Smart incubator is an app that allows startups to find people that will help them grow . Those people are called in the app "Mentors" and every mentor have a specialty which make him able to search about startups that needs his specialty and contact them by sending messages or meetings in the app.

- This apps uses firebase as backend service for the app .
- Getting a list of mentors and startups .
- Searching in a list of mentors (by : specialty) and startups (by : need) .
- Sending messages between the users (mentors and startups) in the app .
- Sending meetings invitations between the users (mentors and startups) in the app .
- Adding a Profile Photo for the startups and mentors .
This app show many codes example in kotlin on :
- Login / Register from firebase auth .
- Use Firebase RecyclerView Adapter for show showing list of Mentors, Startups, Meetings and Messages .
- Sending Meetings between Mentors and Startups by Firebase Realtime Database .
- Sending Messages between users by Firebase Realtime Database .
- Retrieving an ArrayList of object from firebase realtime database , searching in them and returning a list on RecyclerView .
- Changing informations in firebase realtime database (example : settings pages) .
- Uploading a photo to firebase storage
- Retrieving photos from firebase storage using Glide Library
- Create an new firebase project
- Add just the google-services.json to /app folder
- Enable email authentication method in your firebase project
- Change Realtime Database rules with this :
{"rules": {".read": true,".write":"auth != null" }}