This project makes it possible to have an ical feed for your loans in theBerlin Library. Never again forget to return a book on time. The ical feed willhave two dates for each loan. One at the due date and one 3 days before.
The system needs to have your login credentials to access the voebb.de websitewith your account. To make it as safe as possible, you have to host it on yourown. Luckily with options like heroku you can do that for free with just a fewclicks.

After you deployed it and configured the correct voebb credentials, you can addthe feed to your calender using the following url:http://[YOURAPPNAME].herokuapp.com/feed/[YOURSECURITYTOKEN]
. The app name andthe security token are defined during the installation using the heroku buttonabove. After you deployed the app, go into the settings and click on "Reveal Config Vars"to get the generated token.
To run the server locally you need to install node, npm and yarn. Afterthat follow these steps:
is the number on your library card,PASSWORD
your password andtheTOKEN_FOR_URL
is used to create a secure URL that can't be guessed.
After you started it, you can get the ical feed with
curl localhost:4000/feed/#TOKEN_FOR_URL#