- Nagpur, Maharashtra
- 11:59
(UTC -12:00) - chinmaykaitade123@gmail.com
- in/chinmay-sharad-kaitade
- chinmaykaitade_hunter
- @chinmaydotcom
- https://chinmaykaitadeportfolio.vercel.app/
😄 Pronouns:He/His
🌱 I’m currently working onMERN Project
🏆 I'm Interested in making the world better byPRs
💬 Ask me aboutabout Web Development Stuffs
📫 How to reach mechinmaykaitade123@gmail.com
⚡ Fun factYour Childhood Celebrity Crush❤🔥
constchinmay={askMeAbout:["Web Dev","Tech","Editing"],code:[HTML5,CSS3,TailwindCSS,JavaScript,ReactJS,NodeJS,Express],tools:[React,Redux,Node,Styled-Components,TailwindCSS],techCommunities:{Google Crowdsource, GithubDevelopersClub,FollowMeon Dribble, StackoverflowandLinkedIn},hobbies:{'Playing Games','Tech Enthusiast''Being up all Night Chasing that ONE BUG...'},challenge:["I am Learning MERN Stack Development"],lastButNotLeast:["Updating Myself Virtually and in Reality"]}
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