- 🔭Princial architect, Caizin.
- ✍️ Passionate aboutDistributed Systems and Storage engines. In my free time, I share my learnings on myblog.
- ⭐ Contributed to the validation of distributed system patterns in the bookPatterns of Distributed Systems by Unmesh Joshi.
- ⭐ I authored articles onpersistent memory for the renowned author Marcin Moskala.
- ⚡Personal projects, I am buildingpicodb a relational database inspired by the book: Database design and implementation by Edward Sciore.
- 📘 I love reading books, and currently I am readingDatabase design and implementation by Edward Sciore.
- 📫 Let's connect:
Some of my open-source project include:
LSM-based key-value store in Go for educational purpose.
Rewrite of the existing workshop code.
Inspired byLSM in a Week.
Exploring LSM with go-lsm
- Learn LSM from the ground up: Dive deep into the core concepts of Log-Structured Merge-Trees (LSM) through a practical, well-documented implementation.
- Benefit from clean code: Analyze a meticulously crafted codebase that prioritizes simplicity and readability.
- Gain confidence with robust tests: Verify the correctness and reliability of the storage engine through comprehensive tests.
- Experiment and extend: Customize the code to explore different LSM variations or integrate it into your own projects.
Write expressive and elegant assertions with ease!
clearcheck is designed to make assertion statements in Rust as clear and concise as possible.
It allows chaining multiple assertions together for a fluent and intuitive syntax, leading to more self-documenting test cases.
let pass_phrase ="P@@sw0rd1 zebra alpha";pass_phrase.should_not_be_empty().should_have_at_least_length(10).should_contain_all_characters(vec!['@',' ']).should_contain_a_digit().should_not_contain_ignoring_case("pass").should_not_contain_ignoring_case("word");
It has close to 1Kdownloads.
blast is a load generator for TCP servers, especially if such servers maintain persistent connections. It is implemented in golang. It is used in my current project to do the load testing of the distributed key/value storage engine that we are building.
CacheD is a high performance, LFU based in-memory cache in Rust inspired byRistretto.
#[tokio::test]asyncfnput_a_key_value(){let cached =CacheD::new(ConfigBuilder::new(COUNTERS,CAPACITY,CACHE_WEIGHT).build());let acknowledgement = cached.put("topic","LFU cache").unwrap();let status = acknowledgement.handle().await;assert_eq!(CommandStatus::Accepted, status);let value = cached.get(&"topic");assert_eq!(Some("LFU cache"), value);}
It has close to 1.9Kdownloads.
The complete list of my side projects is available on myblog.
Questioning datbase claim: Design patterns of storage engines
I gave a talk on "Questioning database claims: Design patterns of storage engines” at GoConIndia24 on 2nd December.
The idea of the talk was tounderstand various patterns of storage engines (/key-value storage engines) likepersistence (WAL, fsync),efficient retrieval (B+tree, bloom filters, data layouts),efficient ingestion (Sequential IO, LSM, Wisckey) and thenquestion variety ofdatabase claims likedurability,read optimization,write optimization andpick therightdatabase(s) for our use case.The recording is availablehere.
I created the idea of Gamifying refactoring which is run as a game (/mini workshop) in ThoughtWorks. The idea behind this game is to identify code smells, justify each of them by going beyond ilities, finish all of this in a fixed time and win points for your team.
This hands-on workshop focusses on building a tiny LSM-tree based storage engine. It covers the basics including: Hard disks, blocks, OS page cache, encoding, decoding, endianness, basics of B+Tree and detailed internals of LSM-tree. The LSM-based storage engine code is availablehere.
Some of my latest blogs include:
The foundation of any networked application hinges on its ability to efficiently handle data exchange. But beneath the surface, there’s a hidden world of techniques for managing this communication. This article dives into various “flavors” of networking IO, exploring the trade-offs associated with each approach.To illustrate various ways applications handle network traffic, we’ll build a TCP server using four distinct approaches: blocking I/O with a single thread, blocking I/O with multiple threads, non-blocking I/O with busy waiting, and a single-threaded event loop.Each approach offers unique advantages and drawbacks, and by constructing a server for each approach, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
Ensuring data consistency in the face of concurrent transactions is a critical challenge in database management.Traditional serializable isolation, while guaranteeing data integrity, often suffers from performance bottlenecks due to extensive locking.This article explores Serializable Snapshot Isolation (SSI) that promises the best of both worlds: strong data consistency without sacrificing performance.The article delves into the inner workings of SSI and explore its implementation for a Key/Value storage engine. I will refer to the research paper titled A critique of snapshot isolation .
In the world of multi-core processors, managing concurrent access to data structures is crucial for efficient performance. But frequent updates can trigger a hidden bottleneck: cache coherence traffic.This traffic arises when one core modifies the data another core has cached, forcing updates and invalidation across the system.This article dives into a clever solution: the Cache-Line Hash Table (CLHT). CLHTs are specifically designed to minimize this cache coherence traffic, boosting the speed of concurrent data access.We’ll explore the core ideas behind CLHTs, including:
- One Bucket Per CPU Cache-Line: By cleverly aligning buckets with CPU cache line sizes, CLHTs minimize the number of lines written during updates.
- In-Place Updates: Instead of shuffling data around, CLHTs update key-value pairs directly within the bucket, reducing memory movement.
- Lock-Free Reads: Reads are designed to be lock-free, meaning they can proceed without acquiring locks, further enhancing performance.
- Feature-Flip/flips
Feature-Flip/flips PublicRepository for feature flip library which provides various annotations to flip any feature. Works with Java8, Spring, Spring Boot
- storage-engine-workshop
storage-engine-workshop PublicRepository for a workshop on the topic - building storage engine
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