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Introduction 🙂

This repository contains solutions to daily problems from GeeksforGeeks. Each day, a new problem is provided along with its solution.

📅 January 2025 Problem of the Day Solutions 📅

JanuaryProblem NameJava
Day 01Print Anagrams Together 💥🔢Solution
Day 02Subarrays with sum K 📊🔢Solution
Day 03Count Subarrays with given XOR 🔢🌟Solution
Day 04Count all triplets with given sum in sorted array 🧩📃Solution
Day 05Count Pairs whose sum is less than target 📏📐Solution
Day 06Sum Pair closest to target 💥📊🔢Solution
Day 07Pair with given sum in a sorted array 💥📊🔢Solution
Day 08Count the number of possible triangles 🔢🌟Solution
Day 09Indexes of Subarray Sum 🧩📃Solution
Day 10Count distinct elements in every window 📏📐Solution
Day 11Longest substring with distinct characters 💥📊🔢Solution
Day 12Trapping Rain Water 💥📊🔢Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Arrays)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Split Array in Three Equal Sum Subarrays 💥Solution
NUM 2Repetitive Addition of Digits 🔢🔄Solution
NUM 3Maximize Number of 1's 🔢💡Solution
NUM 4Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank 🐜🌍Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Strings)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Fizz Buzz 💥🔢Solution
NUM 2CamelCase Pattern Matching 🚀🟰Solution
NUM 3Palindrome Sentence ✅👑Solution
NUM 4Minimum repeat to make substring 🚀✅Solution
NUM 5Longest Prefix Suffix 🔢🟰Solution
NUM 6Integer to Words 💥🚀Solution

📏 Bonus Problems (Sorting)📐

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Minimum sum ➕📊Solution
NUM 2Meeting Rooms 🏢📅Solution
NUM 3From the Largest Number 🔢🏆Solution
NUM 4Make array elements unique 🎲🔧Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Searching)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Implement Lower Bound 💥🔢Solution
NUM 2Bitonic Point 🚀🟰Solution
NUM 3Median of 2 Sorted Arrays of Different Sizes ✅👑Solution
NUM 4Square Root 🚀✅Solution
NUM 5Koko Eating Bananas 🔢🟰Solution
NUM 6Minimum days to make M bouquets 💥🚀Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Matrix)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Rotate a Matrix by 180 Counterclockwise 💥🔢Solution
NUM 2Create a spiral matrix of N*M size from given array 🚀🟰Solution
NUM 3Generate a matrix with each row and column of given sum ✅👑Solution
NUM 4Make Matrix Beautiful 🚀✅Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Hashing)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Roman Number to Integer 💥🔢Solution
NUM 2Max distance between same elements 🚀🟰Solution
NUM 3Pairs with difference k ✅👑Solution
NUM 44 Sum – Count quadruplets with given sum 🚀✅Solution
NUM 5Min Subsets with Consecutive Numbers 🔢🟰Solution
NUM 6Group Shifted String 💥🚀Solution

🎉 Bonus Problems (Two Pointer Technique)🎁

Bonus Problem No.Problem NameJava
NUM 1Triplet Sum in Array 💥🔢Solution
NUM 23 Sum Closest 🚀🟰Solution

🎉 160 Days of GFG Challenge 🎁

Here's the updated list with the problem days properly formatted in the solution folder:

DayProblem NameJava ☕
Day 1Second Largest 🔢🏅Solution
Day 2Move All Zeroes to End 🔄0️⃣Solution
Day 3Reverse an Array 🔄🔁Solution
Day 4Rotate Array 🔄🔄Solution
Day 5Next Permutation 🔢🔄Solution
Day 6Majority Element II 🔢👥Solution
Day 7Stock Buy and Sell – Multiple Transactions Allowed 📈💹Solution
Day 8Stock Buy and Sell – Max One Transaction Allowed 📉💵Solution
Day 9Minimize the Heights II ⬆️⬇️Solution
Day 10Kadane's Algorithm 💡📊Solution
Day 11Maximum Product Subarray 🔢💥Solution
Day 12Max Circular Subarray Sum 🔁💯Solution
Day 13Smallest Positive Missing Number 🔢❓Solution
Day 14Implement Atoi 🔢💻Solution
Day 15Add Binary Strings 0️⃣1️⃣➕Solution
Day 16Anagram 🔄✏️Solution
Day 17Non Repeating Character 🔠❌Solution
Day 18Search Pattern (KMP Algorithm) 🔍📜Solution
Day 19Min Chars to Add for Palindrome 🔍📕Solution
Day 20Strings Rotations of Each Other 🔍📃Solution
Day 21Sort 0s, 1s and 2s 📃📏Solution
Day 22Find H-Index 🔏🔍Solution
Day 23Count Inversions 😀 🧡Solution
Day 24Overlapping Intervals 🔩⚙️Solution
Day 25Insert Interval🌸 💎Solution
Day 26Non-overlapping Intervals📏📐Solution
Day 27Merge Without Extra Space🩹⛓️Solution
Day 28Number of occurrence🧾🏷️Solution
Day 29Sorted and Rotated Minimum❤️ 🌺Solution
Day 30Search in Rotated Sorted Array🔮 😃Solution
Day 31Peak element💎 🧡Solution
Day 32K-th element of two Arrays⭐💫Solution
Day 33Aggressive Cows🔥☘️Solution
Day 34Allocate Minimum Pages📄📄Solution
Day 35Kth Missing Positive Number in a Sorted Array📜🔢Solution
Day 36Spirally traversing a matrix🎯🔢Solution
Day 37Rotate by 90 degree🏨🏢Solution
Day 38Search in a Row-Column sorted matrix🎯🔢Solution
Day 39Search in a row-wise sorted matrix✅🕖Solution
Day 40Search in a sorted matrix🛠️📑Solution
Day 41Set matrix Zeroes📄📨Solution
Day 42Two Sum -Pair with Given Sum🏅📦Solution
Day 43Count pairs with given sum 🔢🧮Solution
Day 44Find All Triplets with Zero Sum📝🖊️Solution
Day 45Intersection of Two arrays with Dublicate Elements📕✏️Solution
Day 46Union of Arrays with Duplicates📚📦Solution
Day 47Longest Consecutive Subsequence➕🗯️Solution
Day 48Print Anagrams Together🧩🎯Solution
Day 49Subarrays with sum K🛠️📑Solution
Day 50Count Subarrays with given XOR🖊️📝Solution
Day 51Count all triplets with given sum in sorted array🧩📃Solution
Day 52Count Pairs whose sum is less than target📏📐Solution
Day 53Sum Pair closest to target📚✏️Solution
Day 54Pair with given sum in a sorted array📕🖊️Solution
Day 55Count the number of possible triangles📑✒️Solution
Day 56Indexes of Subarray Sum📘📝Solution
Day 57Count distinct elements in every window📏📚Solution
Day 58Longest substring with distinct characters📙🖋️Solution
Day 59Trapping Rain Water📑✒️Solution

