U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
We've verified that the organizationUSEPA controls the domain:
- www.epa.gov
- United States of America
- https://www.epa.gov
- @EPA
- epagov
The US Environmental Protection Agency's mission is to protect human health and the environment. We develop models, tool, data sets, libraries, and applications to help serve our mission.
As part of the government's open source initiative, we publish software here and are open to recieving contributions depending on the project. Please see each repository's CONTRIBUTING.md file for how you can help.
Check out EPA's public open job postingsusabjos.gov.
Here are some interesting topics to explore:
- Stormwater-Management-Model
Stormwater-Management-Model PublicDynamic hydrology-hydraulic water quality simulation model for stormwater, wastewater, and combined sewer collection systems
- msft-chatbot-ui Public Forked fromPatrick-Davis-MSFT/chatbot-ui
Customized GenAI chatbot interface for EPA employees
USEPA/msft-chatbot-ui’s past year of commit activity - data_gathering Public
Repository for scraping GHS and experimental toxicity/physicochemical property data and storing it in a common format
USEPA/data_gathering’s past year of commit activity - hibernate_qsar_model_building Public
This project manages the database underlying WebTest2.0 using Hibernate based Java code
USEPA/hibernate_qsar_model_building’s past year of commit activity