( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forZulu . zu
water fermentedrice beer Visier Sanyu,A history of Nagas and Nagaland (1996,→ISBN , page 51 (zu , rice beer) Robert Gordon Latham,Elements of Comparative Philology , page 31 (Angami wordlist) (zu , water) The Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (James Richardson Logan), volume 10 (1970) (Angamizu , water; mentionsdzu )Inherited fromProto-Basque *zu , originally a second-person plural pronoun. Over time, it came to be used as a polite second-person singular pronoun; whilehi went from being a general second-person singular pronoun to a strictly informal one. In all the written record it appears as a singular pronoun, but it might have survived as a plural pronoun up to the nineteenth century in parts of Biscay.[ 1]
Second-person singular personal pronoun ;you Declension of Basque personal pronouns
Common pronouns singular plural 1st person 2nd person (informal) 2nd person (neutral) 1st person 2nd person absolutive ni hi zu gu zuek ergative nik hik zuk guk dative niri hiri zuri guri zuei genitive nire ,ene hire zure gure zuen comitative nirekin ,enekin hirekin zurekin gurekin zuekin causative nigatik ,niregatik ,enegatik higatik ,hiregatik zugatik ,zuregatik gugatik ,guregatik zuengatik benefactive niretzat ,niretako ,enetzat ,enetako hiretzat ,hiretako zuretzat ,zuretako guretzat ,guretako zuentzat ,zuendako instrumental nitaz hitaz zutaz gutaz zuetaz inessive nigan ,niregan ,nire baitan ,nitan ,enegan ,ene baitan higan ,hiregan ,hire baitan ,hitan zugan ,zuregan ,zure baitan ,zutan gugan ,guregan ,gure baitan ,gutan zuengan ,zuen baitan ,zuetan locative nire baitako ,ene baitako hire baitako gu baitako ,gure baitako zu baitako ,zure baitako zuen baitako allative niregana ,nireganat ,nire baitara ,nire baitarat ,enegana ,eneganat ,ene baitara ,ene baitarat hiregana ,hireganat ,hire baitara ,hire baitarat zugana ,zuregana ,zuganat ,zureganat ,zu baitara ,zure baitara ,zu baitarat ,zure baitarat gugana ,guregana ,guganat ,gureganat ,gu baitara ,gure baitara ,gu baitarat ,gure baitarat zuengana ,zuenganat ,zuen baitara ,zuen baitarat terminative nireganaino ,nire baitaraino ,eneganaino higanaino ,hireganaino ,hire baitaraino zuganaino ,zureganaino ,zu baitaraino ,zure baitaraino guganaino ,gureganaino ,gu baitaraino ,gure baitaraino zuenganaino ,zuen baitaraino directive niganantz ,nireganantz ,eneganantz higanantz ,hireganantz zuganantz ,zureganantz guganantz ,gureganantz zuenganantz destinative niganako ,nireganako ,eneganako higanako ,hireganako zuganako ,zureganako guganako ,gureganako zuenganako ablative nireganik ,niregandik ,nire baitatik ,nire baitarik ,eneganik ,enegandik ,ene baitatik ,ene baitarik higanik ,hireganik ,higandik ,hiregandik ,hire baitatik ,hire baitarik zuganik ,zureganik ,zugandik ,zuregandik ,zu baitatik ,zu baitarik ,zure baitatik ,zure baitarik guganik ,gureganik ,gugandik ,guregandik ,gu baitatik ,gu baitarik ,gure baitatik ,gure baitarik zuenganik ,zuengandik ,zuen baitatik ,zuen baitarik Emphatic pronouns absolutive neu heu zeu geu zeuek ergative neuk heuk zeuk geuk dative neuri heuri zeuri geuri zeuei genitive neure heure zeure geure zeuen comitative neurekin heurekin zeurekin geurekin zeuekin causative neugatik ,neuregatik heugatik ,heuregatik zugatik ,zuregatik gugatik ,guregatik zuengatik benefactive neuretzat ,neuretako heuretzat ,heuretako zeuretzat ,zeuretako geuretzat ,geuretako zeuentzat ,zeuendako instrumental neutaz heutaz zeutaz geutaz zeuetaz inessive neugan heuregan ,heure baitan zeugan ,zeuregan geugan ,geuregan zeuengan locative neure baitako heure baitako zeure baitako geure baitako zeuen baitako allative neuregana heugana ,heuregana ,heure baitara ,heure baitarat zeugana ,zeuregana geugana ,geuregana zeuengana terminative neuregaino heuganaino ,heureganaino ,heure baitaraino zeuganaino ,zeureganaino geuganaino ,geureganaino zeuenganaino directive neuganantz heuganantz ,heureganantz zeuganantz ,zeureganantz geuganantz ,geureganantz zeuenganantz destinative neureganako heuganako ,heureganako zeuganako ,zeureganako geuganako ,geureganako zeuenganako ablative neuganik ,neugandik heuganik ,heureganik ,heugandik ,heuregandik ,heure baitatik ,heure baitarik zeuganik ,zeureganik ,zeugandik ,zeuregandik geuganik ,geureganik ,geugandik ,geuregandik zeuenganik ,zeuengandik
“zu ”, inEuskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia [Dictionary of the Basque Academy ] (in Basque),Euskaltzaindia [Royal Academy of the Basque Language ] “zu ”, inOrotariko Euskal Hiztegia [General Basque Dictionary ],Euskaltzaindia ,1987–2005 From a spelling merger of two interrelatedadpreps : 1.)Middle High German ze , fromOld High German za ,zi , fromProto-Germanic *ta ; and 2.)Middle High German zuo , fromOld High German zuo , fromProto-Germanic *tō . A distinction between both words has widely been retained in dialects, and also to some degree in modern spoken German (see pronunciation section below). Cognate withSilesian East Central German zu (contractions with the definite article:zum m or n ,zur f );Dutch te ,toe ;Old Saxon tō ;English to ,too .
IPA (key ) : /t͡suː/ ( standard ) IPA (key ) : /t͡sə/ ( variant in colloquial speech; chiefly with infinitives (particle) and adjectives (meaning “too”) ) Rhymes:-uː zu [with dative ]
to ,towards ( indicates directionality ) zum Bahnhof ―to the train stationwithrespect to;regarding Zu Punkt 1 möchte ich bemerken, dass...With respect to item 1, let me remark that... along with;with ( accompanying (the main thing in question) ) Wasserzum Essen trinken ―to drink waterwith one’s meal at ,on ( indicates location ) zu Hause ―at homeat ( indicates time ) zur richtigen Zeit ―at the right timezu Beginn ―at the beginningby ,in ,on ,at ( indicates mode (of transportation, speech, etc.) ) zu Pferd ―on horseback( with a verb ) for ;( with a noun ) as ,by way of ( for the purpose of ) for ( in honor of, or directed towards the celebration or event of ) into ( indicates transition into another form or substance ) as ,for , tobe ( to take on the role of ) to ( used to indicate ratios ) at ( denotes a price or rate ) zu
( with infinitives of verbs ) to etwaszu essen ―somethingto eat zu
( with adjectives and adverbs ) too ( excessively ) zu schnell ―too fast( by extension, slang ) Anintensifier . Dieses Essen istzu lecker! ―This food tastesso good! towards ;at ( somewhat informal ) shut ;closed ;locked Synonym: geschlossen Antonyms: auf ,offen ,geöffnet ahead ,on ( along, forwards (continuing an action) ) ( colloquial ) As a separated part ofdazu orwozu "Wann willst du denn los?" "Um 10? Nur wenn duda Lustzu hast." "When did you wanna go?" "At 10? Only if you're upfor it ." ( intensifier ) : Alwaysstressed . Compare Englishso ( “ very much ” ) .
zu (indeclinable ,predicative only )
( somewhat informal ) shut ,closed ( made inaccessible or impassable; not open ) Synonym: geschlossen Das Geschäft warzu . The shop wasclosed . Die Tür muss aus Brandschutzgründen immerzu sein. This door must beshut at all times for reasons of fire safety. Die Tür istzu , ich komm nicht rein. The door islocked , I can’t get in there. closed( not operating or conducting trade ) done up ( fastened ) ( slang ) hammered ; very drunkIndeclinable, predicative-only.
FromMiddle High German zuo , fromOld High German zuo , fromProto-West Germanic *tō , fromProto-Germanic *tō , fromProto-Indo-European *de .
IPA (key ) : /ˈt͡suː/ Rhymes:-uː Syllabification:zu zu (comparative zuner ,superlative zunest )
closed zu
closed Die Deer waarzu . The door wasclosed . too ;overly zu [with dative ]
to ( in the direction of ) Er hodzu seiner Mutter gesprung. He ranto his mother. by ( using the means of ) Sie gehdzu Fus She goesby foot. zu
Thehiragana syllableず ( zu ) or thekatakana syllableズ ( zu ) inHepburn romanization. Thehiragana syllableづ ( zu ) or thekatakana syllableヅ ( zu ) inHepburn romanization. zu
water Reduced form ofzou , fromMiddle High German zuo , fromOld High German zuo , fromProto-Germanic *tō .
zu (+ dative )
at ,in Ech wunnenzu Réiden. ―I livein Redange. with respect to ,regarding for (the purpose of)Dat Blietchen ass nëmmenzu denger Informatioun. ―The leaflet is justfor your information. ( rare ) to ,towards The adverbial form ofzu , used e.g., in compound verbs, iszou . With the singular forms of the definite article,zu may contract tozum (zu dem ) andzur (zu der ). zu
( when stressed ) Alternative form ofze ( “ too ” ) Dat ass net nëmme vill, dat asszu vill. It’s not just much, it’stoo much. zu
Nonstandard spelling ofzū .Nonstandard spelling ofzú .Nonstandard spelling ofzǔ .Nonstandard spelling ofzù .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.Pennsylvania German [ edit ] CompareGerman zu ,Dutch te ,English to .
at ,to IPA (key ) : /t͡sʊ/ ,[t͡sʊ] Hyphenation:zu zu
Alternative form ofziu Ou, cucì, ti saluta uzu Ninu. ―Hey, bro, “uncle ” Ninu greets you. Uncertain.
IPA (key ) : /ˈt͡su/ ,[ˈt͡su] Hyphenation:zu zu
( South-east of Sicily ) Used to expressastonishment ,awe ,amazement ; exclamation at a sudden discovery. Zu ! ―Wow !( South-east of Sicily, invocational ) Prefixed as an exclamation in immediate and laconic vocative. Zu , lu porcu! ―No way , you're [like] a pig!Zu , lu jencu! ―No way , you're [like] a bullock!Zu , lu crastu! ―No way , you're [like] a ram!Zu , lu bestia! ―No way , you're rough!This kind of interjection is colloquial, local and barely translatable. It can be vaguely approximated to English “Hey, you behave like an <animal> ”, in a context of speakers who know the stereotyped characteristics of that given animal. It can express a wide range of feelings and meanings, depending on the context. Generally perceived as vulgar by Sicilians who do not speak this south-eastern dialect variant. zu
Romanization of𒍪 ( zu ) zu
in addition