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a web drawing board with canvas


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a web drawing board with canvas




   - npm  install crysyan -g   - crysyan      visit http://locolhost:9001 with browser

project demo

  • your.html
<!--<script src="jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>--><divstyle="width:1000px; height:1000px;"class="crysyan-designer"></div><!-- include the crysyan-designer.js --><!--<script src="projectPath/crysyan-designer-min.js"></script>--><scriptsrc="projectPath/js/crysyan-designer.js"></script>
  • your.js
// jquery$(".crysyan-designer").CrysyanDesigner({canvas:{// pxwidth:900,height:500},},function(designer){console.dir(designer);});//  another// var designer=CrysyanDesigner({//     canvas: {//         // px//         width: 900,//         height: 500//     },//     toolbar: {//         length: 500//     }// }, function(designer) {//     console.dir(designer);// });// designer.appendTo(document.getElementsByClassName("crysyan-designer"));
 /            -->  css/             --> css  html/           --> view  img/            --> used to place the tool icon file  js/               -->  javascript file

Is not very accurate, because it is estimated base on a variety of attribute , and not really completely tested.But It can be a reference for you.

Turn the canvas into a picture and save4+3.6(1.9.2)9+
CORS enabled image13+(Gecko)8+No support
Record Canvas(video/webM)30+30+No support


You can use config for below widgets.Sets the widgets needed for a particular instance of a artboard.

config{    toolbar: {        widgets:        ["CursorWidget",        "PencilWidget",        "EraserWidget",        "ImageWidget",        "UndoWidget",        "IndoGoWidget",        "ClearWidget",        "ShapeWidget",        "TextWidget"       ],    }    }
  1. pencil ---PencilWidget to write/draw shapes
  2. eraser ---EraserWidget to erase/clear specific portion of shapes
  3. image ---ImageWidget add external images
  4. uodo ---UndoWidget revoke history of canvas
  5. indo-go ---IndoGoWidget forward revoke history of canvas
  6. clear ---ClearWidget clear canvas
  7. shape ---ShapeWidget     draw graphics(Square、Circular、Triangle)
  8. text ---TextWidget     input text


1、First of all,you need install node.js and gulp and gulp's add-ons which used in gulpfile.js.

2、You can choose which widgets you need to include,in other word, widgets that you can provide to users.

Lookgulpfile.js as follows:

widgetPath="js/widget/";// widgetsLoad = [widgetPath+"*.js"]; orwidgetsLoad=[// widget's file namewidgetPath+"cursor.js",widgetPath+"pencil.js",widgetPath+"eraser.js",widgetPath+"image.js",widgetPath+"undo.js",widgetPath+"into-go.js",widgetPath+"clear.js"];


>gulp build

After build successfully.You can find a 'crysyan' folder,the JS files under this folder have been compressed, which can be used in your project, under the 'dist' folder

Include in your html file Just like that:

<!-- include the crysyan-designer-min.js.js --><!-- projectPath is the root of 'crysyan' folder --><scriptsrc="projectPath/crysyan-designer-min.js"></script>

projectPath is the root directory where the 'crysyan' project is located.

  • CrysyanDesigner


CrysyanDesigner is a widget; that widget should be appended to a DOM object.This method allows you pass<body> or any other HTMLDOMElement.


The correct name forappendTo is:append-iframe to target HTML-DOM-element


If you want to remove the widget from your HTMLDOMElement.



You can get a viewCrysyanView instance from childiframe:


drawBackgroupWithImage ordrawBackgroundWithImage

Draw a image on a canvas as background.

1、drawDataUrl :

recommended to replace by#4(draw image-path)

vardataurl= ""designer.drawBackgroupWithImage(dataurl);

2、drawImage :

varimage=newImage()image.src="imagePath";designer.drawBackgroupWithImage(image);// designer.drawBackgroundWithImage(image);

3、drawFile :

varfile=newFile()// do somethingdesigner.drawBackgroupWithImage(file);//designer.drawBackgroundWithImage(file);


Usually, you need to add "../../" in front of the relative directory to roll back to the root directory where the 'crysyan' project is located



Get data-URL of your drawings!'image/png'));

you can download the png:

Note: focus on attribute ofdownload of<a> tag


<aid="download-png"download="my-file-name.png">download png</a>




GetRecordRTC of your drawings,which used to record canvas to video(video/webm).Does not supported in IE browser.First,you should setisRecord=true if you want to record.

API of RecordRTC,see:RecordRTC API Reference



<buttontype="button"id="start-record">start-record</button><buttonid="stop-record">stop-record</button><divid="videoTag"style="width:1000px; height:500px;">ddd</div>


varrecorder=designer.getCanvasRecorder();$("#start-record").click(function(){console.log("recording");recorder.initRecorder();recorder.startRecording();});$("#stop-record").click(function(){console.log("stop");recorder.stopRecording(function(){varblob=recorder.getBlob();varvideo=document.createElement('video');video.src=URL.createObjectURL(blob);video.setAttribute('style','height: 100%; position: absolute; top:0; left:0;z-index:9999;width:100%;');document.body.appendChild(video);video.controls=true;;});});


You can access designer iframe as following:'5px solid red';;

designer.iframe will benull/undefined until you callappendTo. So always use this code-block:

if(!designer.iframe){designer.appendTo(document.body);}'5px solid red';
  • Config

The configuration of the entire project.

**Note:**The unit of length is: px.

vardesigner=CrysyanDesigner({ifrName:"",projectPath:"",isRecord:false,cssFile:"",canvas:{// pxwidth:900,height:500,historyListLen:50},toolbar:{widgetLength:50,widgets:["CursorWidget","PencilWidget","EraserWidget","ImageWidget","UndoWidget","IndoGoWidget","ClearWidget"],}}},function(designer){console.dir(designer);});


Name of iframe.You do not need to set this value if it is not necessary.Normally, the default value is OK


Path of crysyan project.


Whether to open the recording feature.Default:false.


Default:empty string,load inner css.If you not need load the css(include inner css).set the value of it to not string type


  • width

      Width of the  canvas.
  • height

      Height of the bottom canvas*
  • historyListLendefault:50

      the most length of history 'revoke' list. Normally, the default value is OK.


  • widgetLength

      The length of each tool icon.
  • widgets

      The widgets you want to use. see `build-in/widgets`.  Normally, the default value is OK.

Add New Tools Widgets

For example: add ashape's widget.

First Step

Create a fileshape.js to implement your tool's facility code ,under the folderjs/widget/.

1、the shape widget must be a replica copy fromCrysyanWidget.

(function($widget){'use strict';varCrysyanShapeWidget=$widget.clone();    ....// the name of widget type must be unique.Shape.CrysyanWidgetType="CrysyanShapeWidget";// export to windowwindow.CrysyanShapeWidget=CrysyanShapeWidget;})(CrysyanWidget);




An instance ofcrysyanCanvas with which you can draw canvas.



Record the previous point coordinatesprePoint.loc and eventprePoint.e


when the mouse down,isDown will be true.

Methods: can be overridden.

####mouseDown: function(e, loc) {}

when the mouse down in canvas,it will be called.e a window event object,loc point coordinates in canvas.


when the mouse up in canvas,it will be called.


when the mouse move in canvas,it will be called.

####iconClick: function(ele, e) {},

when click the widget's icon ,it will be called.ele widget's html element,e a window event object.


when click and select a new widget's icon and leave selected older ,it will be called.

Second Step

Put your widget's iconshape.png under the folderimg/.

Third Step

Openconfig.js and append following snippet towindow.CrysyanWidgetConfig.

ShapeWidget:{// Variable name export to windowexportVar:"CrysyanShapeWidget",// Name of js filejsFile:"shape.js",// Icon and Name of widget in toolbaricon:"shape.png",name:"shape"},

Then, append variableShapeWidget above towindow.CrysyanDefaultConfig.toolbar.widgets.


Four Step

Opengulpfile.js,append widgetPath+"shape.js", towidgetsLoad array,if you want to built-in.

Apache License Version 2.0

1、simple UI version.

2、draw image to canvas's backgroup and covert canvas to image(png).

3、widgets:simple pencil、eraser、iamge、clear、revoke and anti-revoke.

feature:record canvas.

feature:UI style upgrade.


1、add shape widget.

2、second-level menu for pencil、eraser and shape widgets.

3、add touch event for canvas event.

4、via variablehistoryListLen,set the historical canvas's record length.


1、tool icon: draggable=false.


1、background image scaling exceptions

  • 0.1.3.fix20170310

    • add drawBackgroundWithImage fordrawBackgroupWithImage For compatibility, two methods exist simultaneously
    • fix :
      • edge background color when erasing ,exclude path shape of eraser.
      • background image scaling exception whenmode=1.
  • 0.2.0

    • add a simple text input widget
    • add project icon
    • publish to npm

