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Sign up is an online project which can visualize OSPF/ISIS topology based on LSDB output from a single network device. Then you can not only see (and check) the shortest path from source to destination, but also see the outcome from link or node failure along the path to the destination.


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Repository files navigation is a Web Python-based tool, which is aimed at visualizing OSPF/ISIS topology and working with the OSPF/ISIS network offline! No any logins and passwords!The Topolograph visualizes OSPF/ISIS network topology based on LinkState DataBase scrapped from a single network device ( thanks OSPF/ISIS =). You can upload a txt file or boot up docker's version of Topolograph on your PC and the Topolograph takes OSPF via NAPALM's methods by itself. Then you can build the shortest path from a source to a destination, get backup paths, emulate link outage along the path or change OSPF/ISIS link cost on the fly! Additionally, you can simulate a device outage and see appropriate network reaction. Build reports about the network.
Once you upload your OSPF/ISIS to Topolograph - you save the state of your network. After any changes on a network (i.e. redistribution from BGP to OSPF via route-maps with prefix-lists) - upload the network once again and compare them between each other.

Real-Time monitoring

Watcher agent for real-time monitoring of changes happened in OSPF/IS-IS domain

Available option

  • Do not require any logins and passwords - accept LSDB from txt file or via Rest API
  • Docker version is available. Launch local copy of Topolograph site on your PC
  • Once you get your network graph - build the shortests paths
  • Simulate a link outage and discover backup paths or backup of backup paths...
  • Simulate a router shutdown. Look at traffic flow around the failed router
  • Find the most loaded nodes and edges, fault tolerant nodes.
  • Check network reaction to IGP cost change on a link
  • Compare the network state at different times
  • Discover backuped/not-backuped networks in Analytics/Network heatmap
  • Discover asymmetric paths
  • Build arbitrary topologies based on YAML. Yaml file topology visualization.

Supported vendors for OSPF visualization

VendorLSA1LSA2LSA5NAPALM support
Ciscoshow ip ospf database routershow ip ospf database networkshow ip ospf database externalYES
Cisco NX-OSshow ip ospf database router detailshow ip ospf database network detailshow ip ospf database external detailNo
Quaggashow ip ospf database routershow ip ospf database networkshow ip ospf database externalYES
Ruckusshow ip ospf database link-state routershow ip ospf database link-state networkshow ip ospf database external-link-stateNo
Junipershow ospf database router extensive | no-moreshow ospf database network extensive | no-moreshow ospf database external extensive | no-moreYES
Birdshow ospf state allshow ospf state allshow ospf state allNo
Nokiashow router ospf database type router detailshow router ospf database type network detailshow router ospf database type external detailYes
Mikrotik/routing ospf lsa print detail file=lsa.txt/routing ospf lsa print detail file=lsa.txt/routing ospf lsa print detail file=lsa.txtNo
Huaweidisplay ospf lsdb routerdisplay ospf lsdb networkdisplay ospf lsdb aseNo
Paloaltoshow routing protocol ospf dumplsdbshow routing protocol ospf dumplsdbshow routing protocol ospf dumplsdbNo
Ubiquiti1show ip ospf database routershow ip ospf database networkshow ip ospf database externalNo
Allied Telesisshow ip ospf database routershow ip ospf database networkshow ip ospf database externalNo
Extremeshow ospf lsdb detail lstype routershow ospf lsdb detail lstype networkshow ospf lsdb detail lstype as-externalNo
Ericssonshow ospf database router detailshow ospf database network detailshow ospf database external detailNo
Fortinetget router info ospf database router lsaget router info ospf database network lsaget router info ospf database external lsaNo
FRRoutingshow ip ospf database routershow ip ospf database networkshow ip ospf database externalNo

LSA 1 and LSA 2 is mandatory and have to exist in the same file. LSA 5 is optional. The output from all commands should be placed in a single file and then be uploaded to Topolograph.

Supported vendors for OSPFv3 visualization

VendorCommandStub network includedExternal (redistributed) network
Aristashow ipv6 ospf database detailYESYES

Supported vendors for ISIS visualization

VendorCommandStub network includedExternal (redistributed) network
Ciscoshow isis database detailYESNo, (need tested LSDB for adding it)
Junipershow isis database extensiveYES, but need tested LSDB for checking itNo, (need tested LSDB for adding it)
Nokiashow router isis database detailYES, but need tested LSDB for checking itNo, (need tested LSDB for adding it)
Huaweidisplay isis lsdb verboseYES, but need tested LSDB for checking itNo, (need tested LSDB for adding it)
ZTEshow isis database verboseYES, but need tested LSDB for checking itNo, (need tested LSDB for adding it)

How to start

  • run commands specifically to your vendor (from Supported vendors table) on single device ( if you have multiple areas - do it on ABR)

  • save all commands output in a single file with .txt or .log extension

  • upload the file to Topolograph

  • or do it programmatically via Rest API. Multi devices LSDBs are supported via API only (v2.34).

Expected file's extension

  • .txt
  • .log


Upload OSPF LSDB to the Topolograph and Building the shortest paths

This demo shows how to get OSPF topology visual and interact with it.

  1. Upload the file to Topolograph from exicuted commands previously.
  2. Build the shortest paths
  3. Emulate a link outage and see backup paths

Network reaction on the link failure. Backup paths

Pressing on edge we simulate the link outage and can see backup paths
pressing on edge we simulate the link outage and can see backup pathsand we can see backup of backup paths as well

OSPF cost changes on the fly. OSPF cost planning.

It's feasible to change OSPF cost on any edge and get network reaction on the fly!
Build the shortest path under General View and set new OSPF cost in new pop-up-ed form - new path will be repainted
This pop-uped form is available under NetworkReactionOnFailure and shows network traffic pattern changes!
On the demo below we changed OSPF cost from 1 to 22 and OSPF rebuilt the shortest path via bottom link.

Sum it up, available features under GeneralView Tab:

  • Build the shortest path, right click on a node and set it as a source or destination.
  • Find backup paths, just press on a colored SPT edge and you will simulate link outage. The network reaction will be showed with using different colors.
  • OSPF edge cost planning right click on an edge and you can change edge's OSPF cost you see new path of your SPT.
  • Find termination node of a network start typing a network in Focus/Source tab and you get a dropdown list with all nodes with this network. Once you choose it - you will be focused on the node.

NetworkReactionOnFailure is covered inhow-to

It's possible to simulate a link or router shutdown/outage. The topology will be re-pained with expected changed traffic flow avoiding failed link or router.

  • Blue lines show traffic increasing over the link
  • Grey lines show traffic decreasing over the link

Try to shutdown backup router and see the graph reaction. If this is a true backup router - there shoudn't be network rebuilding too much


Asymmetric paths

When different costs are configured on different links - asymmetric paths could be in the network. The incoming path from W to F is going via C-D, but the outgoing path is via B-A. Paths can go via different ISPs and come with different delays and, probably, losses. The report is aimed at discovering such cases in order to eliminate it.

Network heatmap

The topolograph knows what networks are advertised by nodes. When the network is terminated on both routers, using VRRP, both nodes advertise the network. The node is marked by red if it has a lot of unbackuped networks, and vise versa.

ECMP backup paths

  • We suggest that if we have multiple links bounded to ECMP and if the main link in ECMP goes down, the backup path should go via the second link in ECMP. passed report
    passed report
  • If backup path goes not via ECMP and chooses completely different path - the report will be treated as failed. failed report
    passed report


Keep your network inside your organization.Run your local copy of Topolograph inside your on-premises network using the docker image.



Full schema description ishere

Default credentials

Default credentials are available via environment variables in case of using docker-based version. How to set it described in thiscase.


Started from v2.19. Scrab your LSDB using your favourite tools like Ansible, netmiko, Nornir, etc and upload your OSPF network graph to Topolograph via a POST request. The response returns:

  • diff comparison with previously uploaded graphs
  • link to get all networks
  • status about passed checks (are there are asymmetric links in the network, etc)
{'diff': {'compared_with_graph_time': '08Jun2021_20h15m26s_13_hosts',          'graphs_diff': {'all_edges_stats_ll': [{'dst_node': '',                                                  'link_cost': 10,                                                  'link_status': 'old',                                                  'src_node': ''],                          'new_nodes': [],                          'old_nodes': []},          'networks_diff': {'new_subnets_attr_dd_ll': [{'rid': '',                                                        'subnet': ''}],                            'old_subnets_attr_dd_ll': []}}, 'graph_time': '08Jun2021_20h15m51s_13_hosts', 'hosts': {'count': 13}, 'networks': {'backuped': 17,              'count': 39,              'notbackuped': 22,              'url_link': ''}, 'reports': {'ansym_edges_pass_status': False}, 'timestamp': '2021-06-08T20:15:51.724000'}

API graph upload

Upload you OSPF network via python. Supposed that you saved commands output into cisco_lsdb_output.txt.

import requestsfrom pprint import pprint as ppwith open('cisco_lsdb_output.txt') as f:  lsdb_output =  r_post ='', auth=('', 'your-pass'),                           json={'lsdb_output': lsdb_output, 'vendor_device': 'Cisco', 'igp_protocol': 'ospf'})  pp(r_post.json())

igp_protocol may includeospf orisis

Get the shortest path

It allows to get the shortest path between two OSPF RID, or it also accepts IP address or IP Subnet as source/destination and returns the following:

  • path's cost
  • the shortest path
  • unbackuped parts of the shortest path (if these links go down, we will lose a connectivity between the source and destination).

src_node anddst_node accepts OSPF RID as a value.

r_post ='', auth=('', ''), json={'graph_time': '27Dec2022_22h46m01s_7_hosts_ospfwatcher', 'src_node': '', 'dst_node': ''})


r_post.json(){'cost': 30, 'spt_path_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': [['', '', '', '']], 'unbackup_paths_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': [['', '']]}

A'' - '' link is shown as nonbackuped
The visual path

Get backup path

removedEdgesAsNodePairsFromSptPath_ll_in_ll accepts a list of edges which will be treated as down links

r_post ='', auth=('', ''), json={'graph_time': '27Dec2022_22h46m01s_7_hosts_ospfwatcher', 'src_node': '', 'dst_node': '', 'removedEdgesAsNodePairsFromSptPath_ll_in_ll': [['', '']]})
r_post.json(){'cost': 40, 'spt_path_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': [['', '', '', '', '']], 'unbackup_paths_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': [['', '']]}

The visual path

get the shortest path for networks

There is a separate method for getting the shortest path, which accepts IP addresses/IP network as an input.
Let's build a path between192.1.113.99 IP and192.1.213.0/24 network.

r_post ='', auth=('', ''), json={'graph_time': '27Dec2022_22h46m01s_7_hosts_ospfwatcher', 'src_ip_or_network': '', 'dst_ip_or_network': ''})


r_post.json(){'cost': 20, 'spt_path_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': [['', '', ''], ['', '', '']], 'unbackup_paths_nodes_name_as_ll_in_ll': []}

The visual path

Network reaction on a failure

We have the following topology

Test case

Emulate powering off nodes and

What we would like to test

  • Link over utilisation will occurs?
  • Network reachability will be broken? Some nodes will be isolated?
    Test request:
import requestsfrom pprint import pprint as ppr_post ='http://<topolograph-host>/api/network_reaction/node_failure/', auth=('   ', '    '),                           json={"graph_time": "25Nov2021_08h20m45s_7_hosts", "failed_nodes_list": ["", ""]})pp(r_post.json())


{'affectedLinks': {'sptPathsDecreasedInPercent': {},                   'sptPathsIncreasedInPercent': {'from': '',                                                  'to': '',                                                  'value': 60}}, 'disjointedNodes': [['', ''],                     [''],                     ['', '']], 'isGraphStillConnected': False}

Yaml based topology

Topolograph visualizes topologies based on OSPF/IS-IS LSDB files, but starting from v2.32 it accepts YAML to build a graph. It can be used for building arbitrary topologies (not exactly IGP domains), but moreover it can keep the topology updated via Rest API. It's the first version of Network Diagram as a Service (NDAS)!
OSPF/IS-IS LSDB <-> YAML is interchangeable now in both ways, so it allows to make a design of IGP domain from the scratch or based on uploaded a LSDB, add new links/edges between nodes or change igp's cost and then check network reaction based on our changes.

Basic YAML based topology.

Build a graph with definednodes andedges.

Node attributes

  • node's name is mandatory. Should be in IP-address format. To change it to any other value - uselabel
  • Tags of node are optional. Any key (type string): value (str, int, float, dictionary, list) pairs.image
    There is a graph with 6 nodes. Select all primary nodes (ha_role:primary) in the first DC (dc1)
import requestsfrom pprint import pprint as ppquery_params = {'location': 'dc1', 'ha_role': 'primary'}                                  r_get = requests.get(f'http://{TOPOLOGRAPH_HOST}:{TOPOLOGRAPH_PORT}/api/diagram/{graph_time}/nodes', auth=('   ', '    '), params=query_params, timeout=(5, 30))


pp(r_get.json())[{'ha_role': 'primary',  'id': 1,  'label': '',  'location': 'dc1',  'name': '',  'size': 15}]

Edge attributes

  • src,dst is mandatory.
  • cost is optional. Default is 1. Equal to OSPF/IS-IS cost.
  • directed is optional. Default is false.
  • Tags of edge are optional. Any key (type string): value (str, int, float, dictionary, list) pairs.image
    Select all edges over verizon ISP between10.10.10.2 and10.10.10.4
query_params = {'src_node': '', 'dst_node': '', 'isp': 'verizon'}r_get = requests.get(f'http://{TOPOLOGRAPH_HOST}:{TOPOLOGRAPH_PORT}/api/diagram/{graph_time}/edges', auth=('   ', '    '), params=query_params, timeout=(5, 30))


pp(r_get.json())                                                                          [{'bw': 1000,  'cost': 1,  'dst': '',  'id': 3,  'isp': 'verizon',  'media': 'fiber',

Network reaction on adding new link between devices.

Let's add a new link withcost 1 between R3 ( and R4 ( device and see how network will react on it.imageObviously, we see traffic increase on direct link R3<->R4 and traffic decrease to R2 ( and R5 (

Online Resources. Contacts

Known issues

If you just upload LSDB and press Delete -> topology will be deleted and added again. Just press Upload LSDB Tab again and then deleting of topology works fine.


Adding new feature into core of Topolograph

Email me admin at and can open the access to the repository.

adding new vendor

In order to project supports different vendors you can help us by creating five separate textfsm files for different LSA types for one vendor. CheckWiki for this.

adding NAPALM support

For adding scrapping OSPF by NAPALM - please create three additional methods and ping me to add it to topolograph. The example based on Cisco IOS NAPALM

    def get_ospf_router_lsa_raw_output(self):        command_router = 'show ip ospf database router'        show_ospf_lsdb_router_lsa_output = self._send_command(command_router).strip()        return show_ospf_lsdb_router_lsa_output    def get_ospf_network_lsa_raw_output(self):        command_network = 'show ip ospf database network'        show_ospf_lsdb_network_lsa_output = self._send_command(command_network).strip()        return show_ospf_lsdb_network_lsa_output    def get_ospf_external_lsa_raw_output(self):        command_external = 'show ip ospf database external'        show_ospf_lsdb_external_lsa_output = self._send_command(command_external).strip()        return show_ospf_lsdb_external_lsa_output

Used RFC

RFC 2328


  1. This command applies to the EdgeRouter line and older Unifi USG Gateways. New Unifi Gateway products use theFRRouting Project.

About is an online project which can visualize OSPF/ISIS topology based on LSDB output from a single network device. Then you can not only see (and check) the shortest path from source to destination, but also see the outcome from link or node failure along the path to the destination.








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