Looking to make weird things, mechanically, aesthetically, and narratively.
1/3 ofBear Vegas
1/4 ofPuzzSoft
Also checkoutParadise for more cool devs i may sometimes work with! Check out my neighbours on the web ring, they are very cool:
Ask-K <Paradise Web Ring Thing> Sirmilkman
contact me on twitter @johnlee_erg or email me atjohnleeerg@gmail.com
For all of my games in chronological order gohere! Otherwise enjoy the quasi-organized collections below:
Idk what to title this collection, its any game project by me that doesnt qualify for the other categories.
Sometimes Im just a Small Part Of Something Bigger
Me, Silver Lewis and Austin Heller . Longtime real life friends who do game jams together pretty often! Austin also does music for most of my games.
I've been a big fan of Puzzsoft's work ever since I was a kid. Their cutesy graphics, obtuse design, and 90s in your face attitude were a big influence on me. The fan club includes me, Michael Guattery , Marty Daniels , and Rachel Theil
Solo Games made over extremely short amounts of time, measured in hours rather than days! Mostly for Jams but sometimes not.
Me, Justin Capcap , Jesse Baker, Aaron Sutton, and Matt Murch. We were a group one year in college, making a bunch of prototypes leading up to Stacktus, which I'm still pretty proud of. The rest of these guys all have cool fruitful game dev...
Games made up of stolen pieces from recognizable works that recontextualize those pieces into new and beautiful things, often playing off of their pre-existing meanings and contexts. Transcending shitpost games into legitimately meaningful...