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iCalendar (ics) file generator for node.js
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TheiCalendar generator
npm install -S ics
- Create an iCalendar event:
constics=require('ics')// or, in ESM: import * as ics from 'ics'constevent={start:[2018,5,30,6,30],duration:{hours:6,minutes:30},title:'Bolder Boulder',description:'Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder, Colorado',location:'Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)',url:'http://www.bolderboulder.com/',geo:{lat:40.0095,lon:105.2669},categories:['10k races','Memorial Day Weekend','Boulder CO'],status:'CONFIRMED',busyStatus:'BUSY',organizer:{name:'Admin',email:'Race@BolderBOULDER.com'},attendees:[{name:'Adam Gibbons',email:'adam@example.com',rsvp:true,partstat:'ACCEPTED',role:'REQ-PARTICIPANT'},{name:'Brittany Seaton',email:'brittany@example2.org',dir:'https://linkedin.com/in/brittanyseaton',role:'OPT-PARTICIPANT'}]}ics.createEvent(event,(error,value)=>{if(error){console.log(error)return}console.log(value)})// BEGIN:VCALENDAR// VERSION:2.0// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN// PRODID:adamgibbons/ics// METHOD:PUBLISH// X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H// BEGIN:VEVENT// UID:S8h0Vj7mTB74p9vt5pQzJ// SUMMARY:Bolder Boulder// DTSTAMP:20181017T204900Z// DTSTART:20180530T043000Z// DESCRIPTION:Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder\, Colorado// X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY// URL:http://www.bolderboulder.com/// GEO:40.0095;105.2669// LOCATION:Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)// STATUS:CONFIRMED// CATEGORIES:10k races,Memorial Day Weekend,Boulder CO// ORGANIZER;CN=Admin:mailto:Race@BolderBOULDER.com// ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;CN=Adam Gibbons:mailto:adam@example.com// ATTENDEE;RSVP=FALSE;ROLE=OPT-PARTICIPANT;DIR=https://linkedin.com/in/brittanyseaton;CN=Brittany// Seaton:mailto:brittany@example2.org// DURATION:PT6H30M// END:VEVENT// END:VCALENDAR
- Write an iCalendar file:
const{ writeFileSync}=require('fs')constics=require('ics')ics.createEvent({title:'Dinner',description:'Nightly thing I do',busyStatus:'FREE',start:[2018,1,15,6,30],duration:{minutes:50}},(error,value)=>{if(error){console.log(error)}writeFileSync(`${__dirname}/event.ics`,value)/*You cannot use fs in Frontend libraries like React so you rather import a module to save files to the browser as follow [ import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; // For saving the file in the browser]const blob = new Blob([value], { type: 'text/calendar' }); saveAs(blob, `${title}.ics`);*/})
- Create multiple iCalendar events:
constics=require('./dist')const{ error, value}=ics.createEvents([{title:'Lunch',start:[2018,1,15,12,15],duration:{minutes:45}},{title:'Dinner',start:[2018,1,15,12,15],duration:{hours:1,minutes:30}}])if(error){console.log(error)return}console.log(value)// BEGIN:VCALENDAR// VERSION:2.0// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN// PRODID:adamgibbons/ics// METHOD:PUBLISH// X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H// BEGIN:VEVENT// UID:pP83XzQPo5RlvjDCMIINs// SUMMARY:Lunch// DTSTAMP:20230917T142209Z// DTSTART:20180115T121500Z// DURATION:PT45M// END:VEVENT// BEGIN:VEVENT// UID:gy5vfUVv6wjyBeNkkFmBX// SUMMARY:Dinner// DTSTAMP:20230917T142209Z// DTSTART:20180115T121500Z// DURATION:PT1H30M// END:VEVENT// END:VCALENDAR
- Create iCalendar events with Audio (Mac):
letics=require("ics")letmoment=require("moment")letevents=[]letalarms=[]letstart=moment().format('YYYY-M-D-H-m').split("-").map((a)=>parseInt(a))letend=moment().add({'hours':2,"minutes":30}).format("YYYY-M-D-H-m").split("-").map((a)=>parseInt(a))alarms.push({action:'audio',description:'Reminder',trigger:{hours:2,minutes:30,before:true},repeat:2,attachType:'VALUE=URI',attach:'Glass'})letevent={productId:"myCalendarId",uid:"123"+"@ics.com",startOutputType:"local",start:start,end:end,title:"test here",alarms:alarms}events.push(event)console.log(ics.createEvents(events).value)// BEGIN:VCALENDAR// VERSION:2.0// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN// PRODID:myCalendarId// METHOD:PUBLISH// X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H// BEGIN:VEVENT// UID:123@ics.com// SUMMARY:test here// DTSTAMP:20230917T142621Z// DTSTART:20230917T152600// DTEND:20230917T175600// BEGIN:VALARM// ACTION:AUDIO// REPEAT:2// DESCRIPTION:Reminder// ATTACH;VALUE=URI:Glass// TRIGGER:-PT2H30M\nEND:VALARM// END:VEVENT// END:VCALENDAR
import{createEvent}from'ics';constevent={ ...}asyncfunctionhandleDownload(){constfilename='ExampleEvent.ics'constfile=awaitnewPromise((resolve,reject)=>{createEvent(event,(error,value)=>{if(error){reject(error)}resolve(newFile([value],filename,{type:'text/calendar'}))})})consturl=URL.createObjectURL(file);// trying to assign the file URL to a window could cause cross-site// issues so this is a workaround using HTML5constanchor=document.createElement('a');anchor.href=url;anchor.download=filename;document.body.appendChild(anchor);anchor.click();document.body.removeChild(anchor);URL.revokeObjectURL(url);}
Generates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with one VEVENT.If a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form{ error, value }
contains an iCal-compliant string if there are no errors.If a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.
Object literal containing event information.Only thestart
property is required.
Note all date/time fields can be the array form, or a number representing the unix timestamp in milliseconds (e.g.getTime()
on aDate
The following properties are accepted:
Property | Description | Example |
start | Required. Date and time at which the event begins. | [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] (January 5, 2000) or anumber |
startInputType | Type of the date/time data instart :local (default): passed data is in local time.utc : passed data is UTC | |
startOutputType | Format of the start date/time in the output:utc (default): the start date will be sent in UTC format.local : the start date will be sent as "floating" (form #1 inRFC 5545) | |
end | Time at which event ends.Eitherend orduration is required, butnot both. | [2000, 1, 5, 13, 5] (January 5, 2000 at 1pm) or anumber |
endInputType | Type of the date/time data inend :local : passed data is in local time.utc : passed data is UTC.The default is the value of startInputType | |
endOutputType | Format of the start date/time in the output:utc : the start date will be sent in UTC format.local : the start date will be sent as "floating" (form #1 inRFC 5545).The default is the value of startOutputType | |
duration | How long the event lasts. Object literal having form{ weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds } Eitherend orduration is required, butnot both. | { hours: 1, minutes: 45 } (1 hour and 45 minutes) |
title | Title of event. | 'Code review' |
description | Description of event. | 'A constructive roasting of those seeking to merge into master branch' |
location | Intended venue | Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery |
geo | Geographic coordinates (lat/lon) | { lat: 38.9072, lon: 77.0369 } |
url | URL associated with event | 'http://www.mountainsunpub.com/' |
status | Three statuses are allowed:TENTATIVE ,CONFIRMED ,CANCELLED | CONFIRMED |
organizer | Person organizing the event | { name: 'Adam Gibbons', email: 'adam@example.com', dir: 'https://linkedin.com/in/adamgibbons', sentBy: 'test@example.com' } |
attendees | Persons invited to the event | [{ name: 'Mo', email: 'mo@foo.com', rsvp: true }, { name: 'Bo', email: 'bo@bar.biz', dir: 'https://twitter.com/bo1234', partstat: 'ACCEPTED', role: 'REQ-PARTICIPANT' }] |
categories | Categories associated with the event | ['hacknight', 'stout month'] |
alarms | Alerts that can be set to trigger before, during, or after the event. The followingattach properties work on Mac OS: Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sousumi, Submarine, Tink | { action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: [2000, 1, 4, 18, 30] } OR{ action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: true } } OR{ action: 'display', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: false } OR{ action: 'audio', description: 'Reminder', trigger: { hours: 2, minutes: 30, before: true }, repeat: 2, attachType: 'VALUE=URI', attach: 'Glass' } |
productId | Product which created ics,PRODID field | 'adamgibbons/ics' |
uid | Universal unique id for event, produced by default withnanoid .Warning: This value must beglobally unique. It is recommended that it follow theRFC 822 addr-spec (i.e.localpart@domain ). Including the@domain half is a good way to ensure uniqueness. | 'LZfXLFzPPR4NNrgjlWDxn' |
method | This property defines the iCalendar object method associated with the calendar object. When used in a MIME message entity, the value of this property MUST be the same as the Content-Type "method" parameter value. If either the "METHOD" property or the Content-Type "method" parameter is specified, then the other MUST also be specified. | PUBLISH |
recurrenceRule | A recurrence rule, commonly referred to as an RRULE, defines the repeat pattern or rule for to-dos, journal entries and events. If specified, RRULE can be used to compute the recurrence set (the complete set of recurrence instances in a calendar component). You can use a generator like thisone. | FREQ=DAILY |
exclusionDates | Array of date-time exceptions for recurring events, to-dos, journal entries, or time zone definitions. | [[2000, 1, 5, 10, 0], [2000, 2, 5, 10, 0]] OR[1694941727477, 1694945327477] |
sequence | For sending an update for an event (with the same uid), defines the revision sequence number. | 2 |
busyStatus | Used to specify busy status for Microsoft applications, like Outlook. SeeMicrosoft spec. | 'BUSY' OR'FREE' OR'TENTATIVE ' OR'OOF' |
transp | Used to specify event transparency (does event consume actual time of an individual). Used by Google Calendar to determine if event should change attendees availability to 'Busy' or not. | 'TRANSPARENT' OR'OPAQUE' |
classification | This property defines the access classification for a calendar component. SeeiCalender spec. | 'PUBLIC' OR'PRIVATE' OR'CONFIDENTIAL ' OR any non-standard string |
created | Date-time representing event's creation date. Provide a date-time in local time | [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] or anumber |
lastModified | Date-time representing date when event was last modified. Provide a date-time in local time | [2000, 1, 5, 10, 0] or anumber |
calName | Specifies thecalendar (not event) name. Used by Apple iCal and Microsoft Outlook; seeOpen Specification | 'Example Calendar' |
htmlContent | Used to include HTML markup in an event's description. Standard DESCRIPTION tag should contain non-HTML version. | <!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>This is<br>test<br>html code.</p></body></html> |
To create anall-day event, pass only three values (year
, anddate
) to thestart
properties.The date of theend
property should be the dayafter your all-day event.For example, in order to create an all-day event occuring on October 15, 2018:
consteventAttributes={start:[2018,10,15],end:[2018,10,16],/* rest of attributes */}
Optional.Node-style callback.
function(err,value){if(err){// if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason// if iCal generation succeeds, err is null}console.log(value)// iCal-compliant text string}
Generates an iCal-compliant VCALENDAR string with multiple VEVENTS.
may be omitted, and in this case they will be read from the first event.
If a callback is not provided, returns an object having the form{ error, value }
, where value is an iCal-compliant text stringiferror
If a callback is provided, returns a Node-style callback.
Array ofattributes
objects (as described increateEvent
Optional.Node-style callback.
function(err,value){if(err){// if iCal generation fails, err is an object containing the reason// if iCal generation succeeds, err is null}console.log(value)// iCal-compliant text string}
Run mocha tests and watch for changes:
npm start
Run tests once and exit:
npm test
Build the project, compiling all ES6 files within thesrc
directory into vanilla JavaScript in thedist
npm run build
iCalendar (ics) file generator for node.js