- Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
- https://pleiterson.vercel.app
- @pleiterson
Full Stack Freelance Developer
Born and raised in Belo Horizonte - MG, where I live until today. Father, Husband, communicative, proactive and cheerful, a person who values simple and humble things. I love being with my family and friends. I like to read about various topics and I'm passionate about comics, anime, music, theater, cinema, biking and cooking. Crazy about games, an assumed nerd since childhood! I'm always looking for time to go out with my family, also learn and, especially, teach my sonHugo Costa the steps of programming.
To learn more about me, visit myPersonal Portfolio, there you can view my full profile.constpleiterson={code:['C++','C#','HTML','CSS','JavaScript','TypeScript','Java'],certifications:['SFC','SFPC','LLL'],technologies:{tools:['Node.js','React','Yarn','npm','git','styled-components','SASS','Vite'],mobile:['React Native'],databases:['SQL','PostgreSQL','MongoDB','MySQL','SQLite','Docker'],ides:['VS Code','Visual Studio'],},methodologies:['Scrum','Kanban','Agile','Jira','DevOps'],interest:['Python','php','Ruby','Kotlin','Angular','Bootstrap','GraphQL'],otherCodes:['Pascal','Visual Basic','Delphi']}
- pleiterson.me
pleiterson.me PublicPortfólio, em nova versão, com todos meus projetos pessoais e de freelancer. Nele constará também meu currículo com todos os cursos e certificados obtidos.
JavaScript 2
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