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🎨 Read/write all color palette file formats ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


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There are a LOT of different types of palette files.Like, way too many.But we can solve this.

One library to rule them all,   one library to find them,One library to load them all   and in the browser bind them.

Check out the demo!


AnyPalette.js has a single interface for all formats, so you can load any of the supported file types with one call,and it'll choose an appropriate parser to use automatically.

It can even load from files that aren't intended specifically as palettes, but that have CSS-style color values in them (.css, .html, .svg, .js, etc.)

Works in Node.js and in the browser.

Supported palette formats:

File ExtensionNameProgramsReadWrite
.palRIFF PaletteMS Paint for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0
.gplGIMP PaletteGimp,Inkscape,Krita,KolourPaint,Scribus,CinePaint,MyPaint
.acoAdobe Color SwatchAdobePhotoshop
.aseAdobe Swatch ExchangeAdobePhotoshop,InDesign, andIllustrator
.txtPaint.NET PalettePaint.NET
.actAdobe Color TableAdobePhotoshop andIllustrator✅*
.pal, .psppalettePaint Shop Pro PalettePaint Shop Pro (Jasc Software / Corel)
.hplHomesite PaletteAllaireHomesite / MacromediaColdFusion
.csColorSchemerColorSchemer Studio✅*
.palStarcraft PaletteStarcraft
.wpeStarcraft Terrain PaletteStarcraft
.sketchpaletteSketch PaletteSketch
.splSkencil PaletteSkencil (formerly called Sketch)
.socStarOffice ColorsStarOffice,OpenOffice,LibreOffice
.colorsKolourPaint Color CollectionKolourPaint
.colorsPlasma Desktop Color SchemeKDE Plasma Desktop
.themeWindows ThemeWindows Desktop
.themepackWindows ThemeWindows Desktop
.css, .scss, .stylCascading StyleSheetsWeb browsers / web pages
.html, .svg, .jsany text files with CSS colorsWeb browsers / web pages

*The ColorSchemer file parser is only enabled when the file extension is known to be.cs,provided by passing aFile object, oroptions.fileName, oroptions.fileExt, oroptions.filePath.The Adobe Color Table loader is only enabled when the file extension is known to be.act OR the file is exactly 768 or 772 bytes long.

UNSUPPORTED palette formats (for now):

File ExtensionNameProgramsReadWrite
.gpaGpick PaletteGpick
.acbAdobe Color BookAdobeInDesign andIllustrator✅**
.acblAdobe Color Book Library / LegacyAdobeInDesign andIllustrator (?)

**None of the color spaces are supported (CMYK, CIELAB, CIEXYZ). The code is mostly all there! But I think probablyICC profiles are needed for correct-looking colors.

Picking colors from an image can be done by other libraries, likevibrant.js/node-vibrant


MIT-licensed, seeLICENSE


For Node.js / Webpack / Parcel / Rollup / Browserify, install with:

npm i anypalette --save# oryarn add anypalette

Then access the library with:


Alternatively, downloadbuild/anypalette-0.7.0.js and include it as a script:


This will create a globalAnyPalette

This library uses UMD, so you can also load it with AMD or CommonJS (in which case it won't create a global).


See thechangelog for upgrading.Properties and methods not documented here may break without notice.

AnyPalette.loadPalette(options, callback)

Load a palette from a palette file.You can pass in the file data in a few different ways.

Knowing the file extension means AnyPalette.js can often pick the correct palette loader right away, which can improve the load speed, and also a few loaders are only enabled if their specific file extension matches because they can't determine if the file is actually in that format or not (for raw data formats without headers).

  • options.file - the palette file to load, as aFile
  • - the palette file data to load, as a binary string orArrayBuffer or Node.jsBuffer orUint8Array (butnot any otherTypedArray orDataView). In the case of a binary string, Unicode names for colors do not work, so anArrayBuffer is preferred.
  • options.filePath - a path to a palette file, for Node.js usage
  • options.fileName (optional) - the file name, if you have it, including the file extension - can be obtained automatically fromoptions.file oroptions.filePath
  • options.fileExt (optional) - the file extension, if you have it, with or without the dot, e.g."pal" - can be obtained automatically fromoptions.fileName oroptions.file oroptions.filePath
  • callback(error, palette, formatUsed, matchedFileExtension) (required) - called when palette loading is finished, either with an error (in the first argument) or with the remaining arguments in the case of success:
    • palette: aPalette
    • formatUsed: aFormat object representing the file format, or more generic loader, that was used to parse the palette
    • matchedFileExtension: whether the format matched one of the file extensions its known for (Boolean)

Note: The callback is actually executed synchronously if you pass data directly. It's in an asynchronous style to allow for file loading, but all the palette parsing is currently synchronous. TODO:setImmediate at least.

AnyPalette.loadPalette(file, callback)

Shortcut to load from aFile object, equivalent to passing{file: file} foroptions.

AnyPalette.loadPalette(filePath, callback)

Shortcut to load from a file path in Node.js, equivalent to passing{filePath: filePath} foroptions.

AnyPalette.writePalette(palette, format)

Returns string (for text-based formats) orArrayBuffer (for binary formats) of the content of a file, in the givenFormat.

To save a palette as a GPL file, sending a download in a browser:

varformat=AnyPalette.formats.GIMP_PALETTE;varfile_content=AnyPalette.writePalette(palette,format);varfile=newFile([file_content],"Saved Colors.gpl");varurl=URL.createObjectURL(file);vara=document.createElement("a");a.href=url;;document.body.appendChild(a);;// Note: this must happen during a user gesture to workdocument.body.removeChild(a);

If you don't know what format to export as, useGIMP_PALETTE (.gpl), as it's supported by a wide range of software.


Some palette formats are commonly made variable size by just leaving unused slots a certain colorsuch as#000 or#00F.You can get aPalette with only unique colors like so:


classPalette extendsArray

(Accessible asAnyPalette.Palette)

Stores a list ofColors, and some metadata.

BecausePalette is a subclass ofArray, you can useforEach,map,join and other methods,or access the colors via indexing e.g.palette[0] and loop over them usingpalette.length

Note: I think this was a bad design decision becausemap unintuitively returns an instance of the subclassPalette, andPalette is only intended to holdColors.I plan to change it to simply use acolors field.
I could make it an array-like object, but that might introduce other confusions. I don't know, jQuery does it. And a bunch of browser-native objects are array-like instead of proper arrays. Maybe that's the way to go.


palette.numberOfColumns may contain a number of columns for the palette to fit into (with the number of rows being implicit).
You should ignore anumberOfColumns of zero orundefined, and MAY want to ignore this property entirely.Inkscape, for example, ignores the number of columns specified in a palette. may contain a name for the palette (as a string), or elseundefined.

This isnot populated with the filename, it's only available for palette formats that allow defining a namewithin the file.


palette.description may contain a description for the palette (as a string), or elseundefined.


(Accessible asAnyPalette.Color)

Color has atoString method that returns a CSS color, which means you canpass a Color object directly to an element's style or a canvas's context.


SeeUsing JavaScript's 'toString' Method, which incidentally uses aColor class as an example.

In some cases you may need to calltoString() explicitly to get a string, for example:


Color objects also havered,green,blue properties, anddepending on how they were loaded, might havehue,saturation,lightness, and/oralpha. may contain a name for the color (as a string), or elseundefined.

Not all palette formats support named colors., colorB, epsilon=0.0001)

Determines whether two colors are equal in value, or nearly equal.[0],palette[1],0);[0],palette[1],0.001);[0],palette[1],20);

Note: If you want to find perceptually similar colors, it's better to use CIELAB color space instead of RGB.This function compares in RGB space and is really only meant for finding duplicates.


This class represents a loader and/or writer.

  • name: A friendly name for the format, e.g."Paint Shop Pro palette"
  • fileExtensions: An array of associated file extensions, without the dot, e.g.["pal", "psppalette"]
  • fileExtensionsPretty: A textual representation of the file extensions, including the dots, e.g.".pal, .psppalette"
  • readFromText: This exists on text-based readers. Don't use it directly, useAnyPalette.loadPalette instead.
  • read: This exists on binary readers. Don't use it directly, useAnyPalette.loadPalette instead.
  • write: This exists on writers. Don't use it directly, useAnyPalette.writePalette instead.


This is an object that containsFormat objects, keyed by format IDs.

To get an array of formats:


To get just writers:


To get just readers:



  • Loadall the palettes!

    • Magica Voxel Palette (.png) - seeMagicaVoxelPalettes for examples
    • macOS Color Palette (.clr)
    • Gpick Palette (.gpa)
    • Low priority
      • ASCII Color Format (.acf)
      • Binary Color Format (.bcf)
      • Alias/WaveFront Material (.mtl)
      • XML-based:
        • Adobe Color Book Legacy (.acbl)
        • AutoCAD Color Book (.acb)
        • QuarkXPress Color Library (.qcl)
        • Scribus (.xml)
        • sK1 (.skpx /.skp)
  • Guess palette geometries?

  • More stuff (I have an external TODO list)


Development Setup

  • Install Node.js, if you don't already have it. (It comes withnpm)

  • Fork and clone the repository

  • The repo has a git submodule, so in the repository folder rungit submodule update --init

  • Install dependencies withnpm install

Development Workflow

npm start will start a server and open a page in your default browser;it'll rebuild the library when changes to the source files are detected, and it'll auto-reload the page

Runnpm test to update aregression-data folder, and then view any changes with git.

  • If the changes are good/positive, great! Commit the changes along with the source code, or in a separate "Accept" commit.
  • If the changes are bad/negative, try to fix the regression.
  • *.out.2.* files are for files that are saved differently when loading a saved file. Ideally we want none of these.
  • If many files are deleted, check the console output. There are some test cases where it will exit early.'s [Unreleased] section with any notable changes,following theKeep a Changelog format.Include any information someone upgrading the library might need to know.

When pulling changes (e.g. syncing a fork) you may need tonpm install again to update the dependencies.

To cut a release

The process is currently something like this:

  •, replace the [Unreleased] section with the next version.
  • Make sure all the numbers are right. There's five version numbers and a date to update.

(TODO: useupdate-changelog (altho it doesn't support links to commit ranges...this does, but it's for a different ecosystem))

npm run buildnpm testgit diff tests/ # there shouldn't be changes to the test data at this point, that should ideally happen in earlier commitsgit add -A && git commit -m "Update for release"npm version minor # or major or patch or a specific version numbergit push --follow-tags # better than --tags!npm publish

