Image Patcher UI is a versatile utility designed to aid graphic designers, game developers and Neural Network trainers in preparing their graphical assets. This program accepts a batch of high-resolution images, automatically crops them into smaller patches of a specified size, and outputs both the original patches and optional low-resolution versions to folders you specify.
This program was compiled usingpyinstaller and has all requirements built-in, so you don't even need Python installed to run it :)
- Batch Image Processing: Image Patcher UI can handle large batches of images at once, making it ideal for handling game textures, sprites, photography, or any graphical assets.
- Automatic Patch Creation: The program crops images into smaller patches based on a user-defined patch size. The process reduces larger images into manageable chunks for more optimized rendering or for creating texture atlases.
- Optional Low-Res Generation: Image Patcher UI can also generate low-resolution versions of each patch, useful for creating mipmap levels, LOD textures, or lower quality assets for less powerful hardware.
- Threaded Processing: Image Patcher UI leverages the power of multi-threading to accelerate image processing, handling multiple images concurrently.
- Source Folder: Select your source folder containing the high-resolution images you want to patch.
- Output Folder: Choose an output folder where the program will save the patched images.
- Low-Res Output Folder (optional): If you need low-resolution versions, specify an output folder for them. Leave this blank if you don't need low-resolution patches.
- Patch Size: Define the size of each patch. The program will slice the original images into squares of this size.
- Scale: Select the scale for the low-resolution versions. This field is ignored if no Low-Res Output Folder is specified.
- Click theProcess button to start the process.