We've verified that the organizationcheerlights controls the domain:
CheerLights is an “Internet of Things” project started in 2011 to help teach people about IoT. Consider CheerLights a “Hello, World” project to learn IoT protocols, microcontroller programming, and LED light control. CheerLights is a global network of synchronized colored lights. Everyone subscribes to the latest CheerLights color and sets their lights to the same color. Anyone can set the color on theCheerLights Discord Server.
- cheerlights-arduino-library
cheerlights-arduino-library PublicAn Arduino library to synchronize with the global CheerLights color by fetching the latest color from the CheerLights API.
C++ 2
- cheerlights-javascript-widgets
cheerlights-javascript-widgets PublicCheerLights JavaScript Widgets are a collection of embeddable widgets that display the current CheerLights color on web pages.
- cheerlights-python-package
cheerlights-python-package PublicA Python package to interact with the CheerLights API.
Python 1
- esp8266_neopixel_strip
esp8266_neopixel_strip PublicThis sketch periodically checks the CheerLights color that is stored in ThingSpeak channel 1417 and sets the color of each pixel of a WS2812-based NeoPixel strip.
- cheerlights-arduino-library Public
An Arduino library to synchronize with the global CheerLights color by fetching the latest color from the CheerLights API.
cheerlights/cheerlights-arduino-library’s past year of commit activity - cheerlights-discord-bot Public
cheerlights/cheerlights-discord-bot’s past year of commit activity - cheerlights-telegram Public
cheerlights/cheerlights-telegram’s past year of commit activity - cheerlights-javascript-widgets Public
CheerLights JavaScript Widgets are a collection of embeddable widgets that display the current CheerLights color on web pages.
cheerlights/cheerlights-javascript-widgets’s past year of commit activity - raspberry-pi-pico-w Public
Learn how to connect a Raspberry Pi Pico W to the CheerLights IoT project.
cheerlights/raspberry-pi-pico-w’s past year of commit activity