First attested in the 17th century in this form, already 16th in its now obsolete feminine forme zeshkë(“black”). The pluraltë zinj is recent, built on analogy of other masculine nouns ending in stressed/-ˈi/, and supplanted the earliertë zez. The irregular paradigm may reflecte zezëf sg <*gʷed(ʰ)yā,të zezm pl <*gʷed(ʰ)yoi,zif(“mourning”,noun) <*gʷed(ʰ)íyā.
“zi,~të (të)”, “zi”, “zi (i)”, “zi,~u (i)”, inFGJSSH: Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe [Dictionary of the modern Albanian language][1],1980, page2241ab
Mann,S. E. (1948) “zi”, inAn Historical Albanian–English Dictionary, London: Longmans, Green & Co., page581b
Tagliavini, Carlo (1937) “zi”, inL'albanese di Dalmazia.[…] (in Italian), Florence: Leo S. Olschki, page293
Leotti, Angelo (1916) “zī”, inL'albanese parlato (in Italian), Milan: U. Hoepli,page190
Weigand, Gustav (1914) “zī”, inAlbanesisch–deutsches und deutsch–albanesisches Wörterbuch (in German), Leipzig: J. A. Barth,page105a
Jungg,G. (1895) “ɛii, ɛeɛ”, inFialuur i voghel sccȣp e ltinisct [Small Albanian–Italian dictionary],page151a
Meyer,G. (1891) “zī”, inEtymologisches Wörterbuch der albanesischen Sprache [Etymological Dictionary of the Albanian Language] (in German), Strasbourg: Karl J. Trübner,→DOI,page484
Bardhi, Frang (1635)Dictionarium Latino Epiroticum (overall work in Latin and Albanian),page63: “niger — iɛij”
Demiraj, Bardhyl (1997) “zi (i)”, inAlbanische Etymologien: Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz [Albanian Etymologies:[…]] (Leiden Studies in Indo-European; 7)[2] (in German), Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, page427
Çabej,E. (2006) “zī”, inStudime etimologjike në fushë të shqipes (in Albanian), volumes VII: S–Zh, Tirana, page297f.
Demiraj, Bardhylet al. (2021) “zi (i)”, inDPEWA. Digitales Philologisch-Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altalbanischen [DPEWA. Digital Philological-Etymological Dictionary of Old Albanian]
Huld, Martin E. (1984) “i zi, e zezë”, inBasic Albanian Etymologies, Columbus: Slavica Publishers,→ISBN, page134f.
Orel, Vladimir E. (1998) “zi”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary, Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN, page524
Jungg,G. (1895) “ɛii, a”, inFialuur i voghel sccȣp e ltinisct [Small Albanian–Italian dictionary],page151a
Demiraj, Bardhylet al. (2021) “zí -a”, inDPEWA. Digitales Philologisch-Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Altalbanischen [DPEWA. Digital Philological-Etymological Dictionary of Old Albanian]
“zi” inMartalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974)Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini, 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
Inherited fromLatindīc, the 2nd person singular imperative ofLatindīco, with the final -c being dropped as part of a loss of all final consonants in Proto-Romanian. CompareItaliandì, which also went through the same sound shift.
c.19th century, anonymous author, “[untitled song]”, inGiovanni Spano, editor,Canti popolari in dialetto sassarese[5], volume 1 (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Cagliari, published1873,song 24,page107:
Alburea, Alburea E li so’ suldaddi z’hani libaraddi
1989, Giovanni Maria Cherchi, “Primabéra [Spring]”, inLa poesia di l'althri [The poetry of others] (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Sassari: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, page13:
l’antigga primabéra, più cruderi di tutti l’isthasgioni acchìzi torra a vidda e poiz’ammazza.
Ancient Spring, [the] cruelest of all seasons, for it takesus back to life, and then killsus.
1989, Giovanni Maria Cherchi, “Siparazioni [Separation]”, inLa poesia di l'althri [The poetry of others] (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Sassari: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, page65:
[…] E lu chizi paria incridìbiri, aiallu![…]
And that whichto us had seemed unbelievable, there it is!
c.19th century, anonymous author, “[untitled song]”, inGiovanni Spano, editor,Canti popolari in dialetto sassarese[6], volume 1 (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Cagliari, published1873,song 35,page124:
Lu soli di Sant’Anna Veni a lu me’ balconi, Viniddinni lu me’ fiori Abali chi noz’è mamma.
St. Anne's sun comes to my balcony; come to my flower, now that mom isn'there.