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When looking to ensure that our computers are running free software, we usually turn our attention to the operating system and programs we install. Increasingly, we also need to look at the Web sites we visit. Simply visiting many sites loads software onto your computer, primarily JavaScript, that carry proprietary licenses. If we want to be able to browse the Web without running nonfree software, we need to work together to call for change.
The Free JavaScript campaign persuades companies, governments, and NGOs to make their Web sites work without requiring that users run any proprietary software. We pick one site at a time and focus energy on it, working as a team to send many polite but firm messages to the site maintainers.
The JavaScript programs in question create menus, buttons, text editors, music players, and many other features of Web sites, so browsers generally come configured to download and run them without ever making users aware of it. Contrary to popular perception, almost no JavaScript runs "on the Web site" -- even though these JavaScript programs are hidden from view, they are still nonfree code being executed on your computer, and they canabuse your trust.
Join us in calling for a Web that respects our freedom by being compatible with free software. Use the action box on the right to contact the organization we're currently focusing on and ask them to make their site work without nonfree JavaScript.
We're currently working on a proud badge for Web sites that work without nonfree JavaScript. The ability to display this badge will be an incentive for sites to make the transition we request of them, and sites that already respect users' freedom will use it to distinguish themselves and to welcome free software users.
To receive updates and hear about the next site we'll focus on, please join the campaign'slow-volume mailing list. You're also welcome to explore thecampaign's area on the LibrePlanet community wiki, where you can help build the list of future sites to focus on. If you are an experienced JavaScript developer that's interested in helping with the campaign, we welcome you to submit a request to join our JavaScript Developers Task Force list. Please make sure to follow theinstructions on the list info page.
This campaign was launched with the help of FSF campaigns internsSaurabh Nair andSankha Narayan Guria. More information about the FSF's internship program is available at
Please take a little time toshow your appreciation for a particular member or project's commitment to software freedom in your area.
The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom —learn about our history and work.