- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2655082
- https://juliasmoothoptimizers.github.io
JSO is an organization dedicated to numerical linear algebra and optimization, containing packages to model, solve, benchmark and analyze results efficiently.We aim, among other things, to provide cutting-edge and original solvers and tools for researchers.
Feel free to visit our websitejuliasmoothoptimizers.github.io for recent updates on the organization.
Interested in the organization? Have a look at@dpo's presentation of JSO on Youtube 📽️ at the JuliaCon2022.
New contributors are always welcome 👋!
First-time contributors might want to have a look at available issues withthe labelgood first issue
.Please visitContributing section of the website for guidelines.One of our simplest packages for new contributors isOptimizationProblems.jl.
🥋: All packages have their own documentation. You can also access thetutorial section of the JSO website
🎬: Follow@abelsiqueira's youtube channel for more tutorials in videos!
Feel free to opena discussion if you can't find answers to your questions.
JuliaSmoothOptimizers contains several packages for modeling and solving linear algebra and optimization problems.The optimization solvers all rely on a unified API to communicate with the models, which is theNLPModels API.
You might also be interested inSolverBenchmark.jl to easily compare your solver via performance profiles or tables available in LaTeX or markdown format!
- Efficiently model linear problems 🤠:LinearOperators.jl,SparseMatricesCOO.jl,LLSModels.jl
- Solve linear problems with iterative methods 🥳:Krylov.jl,KrylovPreconditioners.jl
- Computing a sparse factorization 👾:LDLFactorizations.jl,HSL.jl,MUMPS.jl,QRMumps.jl
- Construct a preconditioner 🚀:BasicLU.jl,LimitedLDLFactorizations.jl,AMD.jl
- Access test systems 🤼:SuiteSparseMatrixCollection.jl
- Model a problem with quadratic objective and linear constraints 🦸:QuadraticModels.jl,QPSReader.jl
- Solve linear and quadratic models 🎅:RipQP.jl,QuadraticModelsCPLEX.jl,QuadraticModelsXpress.jl,QuadraticModelsGurobi.jl
- Model nonlinear least-squares problems 🧙:ADNLPModels.jl,NLPModelsJuMP
- Solve nonlinear least squares 🧐:CaNNOLeS.jl,JSOSolvers.jl
- Access test problems 🤺:BundleAdjustmentModels.jl,NLSProblems.jl,OptimizationProblems.jl
- Model general optimization problems 💪:NLPModels.jl,ADNLPModels.jl,KnetNLPModels.jl,PDENLPModels.jl
- Load models from other modeling systems 🦅:NLPModelsJuMP.jl,AmplNLReader.jl,CUTEst.jl
- Solve unconstrained and bound-constrained models 👍:JSOSolvers.jlAdaptiveRegularization.jl
- Solve general optimization problems 🤘:DCISolver.jl,FletcherPenaltySolver.jl,NLPModelsIpopt.jl,NLPModelsKnitro.jl,Percival.jl
- Access a collection of test problems 🤖:CUTEst.jl,OptimizationProblems.jl
We gratefully acknowledge the support of MacStadium for providing us with hardware used for continuous integration at JSO!
- JSOSolvers.jl
JSOSolvers.jl Public
- ADNLPModels.jl Public
JuliaSmoothOptimizers/ADNLPModels.jl’s past year of commit activity