MPilot is a plugin-based, environmental modeling framework based on a bottom-up, many-to-many workflow that can berepresented by a directed (not iterating) graph. MPilot is descended from the Environmental Evaluation Modeling System(EEMS), which was initially a fuzzy logic modeling package based on EMDS.
MPilot Documentation
MPilot with EEMS can be installed withpip
In order to run MPilot with NetCDF datasets, you'll need to install the NetCDF variant:
$ pip install mpilot[netcdf]
MPilot models are contained in "command files", using a simple scripting language. Here is an example model, whichloads two columns of integer data from a CSV file, sums them, and writes the result to a second CSV file.
A = EEMSRead( InFileName = "input.csv", InFieldName = "A", DataType = "Integer")B = EEMSRead( InFileName = "input.csv", InFieldName = "B", DataType = "Integer")APlusB = Sum( InFieldNames = [A, B])Out = EEMSWrite( OutFileName = "output.csv", OutFieldNames = [A, B, APlusB])
Models are run using the includedmpilot
program. The following commands will run a model using the EEMS CSV libraryand using the EEMS NetCDF library respectively:
$ mpilot eems-csv model.mpt$ mpilot eems-netcdf model.mpt