I teachfull-stack JavaScript with screencasts for the calm JavaScript developer, and,build SaaS products.
I am thelead maintainer ofSails - The web application framework for JavaScript. Check outthe official announcement blog post
Currently buildingHagfish - a modern way for creators to manage, send and schedule invoices.
At the side, I'm a web development educator, buildingSailscasts - Practical, high-quality video tutorials for pragmatic full-stack JavaScript web developers.
I am also buildingguppy - the tinker tool for backend JavaScript.
I recently started working onThe Boring JavaScript Stack to enable JavaScript developers to quickly build full-stack JavaScript applications with a focus on shipping rather than fighting with tools. Check mykeynote on Sailsconf 2023 introducing this stack
Check out myYouTube channel for easy to understand web development videos
I write a little bit on myblog andother publications
You can subscribe to theBuilding Businesses on JavaScript newsletter 📧 if you want to get my tips on building businesses on JavaScript as anindie hacker
- 🔭 I enjoy creating content and maintainingSailscasts - an online platform for quality screencasts on learning production-ready Node.js with theSails.js framework.
- 🌱 I’m currently running the TKYT(TeachKelvinYourThing) session on YouTube where I get to be taught something for an hour.Check it out.
- 💬 Ask me aboutSails,Vue, and,fullstack JavaScript web development.
- 📫 How to reach me: You can visit mywebsite ortweet at me
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I fancy one day being a Capoeira master and finally learn how to cook enough to impress my
girlfriendfiancée .
- sailscastshq/boring-stack
sailscastshq/boring-stack PublicShip JavaScript products with battle-tested technologies in days not weeks.
- sailshq/sails-hook-shipwright
sailshq/sails-hook-shipwright PublicDeliver assets for Sails. Powered by Rsbuild/Rspack
JavaScript 6
- sailscastshq/sails-pay
sailscastshq/sails-pay PublicThe modern payments engine for Sails applications
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