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.NET LINQ capabilities in Go


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A powerful language integrated query (LINQ) library for Go.

  • Written in vanilla Go, no dependencies!
  • Complete lazy evaluation with iterator pattern
  • Safe for concurrent use
  • Supports generic functions to make your code cleaner and free of type assertions
  • Supports arrays, slices, maps, strings, channels and custom collections


When used with Go modules, use the following import path:

go get

Older versions of Go using different dependency management tools can use thefollowing import path to prevent breaking API changes:

go get


Usage is as easy as chaining methods like:


Example 1: Find all owners of cars manufactured after 2015

import .""typeCarstruct {yearintowner,modelstring}...varowners []stringFrom(cars).Where(func(cinterface{})bool {returnc.(Car).year>=2015}).Select(func(cinterface{})interface{} {returnc.(Car).owner}).ToSlice(&owners)

Or, you can use generic functions, likeWhereT andSelectT to simplify your code(at a performance penalty):

varowners []stringFrom(cars).WhereT(func(cCar)bool {returnc.year>=2015}).SelectT(func(cCar)string {returnc.owner}).ToSlice(&owners)

Example 2: Find the author who has written the most books

import .""typeBookstruct {idinttitlestringauthors []string}author:=From(books).SelectMany(// make a flat array of authorsfunc(bookinterface{})Query {returnFrom(book.(Book).authors)}).GroupBy(// group by authorfunc(authorinterface{})interface{} {returnauthor// author as key},func(authorinterface{})interface{} {returnauthor// author as value}).OrderByDescending(// sort groups by its lengthfunc(groupinterface{})interface{} {returnlen(group.(Group).Group)}).Select(// get authors out of groupsfunc(groupinterface{})interface{} {returngroup.(Group).Key}).First()// take the first author

Example 3: Implement a custom method that leaves only values greater than the specified threshold

typeMyQueryQueryfunc (qMyQuery)GreaterThan(thresholdint)Query {returnQuery{Iterate:func()Iterator {next:=q.Iterate()returnfunc() (iteminterface{},okbool) {foritem,ok=next();ok;item,ok=next() {ifitem.(int)>threshold {return}}return}},}}result:=MyQuery(Range(1,10)).GreaterThan(5).Results()

Generic Functions

Although Go doesn't implement generics, with some reflection tricks, you can use go-linq withouttypinginterface{}s and type assertions. This will introduce a performance penalty (5x-10x slower)but will yield in a cleaner and more readable code.

Methods withT suffix (such asWhereT) accept functions with generic types. So instead of

.Select(func(v interface{}) interface{} {...})

you can type:

.SelectT(func(v YourType) YourOtherType {...})

This will make your code free ofinterface{} and type assertions.

Example 4: "MapReduce" in a slice of string sentences to list the top 5 most used words using generic functions

varresults []stringFrom(sentences).// split sentences to wordsSelectManyT(func(sentencestring)Query {returnFrom(strings.Split(sentence," "))}).// group the wordsGroupByT(func(wordstring)string {returnword },func(wordstring)string {returnword },).// order by countOrderByDescendingT(func(wordGroupGroup)int {returnlen(wordGroup.Group)}).// order by the wordThenByT(func(wordGroupGroup)string {returnwordGroup.Key.(string)}).Take(5).// take the top 5// project the words using the index as rankSelectIndexedT(func(indexint,wordGroupGroup)string {returnfmt.Sprintf("Rank: #%d, Word: %s, Counts: %d",index+1,wordGroup.Key,len(wordGroup.Group))}).ToSlice(&results)

More examples can be found in thedocumentation.

Release Notes

v3.2.0 (2020-12-29)* Added FromChannelT().* Added DefaultIfEmpty().v3.1.0 (2019-07-09)* Support for Go modules* Added IndexOf()/IndexOfT().v3.0.0 (2017-01-10)* Breaking change: ToSlice() now overwrites existing slice starting  from index 0 and grows/reslices it as needed.* Generic methods support (thanks @cleitonmarx!)  - Accepting parametrized functions was originally proposed in #26  - You can now avoid type assertions and interface{}s  - Functions with generic methods are named as "MethodNameT" and    signature for the existing LINQ methods are unchanged.* Added ForEach(), ForEachIndexed() and AggregateWithSeedBy().v2.0.0 (2016-09-02)* IMPORTANT: This release is a BREAKING CHANGE. The old version  is archived at the 'archive/0.9' branch or the 0.9 tags.* A COMPLETE REWRITE of go-linq with better performance and memory  efficiency. (thanks @kalaninja!)* API has significantly changed. Most notably:  - linq.T removed in favor of interface{}  - library methods no longer return errors  - PLINQ removed for now (see channels support)  - support for channels, custom collections and comparablesv0.9-rc4* GroupBy()v0.9-rc3.2* bugfix: All() iterating over values instead of indicesv0.9-rc3.1* bugfix: modifying result slice affects subsequent query methodsv0.9-rc3* removed FirstOrNil, LastOrNil, ElementAtOrNil methodsv0.9-rc2.5* slice-accepting methods accept slices of any type with reflectionsv0.9-rc2* parallel linq (plinq) implemented* Queryable separated into Query & ParallelQuery* fixed early termination for Allv0.9-rc1* many linq methods are implemented* methods have error handling support* type assertion limitations are unresolved* build integrated* open sourced on github, master & dev branches

