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Mirror of Apache Flex SDK


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The Apache Flex SDK===================The Apache Flex SDK is the evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK. The ApacheFlex SDK is an application development framework for easily building Flash-basedapplications for mobile devices, web browsers, and desktop platforms.Currently supported platforms include:    Microsoft Windows    Mac OS X    Apple iOS    Google Android    RIM BlackBerry    (Linux)Linux support is currently experimental and you may run into issues. The ApacheFlex project would like to see a fully supported Linux release, but we needhelp from the community in order to do that. Please help out if you can.For more information about the Apache Flex project, please visit: Apache Flex SDK 4.16 is a follow up release to version 4.15. It iscompatible with most code written for the original Adobe Flex 4.6 SDK.Installing the Apache Flex SDK==============================The Apache Flex SDK Installer is an AIR application that simplifies the download and installation of the Apache Flex SDK and its (required) components.It is aimed at anyone who wants to use the latest release of the Apache FlexSDK, but who might not necessarily be familiar with the tools and proceduresrequired to compile the Apache Flex SDK from source code. The application willgrab the binary distribution of the SDK from or one of its mirrors,install it onto your computer and prepare it for use with your favourite IDEsuch as Adobe Flash Builder or JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA.You can get the Apache Flex SDK Installer from the Apache Flex website at: with the Apache Flex SDK 4.12, Linux users can install the binarydistribution using ANT. More information about installing the binary packagewith ANT can be found on our wiki at: the Apache Flex SDK from source========================================The Apache Flex SDK is a large project. It requires build tools which must beinstalled on your system and it depends on some external software. The externalsoftware is downloaded as part of the build process.There are two ways to get the SDK source.1) from a git repository2) from a source package distributionThe following steps are all you need for a fully functional SDK:- Prepare your system    - install external software    - set environment variables- Get the source code- Build the SDK- Prepare the SDK for use with an IDE- Optional steps:  - Flash Player configuration  - Other locale supportPrepare your system-------------------Before building the Apache Flex SDK you must install the following software andset the corresponding environment variables. Make sure to use absolute paths,as relative paths will result in build errors.The environment variables PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME, AIR_HOME, FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER,TLF_HOME, BLAZEDS_HOME and ADOBE_EXTENSION_MANAGER can also be set in aproperty file called See the filefor instructions.The Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR have non Apache compatible licenses sothey can not be bundled with the Apache Flex SDK and need to be installedseparately.The Adobe Flash Player ‘playerglobal.swc’ is needed to compile all thecomponents with the exception of the ‘airframework’ and ‘airspark’components, which require ‘airglobal.swc’ from the AIR Integration Kit. TheAIR Integration kit is also needed to build and debug mobile and desktopapplications. The Adobe Flash Player content debugger is used by the ant‘checkintests’ target and other pieces of the test subsystem to run compiledapplications.---------------------------------------------------------------------SOFTWARE                                      ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE---------------------------------------------------------------------Java SDK 1.8 or greater (* 1)                 JAVA_HOMEAnt 1.8 or greater (* 1)                      ANT_HOMEAdobe AIR Integration Kit (* 2)               AIR_HOMEAdobe Flash Player Content Debugger (* 3)     FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGERAdobe Flash Player playerglobal swcs (* 4)    PLAYERGLOBAL_HOMEOptional: Text Layout Framework (* 5)         TLF_HOMEOptional: Adobe Extension Manager CS5 (* 6)   ADOBE_EXTENSION_MANAGEROptional: Flex Messaging Common (* 7)         BLAZEDS_HOMEJava Cryptography Extensions    (see note (*8))---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1)The bin directories for ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME should be added to your PATH.On Windows, set PATH to    PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\binOn the Mac (bash), set PATH to    export PATH='$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin'On Linux make sure your path includes ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME.* 2)The Adobe AIR integration kit for Windows can be downloaded from: Adobe AIR integration kit for Mac can be downloaded from: Adobe AIR integration kit for Linux is no longer available from Adobe.Download the AIR SDK for your platform and unzip it. Set AIR_HOME to theabsolute path of the AIR SDK directory.This version of the Apache Flex SDK was certified for use with Adobe AIR 16and is compatible with version 3.1 and up. It has been fully tested on AIR 3.7,4 and 16.* 3)The Adobe Flash Player content debuggers can be found here:    - Windows:    - Mac:    - Linux: version of the Apache Flex SDK was certified for use with Adobe FlashPlayer 11.1, and is compatible with version 10.2 and up. It has been testedwith versions 11.1, 11.7, 13.0 and 16.0 on Windows and Mac. It has beencompiled, but not fully tested, with other Adobe Flash Player versions.It has not been fully tested on Linux.On Windows, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path including thefilename of the FlashPlayerDebugger.exe. Note the filename of flash playerdebugger may be different, e.g. C:\MyPath\FlashPlayerDebugger.exe.On the Mac, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path of'Flash Player Player Debugger'On Linux, set FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER to the absolute path of flashplayerdebugger.* 4)The Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc for 32.0 can be downloaded from: PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME to the absolute path of the player directory (notincluding the version subdirectory). The target-player option controls whichPLAYERGLOBAL_HOME subdirectory is used.Additional information about downloading and setting up this and/or otherversions of the Adobe Flash Player can be found in the section'Adobe Flash Player Version Support' below.* 5)The build scripts assume that the root folder containing the source code forApache Flex Text Layout Framework ('flex-tlf') is at the same level as the SDKroot folder ('flex-sdk'). See 'Getting the source code', below. If this is notthe case on your system, then you must set the TLF_HOME environment variable topoint to your TLF root folder. If you are using a released artifact, thesource should be included in the artifact, so setting TLF_HOME is notrequired.* 6)The Adobe Extension Manager is only required for those creating releases ortesting changes to the flash-integration SWC. Note that if you change APIs onclasses that flash-integration depends on, you may need to updateflash-integration.On Windows, download the Adobe Extension Manager from: Windows 10, download the Adobe Extension Manager CS6 from: set ADOBE_EXTENSION_MANAGER to the absolute path of'Adobe Extension Manager CS5.exe'On Mac, download the Adobe Extension Manager from: set ADOBE_EXTENSION_MANAGER to the absolute path of'Adobe Extension Manager Extension Manager CS5'On Linux, no Adobe Extension Manager exists.* 7)The build scripts assume that the root folder containing the source code for ApacheFlex BlazeDS ('flex-blazeds') is at the same level as the SDK root folder('flex-sdk'). See 'Getting the source code', below. If this is notthe case on your system, then you must set the BLAZEDS_HOME environment variableto point to your BLAZEDS root folder. If you are using a released artifact, thesource should be included in the artifact, so setting BLAZEDS_HOME is notrequired.* 8)The Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE) Unlimited Strength jars are needed inorder to download 3rd party software. Download and install this from Oraclewhich version you need will depend on your Java version and OS.Get the source code-------------------You can get the source directly from the source code repository (Apache Flexuses git for SCM).Clone the latest source ('develop' branch) using the following commands:    git clone flex-sdk    cd flex-sdk    git checkout developThe Apache Flex SDK also requires source code from the Apache Flex Text LayoutFramework (TLF). To get the latest source for TLF ('develop' branch), use thefollowing commands:    git clone flex-tlf    cd flex-tlf    git checkout developThe Apache Flex SDK also requires source code from Apache Flex BlazeDS. To get the latest source for Apache Flex BlazeDS (‘master’ branch), use thefollowing commands:    git clone flex-blazeds    cd flex-blazedsAnother option to get the source is to download a released source package.For further information visit: the SDK-------------When you have all the prerequisites in place and the environment variables set,use these commands:    cd <flex-sdk>    ant mainto download the third party dependencies and build the source. You will beprompted to acknowledge and/or confirm some of the downloads. Since thethird-party dependencies take a little while to download and they don't changevery often, they are not cleaned with the regular 'clean' target.If you would like to build the RSLs, use:    ant frameworks-rslsTo clean the build of everything other than the downloaded third-partydependencies, use:    ant cleanTo clean the build of everything, including the downloaded third-partydependencies, use:    ant super-cleanTo generate a source distribution package and a binary distribution package,use:    ant -Dbuild.number=<YYYYMMDD> -Dbuild.noprompt= releaseThe packages can then be found in the <flex-sdk>\out directory.To build the ASDoc package, use:    ant asdoc-packageTo get a brief listing of all the targets, use:    ant -projecthelpPrepare the SDK for use with an IDE-----------------------------------To create an SDK for Flash Builder or any other IDE, run:    cd <flex.dir>    ant frameworks-rsls    ant -f installer.xml    If you want to set the Flash Player and AIR versions to something otherthan their defaults, pass the versions to the ant script like so:     ant -f installer.xml -Dflash.sdk.version=32.0 -Dair.sdk.version=32.0On Mac/Linux the AIR and Flash Player version can be changed, after the SDKhas been compiled, by running:    ./ide/ ./ 32.0    ./ide/ 32.0 ./Using the Binary Distribution=============================In order to use the binary distribution of the SDK, follow the instructions inthe 'Prepare the SDK for use with an IDE' section above.Flash Player Configuration=========================For testing, the Adobe Flash Player's mm.cfg file must have the followingentries    ErrorReportingEnable=1    TraceOutputFileEnable=1and a FlashPlayerTrust file must allow local SWFs to access local files.More information about these settings can be found here: Locale Support====================The Apache Flex SDK defaults to using the en_US locale and SDK error messagesare by default displayed in American English.To compile the SDK for another locale either:Change the locale in the file to have a value other than'en_US'. For this new locale to take effect, the SDK needs to be recompiled. Forexample, to use the Australian English locale change locale to have a value of'en_AU' like so:    locale = en_AUORCompile the SDK with a -Dlocale=<locale> option, where <locale> is the newlocale to compile the SDK against.To compile all supported locales, which may take some time, use:    ant other.localesThe list of supported locales currently include:    da_DK    el_GR    en_GB    fi_FI    it_IT    nb_NO    pt_PT    zh_CN    de_CH    en_AU    en_US    fr_CH    ja_JP    nl_NL    ru_RU    zh_TW    de_DE    en_CA    es_ES    fr_FR    ko_KR    pt_BR    sv_SEThe Apache Flex SDK has only been tested for the en_US locale. However, you areunlikely to run into any issues with a SDK compiled for another locale.Adobe Flash Player Version Support==================================The Apache Flex SDK defaults to using the Adobe Flash Player 11.1. The SDK canbe used with Flash Player versions 10.2 and up.It is recommended that you update to the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.Newer versions of the Adobe Flash player address security vulnerabilities, fixbugs/issues, increase stability, and support new features.To use the SDK for another version of the Adobe Flash Player either:Change the flex-config.xml configuration file to specify another version of theAdobe Flash Player.ORChange the playerglobal.version in the file to have a valueother than '11.1'. For this change to take effect, the SDK needs to berecompiled. For example, to compile against the latest version of the AdobeFlash Player, set the value of playerglobal.version to be '32.0' like so:    playerglobal.version = 32.0ORCompile the SDK with a -Dplayerglobal.version=<version> option, where <version>is the Adobe Flash Player version to compile the SDK against.Different versions of the Adobe Flash Player require different versions ofplayerglobal.swc. However, Adobe has stopped providing all older versions ofplayerglobal.swc, and only version 32.0 is available now.It can be found at: the target playerglobal.swc to the directory:    frameworks/libs/player/<version.major>.<version.minor>/playerglobal.swc    On OSX, running the script:    ./ide/  will download any new or missing player global swcs.Software Dependencies=====================The Apache Flex SDK uses third-party code that will be downloaded as part ofthe build. In addition, you can choose to download optional third-party codeif you would like to take advantage of the features offered, and you agree tothe license terms.The following dependencies have licenses which are, or are compatible with, theApache Version 2.0 license. You will not be prompted to acknowledge thedownload. Most of the jars are installed in lib/external.    batik -    commons-collections -    commons-discovery -    commons-logging -    javacc -    velocity -    xalan -    xerces - following dependencies have licenses which Apache considers to bereciprocal licenses. These files are installed in lib/externalframeworks/libs respectively.    saxon9 -    osmf.swc (Open Source Media Framework v2.0; used for video components) -    saxon9 is released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.0:    osmf.swc is released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1: following dependencies have licenses which Apache considers to beincompatible with the Apache License Version 2.0. You will be prompted to readand agree to the license terms of the dependency before the software can bedownloaded to your system. These are optional components which enableadditional features. They are installed in libs/external/optional.    adt.jar, afe.jar, aglj40.jar, flex-fontkit.jar and rideau.jar (provide embedded font support)    These jars are extracted from:    and are released under an Adobe license: for using the Apache Flex SDK. Enjoy!                                      The Apache Flex Project                                      <>

