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Docker image for Apiary Data Lake metastore


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Environment Variables

Environment VariableRequiredDescription
APIARY_S3_INVENTORY_PREFIXNoPrefix used by S3 Inventory when creating data in the inventory bucket. Default isEntireBucketDaily.
APIARY_S3_INVENTORY_TABLE_FORMATNoFormat of S3 inventory data. Valid options areORC,Parquet, orCSV. Default isORC.
APIARY_SYSTEM_SCHEMANoName for internal system database. Default isapiary_system.
AWS_REGIONYesAWS region to configure various AWS clients.
AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILENoPath of the AWS Web Identity Token File for IRSA/OIDC AWS authentication.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOLING_TYPENoType of connection pooling. Valid options areBoneCP,DBCP,DBCP2,C3P0,HikariCP.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_POOLSIZENoMaximum pool size for the connection pool.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN_POOLSIZENoMinimum pool size for the connection pool.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL_POOLSIZENoInitial pool size for the connection pool (C3P0 only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_IDLENoMaximum idle connections for the connection pool.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN_IDLENoMinimum idle connections for the connection pool.
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN_ACTIVENoMaximum active connections for the connection pool (DBCP/DBCP2 only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX_WAITNoMaximum wait time for the connection pool (DBCP/DBCP2 only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_VALIDATION_TIMEOUTNoValidation timeout for the connection pool (DBCP/DBCP2/HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_LEAK_DETECTION_THRESHOLDNoLeak detection threshold for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_LEAK_MAX_LIFETIMENoMaximum lifetime for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_AUTO_COMMITNoAuto commit for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUTNoIdle timeout for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUTNoConnection wait timeout for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_READ_ONLYNoRead only mode for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_NAMENoConnection pool name (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_CATALOGNoConnection pool catalog (HikariCP only).
DATANUCLEUS_CONNECTION_POOL_REGISTER_MBEANSNoRegister MBeans for the connection pool (HikariCP only).
DISALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_COL_TYPE_CHANGESNotrue/false value for hive.metastore.disallow.incompatible.col.type.changes, defaulttrue.
ENABLE_GLUESYNCNoOption to turn on GlueSync Hive Metastore listener.
ENABLE_HIVE_LOCK_HOUSE_KEEPERNoOption to turn on Hive Metastore Hive Lock House Keeper.
ENABLE_METRICSNoOption to enable sending Hive Metastore and JMX metrics to Prometheus.
ENABLE_S3_INVENTORYNoOption to create Hive tables on top of S3 inventory data if enabled inapiary-data-lake. Enabled if value is not null/empty.
ENABLE_S3_LOGSNoOption to create Hive tables on top of S3 access logs data if enabled inapiary-data-lake. Enabled if value is not null/empty.
EXTERNAL_DATABASENoOption to enable external database mode, when specified it disables managing Hive Metastore MySQL database schema.
GLUE_PREFIXNoPrefix added to Glue databases to handle database name collisions when synchronizing multiple Hive Metastores to the Glue catalog.
HADOOP_HEAPSIZENoHive Metastore Java process heapsize. Default is1024.
HMS_AUTOGATHER_STATSNoWhether or not to create basic statistics on table/partition creation. Valid values aretrue orfalse. Default istrue.
LIMIT_PARTITION_REQUEST_NUMBERNoTo protect the cluster, this controls how many partitions can be scanned for each partitioned table. The default value-1 means no limit. The limit on partitions does not affect metadata-only queries.
HIVE_METASTORE_ACCESS_MODENoHive Metastore access mode, applicable values are: readwrite, readonly.
HIVE_DB_NAMESNoComma separated list of Hive database names, when specified Hive databases will be created and mapped to corresponding S3 buckets.
HIVE_METASTORE_LOG_LEVELNoHive Metastore service Log4j log level. Default isINFO.
HMS_MIN_THREADSNoMinimum size of the Hive metastore thread pool. Default is200.
HMS_MAX_THREADSNoMaximum size of the Hive metastore thread pool. Default is1000.
INSTANCE_NAMEYesApiary instance name, will be used as prefix on most AWS resources to allow multiple Apiary instance deployments.
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERSNoKafka Bootstrap Servers to enable Kafka Metastore listener and send Metastore events to Kafka.
KAFKA_CLIENT_IDNoKafka label you define that names the Kafka producer.
KAFKA_COMPRESSION_TYPENoKafka Compression type, if none is specified there is no compression enabled. Values available are gzip, lz4 and snappy. Default is1048576.
KAFKA_MAX_REQUEST_SIZENoThe maximum size of a request in bytes. This setting will limit the number of record batches the producer will send in a single request to avoid sending huge requests. This is also effectively a cap on the maximum uncompressed record batch size.
LDAP_BASENoLDAP base DN used to search for user groups.
LDAP_CA_CERTNoBase64 encoded Certificate Authority Bundle to validate LDAP SSL connection.
LDAP_SECRET_ARNNoLDAP bind DN SecretsManager secret ARN.
LDAP_URLNoActive Directory URL to enable group mapping in metastore.
MYSQL_CONNECTION_DRIVER_NAMENoHive Metastore MySQL database JDBC connection Driver Name. Default iscom.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
MYSQL_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZENoMySQL Connection pool size for Hive Metastore. Default is10. Seehere for more info.
MYSQL_DB_HOSTYesHive Metastore MySQL database hostname.
MYSQL_DB_NAMEYesHive Metastore MySQL database name.
MYSQL_SECRET_ARNYesHive Metastore MySQL SecretsManager secret ARN.
MYSQL_SECRET_USERNAME_KEYNoHive Metastore MySQL SecretsManager secret username key. Default isusername.
MYSQL_TYPENoHive Metastore MySQL database Type (mariadb, mysql). Default ismysql.
MYSQL_DRIVER_JARNoHive Metastore MySQL connector JAR location. Default is/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar.
RANGER_AUDIT_DB_URLNoRanger audit database JDBC URL.
RANGER_AUDIT_SECRET_ARNNoRanger audit database secret ARN.
RANGER_POLICY_MANAGER_URLNoRanger admin URL from where policies will be downloaded.
RANGER_SERVICE_NAMENoRanger service name used to configure RangerAuth plugin.
SNS_ARNNoThe SNS topic ARN to which metadata updates will be


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This project is available under theApache 2.0 License.

Copyright 2018-2019 Expedia, Inc.

