.py --fromToken STRING --tokenWant STRING --amt INT
(program requirements can be found inrequirements.txt
| The Python3 CLI program--fromToken
| (string) The token the user owns and would like to exchange--tokenWant
| (string) The token the user wants in exchange for what they are offering--amt
| The total amount being exchanged
python3 dexra.py --fromToken matic --tokenWant dai --amt 10
____________________ dexra POLYGON____________________Swap matic 1:1 dai 1:1 inputAmt outputAmt--------- ----------- --------- ---------- -----------quickswap 1 1.58933 10 15.8917sushiswap 1 1.58299 10 15.5675
{ "quickswap": "0xa5E0829CaCEd8fFDD4De3c43696c57F7D7A678ff", "sushiswap": "0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506"}
{ "matic": "0x0d500b1d8e8ef31e21c99d1db9a6444d3adf1270", "dai": "0x8f3Cf7ad23Cd3CaDbD9735AFf958023239c6A063", "aave": "0xd6df932a45c0f255f85145f286ea0b292b21c90b", "uniswap": "0xb33eaad8d922b1083446dc23f610c2567fb5180f", "curve": "0x172370d5cd63279efa6d502dab29171933a610af", "wbtc": "0x1bfd67037b42cf73acf2047067bd4f2c47d9bfd6", "curve": "0x172370d5cd63279efa6d502dab29171933a610af", "sushi": "0x0b3f868e0be5597d5db7feb59e1cadbb0fdda50a", "must": "0x9C78EE466D6Cb57A4d01Fd887D2b5dFb2D46288f"}
- Clean up Ethereum example
- Made more modular, easier to check multiple blockchains
- Research other blockchain integration
- BTC: bc1qwhyylc88a4k2ellxk9ptewcgjs4c74wz5fk8ut
- ETH/MATIC: 0x33cBeE399234C30a84D1f0B26a593d380ABDeDbe