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- Vehicle-Inventory-System
Vehicle-Inventory-System PublicA vehicle inventory system created using Eclipse. When running the project, this will allow the user to perform different CRUD (i.e., Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) database operations on a b…
- Fishing-Game
Fishing-Game PublicTo design and implement in Processing (Java), a Fishing Game, with a user-controlled fishing boat at the top of the screen and a shoal of computer controlled animated aquatic creatures, bent on the…
- JavaScript-Video-Player
JavaScript-Video-Player PublicA video player created using JavaScript, allowing the user to control the video using a range of functions, such as: play/pause, mute/unmute, stop, use the seeker bar, adjust the volume, fast-forwa…
- ePortfolio-using-HTML-CSS
ePortfolio-using-HTML-CSS PublicAn e-portfolio (electronic portfolio) website created using HTML and CSS, showing a collection of evidence of my learning journey during my first year at university. The purpose of this website was…
- DefenderZ-Game
DefenderZ-Game PublicA simple space themed game created in Processing, where the user controls a rocket, known as the Defender, with the up and down arrow keys in order to avoid the oncoming aliens. If they hit an alie…
- Bouncing-Circles
Bouncing-Circles PublicA very simple project created using Processing where 3 circles freely move around the screen, while changing colour when they collide with one another or the edge of the canvas. This was created in…
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