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Package to extract Unannotated Regions from prokaryotic genomes report coding and pseudogenised genes delimited by stop codons - Named StORFs (Stop - Open Reading Frames)


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StORF-Reporter, a toolkit that returns missed CDS genes from the Unannotated Regions (URs) of prokaryotic genomes.

Please use `pip install StORF-Reporter' to install StORF-Reporter.

This will also install the python-standard library numpy (>=1.22.0,<1.24.0) and Pyrodigal (

Consider using '--no-cache-dir' with pip to ensure the download of the newest version of StORF-Reporter.

The directory "Test_Datasets" is provided to confirm functionality of StORF-Reporter.



Most common use cases -

Supplement a current annotation from a tool such as Prokka or Bakta. A new GFF file will be created compatible with downstream pangenome analysis tools such as Roary and Panaroo.

For use on a single Prokka/Bakta output directory - Will also create a new fasta file with Prokka/Bakta genes and StORF sequences.

StORF-Reporter -anno Prokka Out_Dir -p .../Test_Datasets/Prokka_E-coli/

For use on multiple Prokka/Bakta output directies - Will also create a new fasta file with Prokka/Bakta genes and StORF sequences.

StORF-Reporter -anno Prokka Multiple_Out_Dirs -p ../Test_Datasets/Multi_Prokka_Outs

For use on a directory containing multiple Prokka/Bakta output gffs - Only produces new GFF files.

StORF-Reporter -anno Prokka Multiple_GFFs -p .../Test_Datasets/Prokka_Outputs/

For use on a GFF file from a CDS prediction tool such as Prodigal - Provide a GFF file and StORF-Reporter will find the matching .fa/.fasta/.fna (must have the same name).

StORF-Reporter -anno Feature_Types Single_Genome -p .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/Myco.gff

For use on a directory containing multiple GFF files from a CDS prediction tool such as Prodigal - StORF-Reporter will find the matching .fa/.fasta/.fna (must have the same name).

StORF-Reporter -anno Feature_Types Multiple_Genomes -p .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/

For use on a directory containing multiple GFF files with embedded FASTA.

StORF-Reporter -anno Feature_Types Multiple_Combined_GFFs -p .../Test_Datasets/Combined_GFFs/

To perform a fresh end-to-end annotation of a genome without an annotation, StORF-Reporter will use Pyrodigal to predict CDS genes and then supplement with StORFs.

StORF-Reporter -anno Pyrodigal Single_FASTA -p .../Test_Datasets/Pyrodigal/E-coli.fa

Menu - (StORF-Reporter -h):

StORF-Reporter -anno Ensembl Single_Genome -p .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/E-coli.gff
usage: [-h]                         [-anno [{Prokka,Bakta,Out_Dir,Multiple_Out_Dirs,Single_GFF,Multiple_GFFs,Ensembl,Feature_Types,Single_Genome,Multiple_Genomes,Single_Combined_GFF,Multiple_Combined_GFFs,Pyrodigal,Single_FASTA,Multiple_FASTA} ...]]                         [-p PATH] [-af ALT_FILENAME] [-oname O_NAME]                         [-odir O_DIR] [-sout {True,False}] [-lw {True,False}]                         [-aa {True,False}] [-gz {True,False}]                         [-py_train [{longest,individual,meta}]]                         [-py_fasta {True,False}] [-py_unstorfed {True,False}]                         [-gene_ident GENE_IDENT] [-min_len MINLEN]                         [-max_len MAXLEN] [-ex_len EXLEN]                         [-spos {True,False}] [-rs {True,False}]                         [-con_storfs {True,False}] [-con_only {True,False}]                         [-ps {True,False}] [-wc {True,False}]                         [-short_storfs {False,Nolap,Olap}]                         [-short_storfs_only {True,False}] [-minorf MIN_ORF]                         [-maxorf MAX_ORF] [-codons STOP_CODONS]                         [-olap_filt [{none,single-strand,both-strand}]]                         [-start_filt {True,False}] [-so [{start_pos,strand}]]                         [-f_type [{StORF,CDS,ORF}]]                         [-non_standard NON_STANDARD] [-olap OVERLAP_NT]                         [-ao ALLOWED_OVERLAP] [-overwrite {True,False}]                         [-verbose {True,False}] [-v]StORF-Reporter v1.4.3: StORF-Reporter Run Parameters.Required Options:-anno [{Prokka,Bakta,Out_Dir,Multiple_Out_Dirs,Single_GFF,Multiple_GFFs,Ensembl,Feature_Types,Single_Genome,Multiple_Genomes,Single_Combined_GFF,Multiple_Combined_GFFs,Pyrodigal,Single_FASTA,Multiple_FASTA} ...]                        Select Annotation and Input optionsfor one of the 3 options listed below### Prokka/Bakta Annotation Option 1:                        Prokka= Report StORFsfor a Prokka annotation;                         Bakta= Report StORFsfor a Bakta annotation;                         --- Prokka/Bakta Input Options:                         Out_Dir= To provide the output directory of either a Prokka or Bakta run (will produce a new GFF and FASTA file containing original and extended annotations);                         Multiple_Out_Dirs= To provide a directory containing multiple Prokka/Bakta standard output directories - Will run on each sequentially;                         Single_GFF= To provide a single Prokka or Bakta GFF - searchesfor accompanying".fna" file (will provide a new extended GFF);                         Multiple_GFFs= To provide a directory containing multiple Prokka or Bakta GFF files - searchesfor accompanying".fna" files (will provide a new extended GFF);### Standard GFF Annotation Option 2:                        Ensembl= Report StORFsfor an Ensembl Bacteria annotation (ID=gene);                         Feature_Types= Usedin conjunction with-gene_ident to define features such as CDS,rRNA,tRNAfor UR extraction (default CDS);                         --- Standard GFF Input Options:                         Single_Genome= To provide a single Genome - accompanying FASTA must share same name as given gff file (can be .fna, .fa or .fasta);                         Multiple_Genomes= To provide a directory containing multiple accompanying GFF and FASTA files - files must share the same name (fasta can be .fna, .fa or .fasta);                         Single_Combined_GFF= To provide a GFF file with embedded FASTA at the bottom;                         Multiple_Combined_GFFs= To provide a directory containing multiple GFF files with embedded FASTA at the bottom;### Complete Annotation Option 3:                        Pyrodigal= Run Pyrodigalthen Report StORFs (provide path to single FASTA or directory of multiple FASTA files;                        --- Complete Annotation Input Options:                         Single_FASTA = To provide a single FASTA file;                         Multiple_FASTA = To provide a directory containing multiple FASTA files (will detect .fna,.fa,.fasta);                           -p PATH               Provide input file or directory pathStORF-Reporter Options:  -af ALT_FILENAME      Default - Prokka/Bakta output directory share the same                        prefix with their gff/fna files - Use this option when                        Prokka/Bakta output directory name is different from                        the gff/fna files within and StORF-Reporter will                        searchfor the gff/fna with the given prefix                        (MyProkkaDir/"altname".gff) - Does not work with"Multiple_Out_Dirs" option  -oname O_NAME         Default - Appends'_StORF-Reporter_Extended' to end of                        input filename - Takes the directory name of                        Prokka/Bakta outputif given as input or the inputfor                        -afif given - Multiple_* runs will be numbered  -odir O_DIR           Default - Same directory as input  -sout {True,False}    Default - False: Print out StORF sequences separately                        from Prokka/Bakta annotations  -lw {True,False}      Default - True: Line wrap FASTA sequence output at 60                        chars  -aa {True,False}      Default - False: Report StORFs as amino acid sequences  -gz {True,False}      Default - False: Output as .gzPyrodigal Options:  -py_train [{longest,individual,meta}]                        Default - longest: Type of model training to bedonefor Pyrodigal CDS prediction: Options: longest =                        Trains on longest contig; individual = Trains on each                        contig separately - runsin meta modeif contig is<                        20KB; meta = Runsin meta modefor all sequences  -py_fasta {True,False}                        Default - False: Output Pyrodigal+StORF predictionsin                        FASTA format  -py_unstorfed {True,False}                        Default - False: Provide GFF containing original                        Pyrodigal predictionsUR-Extractor Options:  -gene_ident GENE_IDENT                        Default:"CDS". Specifies feature types to exclude                        from Unannotated rRegion extraction. Provide a comma-                        separated list of feature types, e.g.,"misc_RNA,gene,                        mRNA,CDS,rRNA,tRNA,tmRNA,CRISPR,ncRNA,regulatory_regio                        n,oriC,pseudo", to identify annotated regions. - To be                        used with"-anno Feature_Types" -"-gene_ident Prokka"                        willselect"most" features presentin Prokka/Bakta                        annotations- Providing"ID=gene" will check the                        attribute columnfor features assigned as genes                        (compatible with Ensembl annotations). All regions                        without these feature types will be extracted as                        unannotated.  -min_len MINLEN       Default - 30: Minimum UR Length  -max_len MAXLEN       Default - 100,000: Maximum UR Length  -ex_len EXLEN         Default - 50: UR Extension LengthStORF-Finder Options:  -spos {True,False}    Default - False: Output StORF sequences and GFF                        positions inclusive of first stop codon -This canbreak some downstream toolsif changed to True.  -rs {True,False}      Default - True: Remove stop"*" from StORF amino acid                        sequences  -con_storfs {True,False}                        Default - False: Output Consecutive StORFs  -con_only {True,False}                        Default - False: Only output Consecutive StORFs  -ps {True,False}      Default - False: Partial StORFs reported  -wc {True,False}      Default - False: StORFs reported across entire                        sequence  -short_storfs {False,Nolap,Olap}                        Default - False: Run StORF-Finderin"Short-StORF"                        mode. Will onlyreturn StORFs between 30 and 120 nt                        thatdo not overlap longer StORFs - Only works with                        StORFsfor now."Nolap" will filter Short-StORFs which                        areoverlapped by StORFs and Olap will report Short-                        StORFs whichdo overlap StORFs. Overlap is defined by"-olap".  -short_storfs_only {True,False}                        Default - True. Only report Short-StORFs?  -minorf MIN_ORF       Default - 99: Minimum StORF sizein nt  -maxorf MAX_ORF       Default - 60kb: Maximum StORF sizein nt  -codons STOP_CODONS   Default - ('TAG,TGA,TAA'): List Stop Codons to use  -olap_filt [{none,single-strand,both-strand}]                        Default -"both-strand": Filtering level"none" is not                        recommended,"single-strand"for single strand                        filtering and both-strandfor both-strand longest-                        first tiling  -start_filt {True,False}                        Default - False: Filter out StORFs without at least                        one of the 3 common start codons (best usedfor short-                        storfs).  -so [{start_pos,strand}]                        Default - Start Position: How should StORFs be ordered                        when>1 reportedin a single UR.  -f_type [{StORF,CDS,ORF}]                        Default -"CDS": Which GFF featuretypefor StORFs to                        be reported asin GFF -"CDS" is probably neededfor                        usein tools such as Roary and Panaroo  -non_standard NON_STANDARD                        Default - 0.20: Reject StORFs with>=20% non-standard                        nucleotides (A,T,G,C) - Provide % as decimal  -olap OVERLAP_NT      Default - 50: Maximum number of nt of a StORF which                        can overlap another StORF.  -ao ALLOWED_OVERLAP   Default - 50 nt: Maximum overlap between a StORF and                        an original gene.Misc:  -overwrite {True,False}                        Default - False: Overwrite StORF-Reporter outputif                        already present  -verbose {True,False}                        Default - False: Print out runtime messages  -v                    Print out version number andexit



Subpackage to extract Unannotated Regions from DNA sequences using FASTA and GFF files as input.

Menu - (UR-Extractor -h):

UR-Extractor -f .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/E-coli.fa -gff .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/E-coli.gff
usage: [-h] -gff GFF [-f FASTA] [-ident IDENT]                       [-min_len MINLEN] [-max_len MAXLEN] [-ex_len EXLEN]                       [-gene_ident GENE_IDENT] [-oname O_NAME] [-odir O_DIR]                       [-gz {True,False}] [-verbose {True,False}] [-v]StORF-Reporter v1.4.3: UR-Extractor Run Parameters.Required Arguments:  -gff GFF              GFF file containing genome annotationOptional Arguments:  -f FASTA              Accompanying FASTA fileif GFF file does not contain                        sequence data  -ident IDENT          Identifier givenfor Unannotated Region output                        sequences - Do not modifyif output is to be used by                        StORF-Finder: Default"Sequence-ID"_UR  -min_len MINLEN       Minimum UR Length: Default 30  -max_len MAXLEN       Maximum UR Length: Default 100,000  -ex_len EXLEN         UR Extension Length on 5' and 3': Default 50  -gene_ident GENE_IDENT                        Default:"CDS". Specifies feature types to exclude                        from Unannotated rRegion extraction. Provide a comma-                        separated list of feature types, e.g.,"misc_RNA,gene,                        mRNA,CDS,rRNA,tRNA,tmRNA,CRISPR,ncRNA,regulatory_regio                        n,oriC,pseudo", to identify annotated regions."-gene_ident Prokka" willselect"most" features                        presentin Prokka/Bakta annotations- Providing"ID=gene" will check the attribute columnfor features                        assigned as genes (compatible with Ensembl                        annotations). All regions without these feature types                        will be extracted as unannotated.Output:  -oname O_NAME         Default - Appends'_UR' to end of input GFF filename  -odir O_DIR           Default - Same directory as input GFF  -gz {True,False}      Default - False: Output as .gzMisc:  -verbose {True,False}                        Default - False: Print out runtime messages  -v                    Default - False: Print out version number andexit


Subpackage to extract StORFs from Fasta sequences - Works directly with the output of UR-Extractor.

Menu - (StORF-Finder -h):

StORF-Finder -f .../Test_Datasets/Matching_GFF_FASTA/E-coli_UR.fa
usage: [-h] -f FASTA [-ua {True,False}] [-wc {True,False}]                       [-ps {True,False}]                       [-olap_filt [{none,single-strand,both-strand}]]                       [-start_filt {True,False}] [-con_storfs {True,False}]                       [-con_only {True,False}]                       [-short_storfs {False,Nolap,Olap}]                       [-short_storfs_only {True,False}]                       [-f_type [{StORF,CDS,ORF}]] [-minorf MIN_ORF]                       [-maxorf MAX_ORF] [-codons STOP_CODONS]                       [-non_standard NON_STANDARD] [-olap OVERLAP_NT]                       [-s SUFFIX] [-so [{start_pos,strand}]] [-oname O_NAME]                       [-odir O_DIR] [-gff {True,False}] [-aa {True,False}]                       [-aa_only {True,False}] [-lw {True,False}]                       [-spos {True,False}] [-stop_ident {True,False}]                       [-gff_fasta {True,False}] [-gz {True,False}]                       [-verbose {True,False}] [-v]StORF-Reporter v1.4.3: StORF-Finder Run Parameters.Required Arguments:-f FASTA              Input FASTA File - (UR_Extractor output)Optional Arguments:-ua {True,False}      Default - Treat input as Unannotated: Use"-ua False"for standard fasta-wc {True,False}      Default - False: StORFs reported across entire                        sequence-ps {True,False}      Default - False: Partial StORFs reported-olap_filt [{none,single-strand,both-strand}]                        Default -"both-strand": Filtering level"none" is not                        recommended,"single-strand"for single strand                        filtering and both-strandfor both-strand longest-                        first tiling-start_filt {True,False}                        Default - False: Filter out StORFs without at least                        one of the 3 common start codons (best usedfor short-                        storfs).-con_storfs {True,False}                        Default - False: Output Consecutive StORFs-con_only {True,False}                        Default - False: Only output Consecutive StORFs-short_storfs {False,Nolap,Olap}                        Default - False: Run StORF-Finderin"Short-StORF"                        mode. Will onlyreturn StORFs between 30 and 120 nt                        thatdo not overlap longer StORFs - Only works with                        StORFsfor now."Nolap" will filter Short-StORFs which                        areoverlapped by StORFs and Olap will report Short-                        StORFs whichdo overlap StORFs. Overlap is defined by"-olap".-short_storfs_only {True,False}                        Default - True. Only report Short-StORFs?-f_type [{StORF,CDS,ORF}]                        Default -"StORF": Which GFF featuretypefor StORFs                        to be reported asin GFF  -minorf MIN_ORF       Default - 99: Minimum StORF sizein nt  -maxorf MAX_ORF       Default - 60kb: Maximum StORF sizein nt-codons STOP_CODONS   Default - ('TAG,TGA,TAA'): List Stop Codons to use-non_standard NON_STANDARD                        Default - 0.20: Reject StORFs with>=20% non-standard                        nucleotides (A,T,G,C) - Provide % as decimal-olap OVERLAP_NT      Default - 50: Maximum number of nt of a StORF which                        can overlap another StORF.-s SUFFIX             Default - Do not append suffix to genome ID-so [{start_pos,strand}]                        Default - Start Position: How should StORFs be ordered                        when>1 reportedin a single UR.Output:-oname O_NAME         Default - Appends'_StORF-Finder' to end of input                        FASTA filename-odir O_DIR           Default - Same directory as input FASTA-gff {True,False}     Default - True: Output a GFF file-aa {True,False}      Default - False: Report StORFs as amino acid sequences-aa_only {True,False}                        Default - False: Only output Amino Acid Fasta  -lw {True,False}      Default - True: Line wrap FASTA sequence output at 60                        chars-spos {True,False}    Default - False: Output StORF sequences and GFF                        positions inclusive of first stop codon -This canbreak some downstream toolsif changed to True.  -stop_ident {True,False}                        Default - True: Identify Stop Codon positions with'*'  -gff_fasta {True,False}                        Default - False: Report all gene sequences (nt) at the                        bottom of GFF filesin Prokka output mode  -gz {True,False}      Default - False: Output as .gzMisc:  -verbose {True,False}                        Default - False: Print out runtime messages  -v                    Default - False: Print out version number andexit


Subpackage to extract sequences reported by StORF-Reporter from a genome annotation.

Menu - (StORF-Extractor -h):

StORF-Extractor -storf_input Combined -p .../Test_Datasets/Combined_GFFs/E-coli_Combined_StORF-Reporter_Extended.gff
usage: [-h] [-storf_input {Combined,Separate}] [-p PATH] [-gff_out {True,False}] [-oname O_NAME] [-odir O_DIR] [-gz {True,False}] [-verbose {True,False}] [-v]StORF-Reporter v1.4.3: StORF-Extractor Run Parameters.Required Arguments:  -storf_input {Combined,Separate}                        Are StORFs to be extracted from Combined GFF/FASTA or Separate GFF/FASTA files?  -p PATH               Provide input file or directory pathOutput:  -gff_out {True,False}                        Default - False: Output StORFsin GFF format  -oname O_NAME         Default - Appends'_Extracted_StORFs' to end of input GFF filename  -odir O_DIR           Default - Same directory as input FASTA  -gz {True,False}      Default - False: Output as .gzMisc:  -verbose {True,False}                        Default - False: Print out runtime messages  -v                    Default - False: Print out version number andexit


Subpackage to remove sequences reported by StORF-Reporter without a Blast/Diamond hit (any alignment in BLAST 6 format).

Menu - (StORF-Remover -h):

StORF-Remover -gff .../Test_Datasets/StORF_Extractor_And_Remover/Myco_UR_StORF-R.gff -blast .../Test_Datasets/StORF_Extractor_And_Remover/ [-h] [-gffGFF] [-blastBLAST] [-min_scoreMINSCORE] [-onameO_NAME] [-odirO_DIR] [-gz {True,False}]                        [-verbose {True,False}] [-v]StORF-Reporterv1.4.1:UR-RemoverRunParameters.RequiredArguments:-gffGFFGFFannotationfilefortheFASTA-blastBLASTBLASTformat6annotationfileOptionalArguments:-min_scoreMINSCOREMinimumBitScoretokeepStORF:Default30Output:-onameO_NAMEDefault-Appends'_UR'toendofinputGFFfilename-odirO_DIRDefault-SamedirectoryasinputGFF-gz {True,False}Default-False:Outputas .gzMisc:-verbose {True,False}Default-False:Printoutruntimemessages-vDefault-False:Printoutversionnumberandexit

Test Datasets:

The directory 'Test_Datasets' contains GFF and FASTA files to test the installation and use of StORF-Reporter - Example output files are also provided for comparison.


Package to extract Unannotated Regions from prokaryotic genomes report coding and pseudogenised genes delimited by stop codons - Named StORFs (Stop - Open Reading Frames)








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