Insulting Pros
We're a closed group of people who create mods and tools for our own enjoyment. We adhere to thecathedral view of modding and are committed to making all our work available here. We also feature some mods made by others, ensuring that proper credits are always given.
Most of the repositories that we manage are licensed under GPLv3. This license enables you to easily read, modify, and learn from our work. Moreover, we provide precompiled binary files complete with redirect, default configuration files, and comprehensive commentary within the code. Feel free to explore and delve into our work.
If you notice anything missing or have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to create an issue.
You suck and we hate you, have a nice day.
- CustomServerDetails
CustomServerDetails PublicAllows to color, rename, edit other server infos, print game states (aka WIPE, WIN, LOBBY, etc) and players states (DEAD, SPECTATING, etc).
- AcediaCore
AcediaCore PublicUnrealScript 1
Template repo for KF1 mods, with source files fancy directory style. Should be used with KFCompileTool or your custom scripts.
InsultingPros/TEMPLATE_KF1_MOD_ADVANCED’s past year of commit activity