C++ For Yourself
Welcome to theC++ for Yourself course! 👋
Here we keep all the slides, code and discussions that are related to theC++ for Yourself course on YouTube 📺
Access theslides and homeworks
All of the video content is duplicated as markdown documents in thelectures-and-homeworks repository. See its readme to access copyable code and most of the transctiotions of the videos.
To ensure this is a hands-on experience, there are alsohomeworks stored in the same repository. They are mixed in with the slides in the order in which they are expected to be implemented.
Create your own homework repo from thehomeworks template repo
I strongly believe that to learn one needs to get their hands dirty. Each homework announced in the videos can be found inlectures-and-homeworks repository. Should any instuctions be unclear, please do not hesitate to ask questions under the appropriate videos or in the discussions within this organization.
To submit the homeworks, one can use a template in the thehomeworks repository by clicking theUse this template button. The precise instructions are in the readme of that project.
I'm using a custom python homework checker script (also found in this organization) combined with GitHub actions to check the homeworks.
Engage indiscussions!
As this channel takes off please interact with the community!
- If you have any questions or comments about a video - comment under the video
- Should it grow into a deeper discussion, please head to thediscussions of this org and either comment in an existing topic or start a new one
Creating such a course from scratch is quite hard (harder than I planned, as always). Even considering that I'm building on top of the course I designed some time ago, it still takes most of my evenings and weekends to deliver new content. Not everybody has an opportunity to support such undertakings, but if you are in the position where youcan, please show your appreciation:
- Subscribe to the YouYube channel:@CodeForYourself
- Support this work throughGitHub sponsors
- Making a one-off donation throughPaypal
🇺🇦 Note that at least until the russian war against Ukraine is over, all your donations will be used to support Ukraine protecting itself from the russian aggression.
- lectures-and-homeworks
lectures-and-homeworks Public📚 A place for all lecture scripts, projects etc. for the "C++ for yourself" course
- lectures-and-homeworks Public
📚 A place for all lecture scripts, projects etc. for the "C++ for yourself" course
cpp-for-yourself/lectures-and-homeworks’s past year of commit activity