- Politeknik Negeri Malang
- Malang , Jawa Timur
- 11:00
(UTC +07:00) - https://yudas-resume.vercel.app
- yudas1337
- yudas1337
- in/yudas1337
I'm Yudas Malabi . I'm From Indonesia . I'm also a Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer. And Learning to become a Cyber Security Expert. I love building applications & discussing new product ideas. Contact me below if you want to work together 😄✌️
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨🏽💻 I’m currently working on Web And Mobile Development 😉
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Cloud Computing , AI, Cyber Security and also IoT
- 💬 Ask me about anything via social media, I am very happy to answer it
- 👯 I'm very happy if you want to work together with me 🤝
- ⚡️ Besides Programming , I loves Music and I'm also a Content Creator in Youtube Platform
- 🤔 I'm also interested about UI/UX design
- 📝Visit My Resume
- I'm very happy and grateful if you want to support via donation below . Thanks 💖
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- yudas1337.github.io
yudas1337.github.io PublicI'm Yudas Malabi . I'm From Indonesia . I'm a Fullstack Web & Mobile Developer. Thanks and enjoy for visiting my github 😄✌️
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