zo (pluralzos)
- Alternative spelling ofdzo
Borrowed fromJapanese象(zō).
- elephant
Ultimately from bothProto-Germanic*ta and*tō. Cognate withGermanzu; see there for more.
- to
- regarding
FromMiddle Dutchsô, fromOld Dutchsō, fromProto-West Germanic*swā, from a merger ofProto-Germanic*swa and*swē.
- so,thus,likethat/this
- Is hetzo goed, of wil je nog meer? ―Is it goodlike this, or do you want more?
- so,that, to such an extent
- Het is hierzo koud dat ik sta te beven. ―It isso cold here that I'm standing here shaking.
- Echt?Zo koud is het niet, hoor. ―Really? It's notthat cold.
- (zo ... als)as .. as
- zo groot als een huis ―as big as a house
- (stressed)right away, in a second/minute, verysoon
- Ik zal jezo komen helpen, ik ben nu even bezig. ―I will come and help youin a second, I'm busy right now.
- Het komt erzo aan! ―Comingright up! [a meal etc.]
- (formal)if
Heeft u bezwaren?Zo ja, gelieve te verduidelijken.- Do you have any objections?If so, please elaborate.
zo (accusative singularzo-on,pluralzo-oj,accusative pluralzo-ojn)
- The name of theLatin-script letterZ/z.
- (Latin-script letter names)litero;a,bo,co,ĉo,do,e,fo,go,ĝo,ho,ĥo,i,jo,ĵo,ko,lo,mo,no,o,po,ro,so,ŝo,to,u,ŭo,vo,zo
FromFrenchos(“bones”). In French, the plural formos is commonly preceded by a determiner- such asaux,les ormes- whose finals orx is pronounced/z/ before vowels (and is otherwise silent). As a result,os was reanalyzed in Haitian Creole as beginning with/z/.
- bone
- dice
- Targète, Jean and Urciolo, Raphael G.Haitian Creole-English dictionary (1993;→ISBN)
- Thehiragana syllableぞ(zo) or thekatakana syllableゾ(zo) inHepburn romanization.
- Alternative form ofvouzòt(“you, y'all; your, y'all's”)
- tofinish; toend
- Synonym:wòla
- Nuwan ázo kpáátá. ―The water has completelyfinished.
- tocomplete; toaccomplish
- togo
Borrowed fromJapanese象(zō).
- elephant
zo (+ genitive)
- Alternative form ofz
- Used before words starting with the lettersz,ž,s,š and certain consonant clusters.
- “zo”, inSlovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science] (in Slovak),https://slovnik.juls.savba.sk,2003–2025
Torres Strait Creole
- chin
Borrowed fromArabicظَاء(ẓāʔ).
zo (pluralzolar)
- the Arabic letterظ
- Combining stem ofzona.
FromMiddle Englishso, sa, fromOld Englishswā, fromProto-West Germanic*swā.
- so
1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number 1, page84:Fade teil theezo lournagh, co Joane,zo knaggee?- What ails youso melancholy, quoth John,so cross?
1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number 1, page84:Huck nigher; y'art scuddeen; fartoozo hachee?- Come nearer; you're rubbing your back; whyso ill tempered?
- so
1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number10, page88:Tommeen was lous, anzo was ee baree.- Tommy was open, andso was the goal.
1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number10, page88:Oore hart cam' t' oore mouth, anzo w' all ee green;- Our hearts came to our mouth, andso with all in the green;
- so
1867, “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY, number14, page90:Zo bless all oore frends, an God zpeed ee plowe.- So bless all our friends, and God speed the plough.
- Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page82
- Combining stem ofzona.