- Advanced Space System Group, India
- Delhi, India
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/vi-ku/
- https://www.viku.co.in
- Pro
🔭 I’m currently working on [Autonomous Mobile Robots, Automated Guided Vehicle, Collaborative Robots and Fleet Management System(https://www.rapyuta-robotics.com/)
🌱 I’m currently learningROS, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Control System, Motion planners, Fleet Management System and CAD
🤝 I’m looking for help withROS and Scalable Systems
👨💻 All of my projects are available atVi-Ku
📝 I regularly write articles onvi-ku
💬 Ask me aboutROS, Computer Vision, CAD, Control System
📫 How to reach mevishalmimani008@gmail.com
Find my Resume, if you have any opening for me.Resume
⚡ Fun factI am mad and wise at the same time.
- Robotic-arm-pick-and-place
Robotic-arm-pick-and-place PublicHere we will simulate a 6 DoF robotic arm and execute a pick and place mechanism for a probe. This is a part of the course at Udacity.com
Jupyter Notebook 1
- Perception-Project
Perception-Project PublicHere we build a complete perception pipeline in ROS(Robot Operating System) for a PR2 robot, which recognises an object, detects it and then places it in a box, this is a part of the Amazon Challenge.
- Facial_Keypoint_Detection
Facial_Keypoint_Detection PublicDeteing facial keypoints using CNN
Jupyter Notebook 1
- RoboND-EKFLab
RoboND-EKFLab PublicHere we will experiment with Extended Kalman Filter Localization packages in ROS
- RoboND-MCL-Lab
RoboND-MCL-Lab PublicThis is a Lab aimed to teach you how to program the MCL Algorithm step by step in a simple environment.
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