/post | Create a forum post for a show | -imdb_id (required): The IMDB ID to search for. -forum (optional): Destination Discord forum for show post (defaults to the value defined in/setting tv_forum ). |
/link here | Link a show to the current channel for notifications | -imdb_id (required): The IMDB ID to search for. |
/link channel | Link a show to a channel for notifications | -channel (required): The channel to announce episodes in. -imdb_id (required): The IMDB ID to search for. |
/unlink here | Unlink shows from the current channel for notifications | |
/unlink channel | Unlink shows from a channel for notifications | -channel (required): The channel to unlink from announcements. |
/list shows here | List shows linked to the current channel | |
/list shows channel | List shows linked to a specific channel | -channel (required): Channel to list shows from. |
/search | Search for a show by IMDB ID or name | -query (required): Query to search for. Can be an IMDB ID or a show name. |
/upcoming all | Get upcoming episodes this week for all tracked shows | |
/upcoming here | Get upcoming episodes for this channel | |
/upcoming show | Get upcoming episodes for a show | -query (optional): Search for a show saved in the DB. Use the autocomplete! |
/setting all_episodes add | Add a channel to the list that receives all episode notifications | -channel (required): Channel to add to the list that receives all episode notifications. |
/setting all_episodes remove | Remove a channel from the list that receives all episode notifications | -channel (required): Channel to remove from the list that receives all episode notifications. |
/setting morning_summary add_channel | Add a channel to the list that receives the morning summary message | -channel (required): Channel to add to the list that receives the morning summary message. |
/setting morning_summary remove_channel | Remove a channel from the list that receives the morning summary message | -channel (required): Channel to remove from the list that receives the morning summary message. |
/setting tv_forum | Set the forum ID for TV shows | -channel (required): The channel to set as the TV forum. |