- Dar es Salaam , Tanzania
- 14:52
(UTC -12:00) - https://blog.neurotech.africa/
- @j_kalebu
- kalebu_jordan
- in/kalebu-gwalugano
- kalebu.jordan
Hi there !
I'mKalebu Jordan, A Tech Nerd, Ever since I came across this world of programming I never looked back I engaged myself in building projects as a way to solidify my understanding, I built tons of them and some got a chance to be recognized includingASK-IRIS (AI tool that links people with no internet access to Internet through SMS),KILIMO TEXT (A device and system that allows farmers to easily monitors and control conditions of the farm using SMS) and laterVIRTUAL ROBOTICS LAB (A virtual lab thats allow students to interactive learn robotics knowledge).
Perhaps of having a background in Mechatronics Engineering, I managed in someway to transform my hobby into career through thousands of hours spend on watching tutorials, reading books and blogs and building projects, nowdays I mainly work as a Software Engineer
I have rich experience in developing (Web|Mobile) Backends, DataScience solutions, IoT Architectures, Microservices, and DevOps using Python at high quality following best practices. I worked with High-quality clients including Imperial Marketing Agency and Harlos Company and developed a solutions that is being used by thousands of people
I'm also a huge advocate of open-source software maintaining over 8 open-source python packages and also have spoken to a couple of conferences, webinars, and podcasts about open-source and Python.
For long time I have been enjoying writing, one of the things I find joyful and dating about a year go I began a journey Content creator mainly writing articles and tutorials aimed to help people strengthen their Python skills by building real-world software, I primarily publish on mypersonal blog and republish on multiple platforms such as hacker noon, hash node and etc
I'm primarily work for Contracts works and But also open to full time roles , Let's talk
- Python | Javascript | Rust | C/C++ | Arduino
- Html | Css | Yaml | Json
Frameworks & Tools
Web Frameworks
- Flask | FastAPI | Sanic | Django | Tornado | Express
Data Science (ML/AI)
- Sklearn | PyTorch | Tensorflow
Databases & Storange
- Sqlite | Mysql | MariaDB | Amazon Auora
- MongoDB | Firestore | Amazon DocumentDB
- DynamoDB | S3 | Kinesis | Redis
- Aws Lambda | Aws Sam | Aws API Gateway
- Google Cloud run
- Aws IoT Core | Aws Greengrass | Aws FreeRTOS
- socketserver | Paho
- Raspberry Pi | NodeMCU | Arduino
Cloud & Hosting
- AWS | Google Cloud | Digital Ocean | Heroku | Vercel
API Testing
- Insomia | Postman
- Ubuntu | Deepin | Kali
- Zsh | Bash
Version Control
- Git | Github
Code Editor(IDE) + Environment
- VSCode | Sublime | Vim | Nano
- Music + Coffee + Snacks
Open Source
Here couple of open source projects I maintain
- Pyswahili Swahili Version of Python programming language
- Pypesa Python package to easy integration with Mpesa API
- Pysimilar A light python library for computing similarities on texts based on cosine similarity
- Nida un-official Python library for loading user informations based on National ID number(Tanzania)
- Mtaa Python package with all Tanzania locations from regions to streets
- NextSMS Python package to easy integration with nextsms SMS API
- BeemAfricaA Python library to ease the integration with the Beem Africa (SMS, AIRTIME, OTP, 2WAY-SMS, BPAY, USSD)
- TigopesaPython package to ease the Tigo Pesa API integration
- Alright Python wrapper that helps you automate whatsapp web using python, giving you capability to programmatically send messsages, images, video, and files.
- DirectPayOnline A python package to easy the integration with Direct Online Pay (Mpesa, TigoPesa, AirtelMoney, Card Payments)
These are some of companies with my fingerprints
Blog And Articles
Sometimes I write technical articles & tutorials on these platform
Wanna invite me to talk/conference, Please email atisaackeinstein(at)gmail.com
- Courses
- Podcasts
How to reach me !!
- Neurotech-HQ/pypesa
Neurotech-HQ/pypesa PublicPython wrapper on Mpesa public API for mobile Payment Integration
- Plagiarism-checker-Python
Plagiarism-checker-Python PublicA python project for checking plagiarism of documents based on cosine similarity
- Neurotech-HQ/heyoo
Neurotech-HQ/heyoo PublicOpensource python wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API
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