Wavefront Engineering Group
- localStokes
localStokes PublicCode implementation of Photonics Research paper on Local Stokes parameters of a higly focused light beam
Jupyter Notebook 1
- moleca
moleca PublicForked fromkramos966/moleca
Moleca (Mode-less convolution algorithm) is a numerical method to compute the complex spectral density matrix (CSDM)
Python 1
- OpticalNeedles
OpticalNeedles PublicForked fromdmaluenda/OpticalNeedles
Repo with the code to simulate needles in lab conditions and to analyze results from the acquisition
- phase-retriever
phase-retriever PublicForked fromkramos966/phase-retriever
Phase retrieval GUI for the Fineup algorithm
Python 3
- IDS_camera_interface
IDS_camera_interface PublicInterface for IDS cameras using pyueye module: python and labview
- TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging
TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging PublicForked fromWilly8m/TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging
Codi desenvolupat per Guillem Barta durant el seu TFG
- TFG_SiamesNetwork_TripetLos Public Forked fromAmFruitY/DeepLearningCryo
Repository for Final Degree Project of Joshua Lorenzana, focused on addressing the analysis of molecules observed under cryogenic conditions using Deep Learning techniques
WavefrontEngUB/TFG_SiamesNetwork_TripetLos’s past year of commit activity - phase-retriever Public Forked fromkramos966/phase-retriever
Phase retrieval GUI for the Fineup algorithm
WavefrontEngUB/phase-retriever’s past year of commit activity - localStokes Public
Code implementation of Photonics Research paper on Local Stokes parameters of a higly focused light beam
WavefrontEngUB/localStokes’s past year of commit activity - holographicMicro Public
Application of the phase retrieval algorithm to make a holographic microscope
WavefrontEngUB/holographicMicro’s past year of commit activity - metal_detection Public Forked fromlluiscaralt/metal_detection
Scripts and data used on the work: Detection of metallic objects in a dispersive medium using circularly polarized light
WavefrontEngUB/metal_detection’s past year of commit activity - dirichlet_sources Public
Set of programs used to compute the focal irradiances and degrees of coherence of partially coherent dirichlet sources.
WavefrontEngUB/dirichlet_sources’s past year of commit activity - TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging Public Forked fromWilly8m/TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging
Codi desenvolupat per Guillem Barta durant el seu TFG
WavefrontEngUB/TFG-Single-Pixel-Imaging’s past year of commit activity - image_triplet_loss Public Forked fromsanku-lib/image_triplet_loss
Image similarity using Triplet Loss
WavefrontEngUB/image_triplet_loss’s past year of commit activity