


What is GDC?

GDC is a GPL implementation of the D compiler which integrates the opensource D front end with GCC.

The GNU D Compiler (GDC) project was originally started by David Friedmanin 2004 until early 2007 when he disappeared from the D scene, and was nolonger able to maintain GDC. Following a revival attempt in 2008, GDC isnow under the lead of Iain Buclaw, who has been steering the project since2009 with the assistance of its contributors. Without them, the projectwould not have been nearly as successful as it has been.

GDC was merged into the upstream GCC tree in GCC 9.0 and continues to be developed and distributed as part of GCC.

Bugs in GDC

Please report bugs!

Any bugs or issues found with using GDC should be reported atour bugzillasite. Bug reports can be anything from problems, enhancements,incorrect or incomplete documentation, web changes, or even WIP projects.

Please note that if you find bugs in GDC that you installed with a givenGNU/Linux distribution, it is often useful to first try reporting the bugdirectly to the distributor. Sometimes distributors have modified thesoftware (as they are free to do so!) or they are running older versions.Thus, they may be the best people to find a bug as it pertains to aparticular distribution.

Before submitting a new bug, trybrowsing the current openbugs to see if the problem has already been reported or even fixed.

It is also very helpful if you can try reproducing the problem with acurrent GDC snapshot available from git. Often bugs in a release branchhave already been fixed in the latest development sources.

While bug reports may seem like individual assistance, they are not; theyare part of preparing a new improved version. For general help with GDC,theD.gnu mailing list is the place to go with questionsor problems.

