Machine Learning Engineer with 2.5+ years of professional experience in building data-intensive applications, overcoming complex architectural, and scalability issues in diverse industries. Majority of my work includes leading projects and developing the core ML modules after conducting the needed research, expirements and analysis. I am also working on exceptional projects that require the power of Machine Learning along with Full Stack in my free time.
- 🔭 I’m currently working atF(x) Data Labs Pvt Ltd as Lead Software Engineer (AI/ML)
- 🌱 I’m currently gathering knowledge & experience on Data Science & Machine Learning
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate and discuss on Data Science, Machine Learning & Web Applciations Security
- ⚡ Think more, code less..
- 💬 Ask me anything!
- bidaf-keras
bidaf-keras Public archiveBidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension implemented in Keras 2
- tensorflow/tensorflow
tensorflow/tensorflow PublicAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
- plasticityai/magnitude
plasticityai/magnitude PublicA fast, efficient universal vector embedding utility package.
- Highway-Layer-Keras
Highway-Layer-Keras PublicHighway layer ( implemented for Keras 2.0
- bhattbhavesh91/cowin-vaccination-slot-availability
bhattbhavesh91/cowin-vaccination-slot-availability PublicScript to check the available slots for Covid-19 Vaccination Centers from CoWIN API in India.
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