Distro Agnostic: Compatibility with a any linux based system for persistingworkflow regardless of preferred base.
Terminal Focused: The terminal is the heart of this distro, providingCLI/TUI tools and utilities for efficient workflow tailored to personalpreference. Even in the absence of a display server, do 95% of work in TTYcomfortability without disrupting the workflow.
Lightweight, Optimized, and Battery Efficient: Perfectly engineered to belight on system resources, ensuring smooth performance. Every aspect isoptimized for maximum efficiency, extending battery life and also have manyfeatures at disposal.
Keyboard Centric Workflow with Vim Style Keybindings: Keyboard-centricapproach, with Vim-style keybindings deeply integrated into every tools, appsand utilities. This allows to navigate and interact with speed, precision andcomfortability without even thinking about keybindings.