Reduced form ofyou . CompareDutch je , reduced/unstressed form ofjij ( “ you ” ) .
Nonstandard spelling ofyou .2011 , Byron Douglas, chapter 3, inA Journey Through the Life of an Anti-Social [64–65 ] ,→ISBN :Lola got a shocked look on her face then said, “Ya need to stop actin' jealous ifya aint, andya can't control what I do.Ya aint my daddy andya aint my man. I'll seeya tomorrah after work ifya want. Just give me a call,ya have my number”.
Apparently fromGerman ja and cognates in other Germanic languages; related toEnglish yeah .
( informal ) Yeah ;yes .FromMiddle English ya , fromOld English ġēa ,iā ( “ yea, yes ” ) . More atyea .
ya (notcomparable )
( UK dialectal , West Country , Northern England , Scotland ) yea ;yes 1806 , Jamieson,Pop. Ballads :'Ya , wilt thou!' said Wallace, 'then tak thee that,[ …] '
1894 , W. G. Stevenson,Puddin' iii. :Ya , auld man, ye ken fine ye wad like me.
1896 , Ackworth,Clog Shop Chron. :Ya , bur 'ee did,[ …]
Variation ofhyah .
( informal ) Go . (Spoken to horses and cattle.)ya
Nonstandard spelling ofyour .FromRussian я ( ja ) .
ya (plural yas )
A letter of the Cyrillic alphabet:Я ,я . a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet "Я/я"
FromMalay ya , fromDutch ja (and ultimatelyProto-Germanic *ja ). Reinforced by informal variants ofyes in English (e.g.,yeah ).Doublet ofyes .
IPA (key ) : /jɑ/ ,( in tag questions ) [jɑː˨˦] ya
( informal , Singapore , Malaysia ) Yes ,yeah (used to express affirmation)ya
( Singlish , Manglish ) Used to form a confirmation-seekingtag question , expecting anaffirmative response. 1983 , Stella Kon,Emily of Emerald Hill ,→ISBN , Act 1, page21 :What about yourself Mr Chee, never look a day older, you'll see the rest of us six feet under… Really you look very well. I heard you went for new treatment in Switzerlandya ?…
( question tags in Singlish ) :is it ,ah ya
water František Kratochvíl,A grammar of Abui: a Papuan language of Alor (2007) František Kratochvíl, Benidiktus Delpada,Abui-Indonesian-English Dictionary (2008) ya
( Yadhaykenu ) throw Claire Bowern, Harold James Koch,Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method (2004), page 537 ya
( transitive , Mpakwithi) togive ( transitive , Mpakwithi) tobring Terry Crowley,The Mpakwithi dialect of Anguthimri (1981), page 189 ya
bad Borrowed fromArabic يَا ( yā ,“ o, hey, you ” ) .
vocative particle Synonym: ey Ya Əli! ( Shiite exclamation ) ―OAli ! Borrowed fromPersian یا ( yâ ,“ either, or ” ) .
ya … ya …
either … or Ya bu,ya da o. İkisinə də birdən pulumuz çatmaz.[Choose]either thisor that. We can't afford to buy them both at once. ya
Friday ( day of the week ) ya
bad ya
mouth ya
fire Malcolm Ross,Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian Languages of Western Melanesia ,Pacific Linguistics , series C-98 (1988) (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
yes , word used to show agreement or acceptance.Ya , gwir eo! ―Yes , that's correct!ya
Alternative spelling ofyour ( “ 2st person singularpossessive determiner ” ) Central Huasteca Nahuatl [ edit ] ya
third person ;he ,she ya
and Used to indicate causation. To connect two similar words or phrases the alternateyan .
Inherited fromSpanish ya .
indicates thepast tense ya (stative, irregular )
to be (something) It cannot be used by itself and must always have a preceding noun that names what it or the person "is". It can only be used with a Class II subject marker. Ya is never used with N prefixes.It can be used with verb suffixes such as-tok ,-taam ,-a'chi , etc. For sentences where a Class II subject marker is not needed or cannot be used, then the verb rootoo can be used instead. For the future tense,a'chi can be used as a standalone word rather than a suffix completely replacing the use of a verb and having the meaning "will be". Similarly,a'ni , "might be" could possibly work in a similar fashion, replacing the presence of an explicit verb as well, although it is not normally used in sentences expressing being something. The prefixhoo- is never used with any forms of the verb "to be" (ya ,oo ,a'chi ). To ask questions such as "Is it a/an....", see the entries for the noun suffixes-to̠ (used after consonants) and-hto̠ (used after vowels). ya
here Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl [ edit ] ya
third person ;he ,she ya
wind FromOld Galician-Portuguese ja , fromLatin iam ( “ already ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /ˈja/ Rhymes:-a Syllabification:ya ya
already Valeš, Miroslav (2021 )Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu (web) [1] , 2nd edition, Minde, Portugal: CIDLeS, published2022 ,→ISBN ya
togo ya
fire Malcolm Ross,Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian Languages of Western Melanesia ,Pacific Linguistics , series C-98 (1988) ya
water Borrowed fromEsperanto ja .
indeed ya (independent form, dependent form o )
( personal, epicene ) he ,she ,it Borrowed fromKankanaey ya .
ya (Kur-itan spelling ᜌ )
( Baguio , Benguet ) Expressing apprehension following or preceding areasoning orexcuse ;eh .Haanko ammoya . I don't knoweh . Probably fromDutch ja .
used to showagreement or acceptance ;yes Synonym: hooh Ya , aku setuju denganmu.Yes , I agree with you.used toreinforce aquestion ;huh Kamu punya cewek baru,ya ? You have a new girlfriend,huh ? used toemphasize curiosity about a question. Siapaya , guru baru kita yang akan mengajar di kelas ini. Who is our new teacher who will teach at this class?. used to indicate arequest ;okay Besok kumpulkan tugasnya,ya . Turn in your assignment tomorrow,okay ? Inherited fromMalay ya , fromClassical Malay ي ( ya ) , fromArabic يَا ( yā ) .
thevocative particle , used for direct address ;O Ya ampun!O gosh!(literally, “O mercy! ”) Derived fromEnglish here .
here 2012 ,Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment , Edinburgh: DJB, published2012 ,→ISBN ,Matyu 24:26 :So ef sumadi go se, "Lukya , im iina di dezot." No go out de. Ar ef dem se, "Lukya ! lukya ! Im a aidya-so !" No lisn dem. So if they tell you, "Look, he's out in the desert," don't go looking there; or if they say, "Look, he's secretlyhere ," don't believe it. (literally, “So if somebody says, "Lookhere , he's in the desert." don't go there. Or if they say "Lookhere ! Lookhere ! He's hidingright here ! don't listen to them. ”) ya
Thehiragana syllableや ( ya ) or thekatakana syllableヤ ( ya ) inHepburn romanization. ( Standard Kankanaey ) IPA (key ) : /ja/ [jʌ] Rhymes:-a Syllabification:ya ya
and Synonym: ken 2017 , Diocese of Baguio, “Acclamacion [Acclamation ]”, inAweng Rambak: Hymnal of the Diocese of Baguio (overall work in English, Tagalog, Ilocano, and Kankanaey), Baguio: Diocese of Baguio, page178 :Nu kanenmi nan tinapayYa inumen nan calis When we eat this breadAnd drink this chalice ( Standard Kankanaey ) IPA (key ) : /ˈjaʔ/ [ˈjʌʔ] Rhymes:-aʔ Syllabification:ya ya
Expressing apprehension following or preceding areasoning orexcuse ;eh .Aw, nanlaklakodaya . Yes, they are sellingeh . FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *(si-)ia , fromProto-Austronesian *(si-)ia . CompareTagalog siya ,Bikol Central siya ,Cebuano siya ,Indonesian ia ,Maori ia , andWaray-Waray hiya .
marks a sentence as interrogative Makaniniya ? Is it like this? whether (or not) Muntaya aliya ? Is s/he goingor not? used witho to mark list and to connect choices being considered with uncertainty Iniya o itaya , sanu kareni. Is thisor is that? , which one of these? Lalakiya o Babayiya ? Is it a Boyor a Girl? Indicates thesubject of a sentence. Pusayang atiyu. There is a cat. Asuyang mamangan butul. The dog is eating a bone. ya
he ;she ( third person singular animate personal pronoun ) Pilipinuya . S/he is a Filipino.( colloquial ) it ( third person singular inanimate personal pronoun ) The wordya usually replacesiya when in the middle of a sentence. ya
water Carol Priestley,Talking about space in Koromu Carol Priestley,Social categories, shared experience, reciprocity and endangered meanings: examples from Koromu ya
of ya
water Johannes A. Z'graggen,A Comparative Word list of the Rai Coast Languages, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea ,Pacific Linguistics (1980) (as Sinsauru) ya
toeat Rina, A. Dj., Kabba, John Lado B. (2011 ) “ya ”, inKamus Bahasa Lamboya, Kabupaten Sumba Bakat [Dictionary of Lamboya Language, West Sumba Regency ], Waikabubak: Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, Kabupaten Sumba Bakat, page103 Inherited fromOld Spanish ya ( “ already; now ” ) , fromLatin iam . CompareFrench déjà ,Italian già ,Portuguese já , andSpanish ya .
ya (Hebrew spelling ייה )[ 1]
already 2020 November 25, Eliz Gatenyo, “Ko-Abitasyones”, inŞalom Gazetesi [2] :Mösyö Ehrlich era lehli (ashkenazi) komoya se entiende de su nombre. Mösyö Ehrlich was Ashki (Ashkenazi), as isalready understood from his name. Inherited fromOld Spanish ya ( “ I hope so ” ) .
certainly ;surely ;for sure ( absolutely ) [ 1] ↑1.0 1.1 “ya ”, inTrezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola .ya
of In colloquial Lingala, this does not vary depending on noun class.
( Etymology 1 & 2 ) : ( Etymology 3 ) : Hyphenation:ya FromArabic يَا ( yā ,“ vocative particle ” ) .
ya (Jawi spelling يا )
Used to get attention; hey ,oh .Synonyms: wahai ,hai FromArabic يَا ( yā ,letter name ) .
ya (Jawi spelling يا ,plural ya -ya )
The29th letter of theArabic alphabet ( ي ) .hurufya ―the letterya FromDutch ja , fromMiddle Dutch ja , fromOld Dutch *jā , fromProto-Germanic *ja .
ya (Jawi spelling يا )
Used to express affirmation; yes .Synonyms: ia ,haah ( informal ) Ya , ini Patrick.Yes , this is Patrick.Used to inquire for confirmation; right .Synonym: bukan Dia orang kaya,ya ? He's a rich person, right? ya (ya5 / ya0 ,Zhuyin ˙ㄧㄚ )
Hanyu Pinyin reading of呀 Hanyu Pinyin reading of㗇 ya
Nonstandard spelling ofyā .Nonstandard spelling ofyá .Nonstandard spelling ofyǎ .Nonstandard spelling ofyà .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.ya
two ya
fire Malcolm Ross,Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian Languages of Western Melanesia ,Pacific Linguistics , series C-98 (1988) Inherited fromProto-Tupi-Guarani *ɨar .
boat canoe Synonym: kanoã Robert A. Dooley (2016 August) “ya”, inLéxico guarani, dialeto mbyá: guarani-português (overall work in Portuguese), Anápolis: SIL Brasil,page204 FromRussian я ( ja ) .
I ya
fire Malcolm Ross,Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian Languages of Western Melanesia ,Pacific Linguistics , series C-98 (1988) FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo to, towards [with locative ] This verb needs aninflection-table template .
FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo yǎ`
you ( second-person singular pronoun ) Inherited fromLatin iam . Cognate withOld French ja andOld Galician-Portuguese ja .
already c. 1250 ,Alfonso X ,Lapidario ,f. 96v :DEla segunda faz del ſigno de leon es la piedra aque llaman robi. & deſta auemos ementadoya en eſte libro en el .iiij. grado del ſigno de leon. Of the second facet of the sign of Leo is the stone they call ruby, which we havealready recalled in this book in the fourth degree of the sign of Leo. then ;later ( afterwards ) now ( presently ) c. 1240 – 1250, anonymous,
Libro de Alexandre p. 175, (ed. by Jesús Cañas, 1988, Madrid: Cátedra):
Ya querián los de fuera al adarve llegar, mas bien ge lo sabién los de dentro vedarThose outsidenow wanted to go through the wall walk, but those inside were wise to forbid it to them finally ;lastly ;last ;in conclusion ; toconclude ; inclosing from now on ;going forward well first only ( just ) Borrowed fromArabic يَا ( yā )
oh ( hey ) Ihope so; let us hope so Ralph Steele Boggset al. (1946 ) “ya”, inTentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish , volume II, Chapel Hill,page535 Alternative scripts
𑀬 ( Brahmi script ) य ( Devanagari script ) য ( Bengali script ) ය ( Sinhalese script ) ယ ( Burmese script ) ย orยะ ( Thai script ) ᨿ ( Tai Tham script ) ຍ orຍະ orຢະ ( Lao script ) យ ( Khmer script ) 𑄠 ( Chakma script ) FromSanskrit यद् ( yad ) .
ya m
( relative ) who ,which ,that Declension table of "ya" (masculine)
ya n
( relative ) which, that( relative ) ( duplicated ) whateverc. 500 AD , Kaccāyana,Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar ][3] (overall work in Pali), page250 ; republished asSatish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana , editor,Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English) , Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society,1901 :अथ सब्बासं विभत्तीनंयानि यानि पुब्बानि छ पदानि तानि तानि परस्सपदसञ्ञानि होन्ति। Atha sabbāsaṃ vibhattīnaṃyāni yāni pubbāni cha padāni, tāni tāni parassapadasaññāni honti. Thenwhatever are the first six endings of all the endings, they are called the active endings. Declension table of "ya" (neuter)
Probably from the pronunciation of a syllable consisting only of the letter.
ya m
the Pali letter 'y'c. 500 AD , Kaccāyana,Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar ][4] (overall work in Pali), page 4; republished asSatish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana , editor,Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English) , Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society,1901 :क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ, द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म,य , र, ल, व, स, ह, ळ, ं। इति व्यञ्जन नाम होन्ति। Ka, kha, ga, gha, ṅa, ca, cha, ja, jha, ña, ṭa, ṭha, ḍa, ḍha, ṇa, ta, tha, da, dha, na, pa, pha, ba, bha, ma,ya , ra, la, va, sa, ha, ḷa, aṃ, iti vyañjanā nāma honti. 'k', 'kh', 'g', 'gh', 'ṅ', 'c', 'ch', 'j', 'jh', 'ñ, 'ṭ', 'ṭh', 'ḍ', 'ḍh', 'ṇ', 't', 'th', 'd', 'dh', 'n', 'p', 'ph', 'b', 'bh', 'm', 'y' , 'r', 'l', 'v', 's', 'h', 'ḷ' and 'ṃ', these are the consonants by name. c. 500 AD , Kaccāyana,Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar ][5] (overall work in Pali), page12 ; republished asSatish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana , editor,Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English) , Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society,1901 :यो जस्स यथा-नियंपुत्तं।Yo jassa yathā- niyaṃputtaṃ.'Y' from 'j' as in 'niyaṃputtaṃ'. c. 500 AD , Kaccāyana,Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar ][6] (overall work in Pali), page10 ; republished asSatish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana , editor,Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English) , Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society,1901 :यं एदन्तस्सादेसो॥६॥6.Yaṃ edantassādeso. 6. Change of final 'e'to 'y' . c. 500 AD , Kaccāyana,Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar ][7] (overall work in Pali), page12 ; republished asSatish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana , editor,Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English) , Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society,1901 :कोयस्स यथा-सको। Koyassa yathā-sako. 'K'from 'y' as in 'sako'. Declension table of "ya" (masculine)
Pali Text Society (1921–1925 ) “ya ”, inPali-English Dictionary , London: Chipstead
IPA (key ) : /ˈja/ Rhymes:-a Syllabification:ya ya
here ,now This adverb admits verbal suffixes, in which case it takes the meaning "to be here". Álvarez, José, Bravo, María (2008 ) “ya”, inDiccionario básico de la lengua añú [Basic dictionary of the Añú language ][8] , Maracaibo, Venezuela: University of Zulia,→ISBN , page107 .Pennsylvania German [ edit ] CompareGerman ja ,Dutch ja ,Swedish ja .
yes ,yeah FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo to, towards [with locative ] This entry needs aninflection-table template .
Alternative form ofiá ya
Alternative form ofae FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo FromProto-Athabaskan *yaˑ . Cognates includeNavajo yá .
IPA (key ) : [jà(ʔ)] ,[ʒà(ʔ)] Hyphenation:ya ya (stem -ya- )
sky 1) Used when the subject is a group of human beings and the object is singular.2) Used when the previous condition does not apply.
Keren Rice (1989 )A Grammar of Slave , Berlin, West Germany: Mouton de Gruyter,→ISBN , page92 FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo to, towards [with locative ] This entry needs aninflection-table template .
Inherited fromOld Spanish ya ( “ already; now ” ) , fromLatin iam . CompareFrench déjà ,Italian già ,Ladino ya , andPortuguese já .
IPA (key ) : ( everywhere but Argentina and Uruguay ) /ˈʝa/ [ˈɟ͡ʝa] IPA (key ) : ( Buenos Aires and environs ) /ˈʃa/ [ˈʃa] IPA (key ) : ( elsewhere in Argentina and Uruguay ) /ˈʒa/ [ˈʒa]
Rhymes:-a Syllabification:ya ya
now Synonyms: ahora ,( colloquial ) ahorita Púlsaloya . ―Press itnow . Preparados, listos,ya . ―Ready, set,go . already ,yet Ya lo hice. ―Ialready did it. in thenear future ;soon Voy a terminar mi trabajoya . ―I am going to finish my worksoon . immediately Synonym: ahora mismo anymore ; nolonger Ya no quiero volver a ese lugar. ―I don't want to go back to that placeanymore . ( emphatic ) emphatic (similar to the use of English "so " or "oh " as an interjection)¡Ya lo sé! ―Ido know! ( in negatives ) only noya ... ―notonly ... ( beforepero ) yes ya , pero... ―yes , but...( beforeque ) since ,now ,as ya que... ―now that...OK ya ... ya ...
first (something)then (something else);first (something),now (something else)¡Ya lluviaya nieve! First rain,now snow!whether (something)or (something else)ya solya lluviawhether sunor rainya
come on !,let's go !Synonyms: vamos ,vámonos ,adelante ,ándale ,( Mexico ) órale ,( Chile ) ya po ( colloquial ) used to acknowledge or dismiss the previous statement —Sabes que quedamos con Antonio esta tarde. —Ya . "You know we're hanging out with Antonio tonight." "I know ." —No podrás venir, que trabajas ese día. —Ya , pero cerramos temprano los viernes. "You can't come, you're working that day." "Right , but we close early on Fridays." ya
n class(IX) inflected form of-a mi class(IV) inflected form of-a ma class(VI) inflected form of-a ya
reed Influenced by Baybayin characterᜌ ( ya ) .
ya (Baybayin spelling ᜌ )
the name of theLatin-script letterY /y , in theAbakada alphabet Synonyms: ( in the Filipino alphabet ) way ,( in the Abecedario ) ye ya (Baybayin spelling ᜌ )
expression used todrive cattle :yah Synonym: hiya “ya ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 Possibly fromIndonesian ya ( “ yes ” ) .
yes Rika Hayami-Allen (2001 )A descriptive study of the language of Ternate, the northern Moluccas, Indonesia , University of Pittsburgh ya
stomach FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo Keya lapeng. I'mgoing home. Onomatopoeic
IPA (key ) : /ja/ ( sense 1,4,5 and 6 ) IPA (key ) : /jaː/ ( sense 2 and 3 ) ya
Expression of surprise or confusion.Gerçekten miya ? Wow , really? aw ( Used to express affection. ) Ya , çok tatlı! Şunun yatışına bak.Aw , she’s so cute! Look at how's she sleeping.Expresses frustration. Ya yeter be, yeter!Enough! An expression used to indicate ratification of a statement that requires an approval or necessity.Biz de gelelim mi? - Gelinya . Shall we come too? -Please do. Used after inflected verbs in order to intensify the meaning.Önündekini bitirsene! - Bitirdimya ... Finish your plate already! - Ialready finished it... Provides the actual meaning of the sentence by stressing the latter sentence.Seni orada gördümya , seslenmeye yüreğim yetmedi. I saw you therebut I didn't have enough courage to call you out. Inherited fromOttoman Turkish یا ( ya ) , fromArabic يَا ( yā ,“ o, hey, you ” ) .
vocative particle Synonym: ey Inherited fromOttoman Turkish یا ( ya ) , fromPersian یا ( yâ ,“ either, or ” ) .
what if ( used to introduce speculation about future ) İlahi, hocam, hiç göle maya çalmakla göl maya tutar mı? -Ya tutarsa? Teacher, can a little bit of yeast ferment the lake? -What if it does? what about ( used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered ) Poşetleri taşıması kolay.Ya bu bavullar? Onlar ne olacak? It's easy to carry the bags.What about the luggage? What will happen to them? ( preceding the last term in a list ) above all ,especially Saçları, sesi, gülüşü çok güzel.Ya gözleri. Her hair, her voice, her smile are all so beautiful.And especially her eyes. ya … ya …
either … or Synonyms: ya … yada … ,ya …yahut … Ya bu,ya şu. İkisine birden paramız yetmez.Either thisor that. We can't afford to buy them both.“ya ”, inTurkish dictionaries , Türk Dil Kurumu Ayverdi, İlhan (2010 ) “ya ”, inMisalli Büyük Türkçe Sözlük , a reviewed and expanded single-volume edition, Istanbul: Kubbealtı NeşriyatıÇağbayır, Yaşar (2007 ) “ya ”, inÖtüken Türkçe Sözlük (in Turkish), volume 1, Istanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat,page5019 Parlatır, İsmail et al. (1998 ) “ya ”, inTürkçe Sözlük , 9th edition, volume I, Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, page2357a Redhouse, James W. (1890 ) “یا ”, inA Turkish and English Lexicon [9] , Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian,page2177 ya
water rain FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
togo Borrowed fromSpanish ya ( “ already ” ) .
already 1940 , “Pötü yelacen”, inVolapükagased pro Nedänapükans , page 1:In Siyopya dü yels mödik krigastad bevü Yapän e Tsyinän dareigon, ed in Yurop krig jenon bevü Deutän e Polän, Linglän e Fransän, e bevü Rusän e Suomiyän. In Asia, a state of war hasalready been going on for years between Japan and China, and in Europe war is being waged between Germany and Poland, England and France, and between Russia and Finland. ya
sun Western Huasteca Nahuatl [ edit ] ya
third person ;he ,she Cognate withWestern Xiangxi Miao [Fenghuang]eint .
tofly FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
( intransitive ) togo to, towards [with locative ]This verb needs aninflection-table template .
FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *(si-)ia , fromProto-Austronesian *(si-)ia . CompareIndonesian ia ,Maori ia .
he ;she FromMiddle English yaf . Doublet ofgae ( “ gave ” ) .
simplepast ofyie 1867 , “A YOLA ZONG”, inSONGS, ETC. IN THE DIALECT OF FORTH AND BARGY , number14 , page90 :Shooya aam zim to doone, as w' be doone nowe; Shegave them some to do, as we are doing now; Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland , London: J. Russell Smith, published1867 ,page90 yá
toborrow Wọ́nyá owó lọ́wọ́ mi. ―Theyborrowed money from me. tolend Wọ́nyá mi lówó. ―Theylent me money. yá
to befast Synonym: yára Aago yẹn fi wákàtí kanyá . ―That clockis ahead by an hour. to beready Ó tiyá ! ―It's time! Nígbà tóyá , ó jáde. ―Later, she went out. to befit ( withara ( “ body ” ) ) to behealthy Synonyms: le ,yá gágá Ara mi òyá . ―I'm not feeling well. (literally, “My body is nothealthy . ”) ya
totear ; to betorn ; torip Tó o bá jíwèé wò, màáya pépà ẹ. ―If you cheat, I'llrip your paper. Má fa aṣọ rẹya . ―Don'ttear your clothes. Ó fa ọkàn miya . ―Ittore my heart Ìjì máaya á lulẹ̀. ―The storm willtear it down. Used withfà ( “ to stretch; to pull ” ) in the V2 position ya
toflow ; tooverflow Odò tiya wọ oko. ―The river hasflooded into the fields. Odò yẹnya wọ odò Ọya. ―That riverflows into the Niger. Ẹrẹ̀ tiya wọ̀lú. ―A mudslide hasflowed into the town. yà
toturn Lọ tààrà, kó o sìyà sósì. ―Go straight, thenturn left. yà
todepict ; todraw ; totake ( picture ) Yà mí ní fọ́tò níbí báyìí. ―Take my picture here.Ó ńya àwòrán. ―He's drawing a picture. ya when followed by direct object.yà
tocomb ya when followed by direct object.yà
tosplit ; todivide Ibí ni ọ̀nà tiyà . ―The roadbranches off from here. ( withẹnu ( “ mouth ” ) ) tosurprise ; toshock Óyà wálẹ́nu gan-an. ―Itsurprised us a lot. Ẹnuya mí. ―I wasshocked ya when followed by direct object.yà
tobecome ; tobe yawèrè ―to go crazy yapòkíì ―to become a delinquent yaọ̀lẹ ―to be lazy yabo ―to go well( in reference to a year ) yaahun ―to become stingy ya when followed by direct object.usually has a negative connotation yà
tovisit Synonym: bẹ̀ Moya ilé ọ̀rẹ́ ìyá mi lánàá ―Ivisited my mother's friend's house yesterday. ya when followed by direct object.FromProto-Bantu *-gɪ̀a .
( intransitive ) togo to, towards [with locative ]tone L (infinitiveukuya ) positive negative infinitive ukuya ukungayi imperative simple + object concord singular yiya -ye plural yiyani -yeni present positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngiyaya ,ngiya engiyayo ,engiya ngiya angiyi engingayi ngingayi 2nd singular uyaya ,uya oyayo ,oya uya awuyi ongayi ungayi 1st plural siyaya ,siya esiyayo ,esiya siya asiyi esingayi singayi 2nd plural niyaya ,niya eniyayo ,eniya niya aniyi eningayi ningayi class 1 uyaya ,uya oyayo ,oya eya akayi ongayi engayi class 2 bayaya ,baya abayayo ,abaya beya abayi abangayi bengayi class 3 uyaya ,uya oyayo ,oya uya awuyi ongayi ungayi class 4 iyaya ,iya eyayo ,eya iya ayiyi engayi ingayi class 5 liyaya ,liya eliyayo ,eliya liya aliyi elingayi lingayi class 6 ayaya ,aya ayayo ,aya eya awayi angayi engayi class 7 siyaya ,siya esiyayo ,esiya siya asiyi esingayi singayi class 8 ziyaya ,ziya eziyayo ,eziya ziya aziyi ezingayi zingayi class 9 iyaya ,iya eyayo ,eya iya ayiyi engayi ingayi class 10 ziyaya ,ziya eziyayo ,eziya ziya aziyi ezingayi zingayi class 11 luyaya ,luya oluyayo ,oluya luya aluyi olungayi lungayi class 14 buyaya ,buya obuyayo ,obuya buya abuyi obungayi bungayi class 15 kuyaya ,kuya okuyayo ,okuya kuya akuyi okungayi kungayi class 17 kuyaya ,kuya okuyayo ,okuya kuya akuyi okungayi kungayi recent past positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngiyile ,ngiyē engiyile ,engiyē ngiyile ,ngiyē angiyanga engingayanga ngingayanga 2nd singular uyile ,uyē oyile ,oyē uyile ,uyē awuyanga ongayanga ungayanga 1st plural siyile ,siyē esiyile ,esiyē siyile ,siyē asiyanga esingayanga singayanga 2nd plural niyile ,niyē eniyile ,eniyē niyile ,niyē aniyanga eningayanga ningayanga class 1 uyile ,uyē oyile ,oyē eyile ,eyē akayanga ongayanga engayanga class 2 bayile ,bayē abayile ,abayē beyile ,beyē abayanga abangayanga bengayanga class 3 uyile ,uyē oyile ,oyē uyile ,uyē awuyanga ongayanga ungayanga class 4 iyile ,iyē eyile ,eyē iyile ,iyē ayiyanga engayanga ingayanga class 5 liyile ,liyē eliyile ,eliyē liyile ,liyē aliyanga elingayanga lingayanga class 6 ayile ,ayē ayile ,ayē eyile ,eyē awayanga angayanga engayanga class 7 siyile ,siyē esiyile ,esiyē siyile ,siyē asiyanga esingayanga singayanga class 8 ziyile ,ziyē eziyile ,eziyē ziyile ,ziyē aziyanga ezingayanga zingayanga class 9 iyile ,iyē eyile ,eyē iyile ,iyē ayiyanga engayanga ingayanga class 10 ziyile ,ziyē eziyile ,eziyē ziyile ,ziyē aziyanga ezingayanga zingayanga class 11 luyile ,luyē oluyile ,oluyē luyile ,luyē aluyanga olungayanga lungayanga class 14 buyile ,buyē obuyile ,obuyē buyile ,buyē abuyanga obungayanga bungayanga class 15 kuyile ,kuyē okuyile ,okuyē kuyile ,kuyē akuyanga okungayanga kungayanga class 17 kuyile ,kuyē okuyile ,okuyē kuyile ,kuyē akuyanga okungayanga kungayanga remote past positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngāya engāya ngāya angiyanga engingayanga ngingayanga 2nd singular wāya owāya wāya awuyanga ongayanga ungayanga 1st plural sāya esāya sāya asiyanga esingayanga singayanga 2nd plural nāya enāya nāya aniyanga eningayanga ningayanga class 1 wāya owāya āya akayanga ongayanga engayanga class 2 bāya abāya bāya abayanga abangayanga bengayanga class 3 wāya owāya wāya awuyanga ongayanga ungayanga class 4 yāya eyāya yāya ayiyanga engayanga ingayanga class 5 lāya elāya lāya aliyanga elingayanga lingayanga class 6 āya āya āya awayanga angayanga engayanga class 7 sāya esāya sāya asiyanga esingayanga singayanga class 8 zāya ezāya zāya aziyanga ezingayanga zingayanga class 9 yāya eyāya yāya ayiyanga engayanga ingayanga class 10 zāya ezāya zāya aziyanga ezingayanga zingayanga class 11 lwāya olwāya lwāya aluyanga olungayanga lungayanga class 14 bāya obāya bāya abuyanga obungayanga bungayanga class 15 kwāya okwāya kwāya akuyanga okungayanga kungayanga class 17 kwāya okwāya kwāya akuyanga okungayanga kungayanga potential positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngingaya — ngingaya ngingeye — ngingeye 2nd singular ungaya — ungaya ungeye — ungeye 1st plural singaya — singaya singeye — singeye 2nd plural ningaya — ningaya ningeye — ningeye class 1 angaya — engaya angeye — engeye class 2 bangaya — bengaya bangeye — bengeye class 3 ungaya — ungaya ungeye — ungeye class 4 ingaya — ingaya ingeye — ingeye class 5 lingaya — lingaya lingeye — lingeye class 6 angaya — engaya angeye — engeye class 7 singaya — singaya singeye — singeye class 8 zingaya — zingaya zingeye — zingeye class 9 ingaya — ingaya ingeye — ingeye class 10 zingaya — zingaya zingeye — zingeye class 11 lungaya — lungaya lungeye — lungeye class 14 bungaya — bungaya bungeye — bungeye class 15 kungaya — kungaya kungeye — kungeye class 17 kungaya — kungaya kungeye — kungeye immediate future positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngizokuya engizokuya ngizokuya angizukuya engingezukuya ngingezukuya 2nd singular uzokuya ozokuya uzokuya awuzukuya ongezukuya ungezukuya 1st plural sizokuya esizokuya sizokuya asizukuya esingezukuya singezukuya 2nd plural nizokuya enizokuya nizokuya anizukuya eningezukuya ningezukuya class 1 uzokuya ozokuya ezokuya akazukuya ongezukuya engezukuya class 2 bazokuya abazokuya bezokuya abazukuya abangezukuya bengezukuya class 3 uzokuya ozokuya uzokuya awuzukuya ongezukuya ungezukuya class 4 izokuya ezokuya izokuya ayizukuya engezukuya ingezukuya class 5 lizokuya elizokuya lizokuya alizukuya elingezukuya lingezukuya class 6 azokuya azokuya ezokuya awazukuya angezukuya engezukuya class 7 sizokuya esizokuya sizokuya asizukuya esingezukuya singezukuya class 8 zizokuya ezizokuya zizokuya azizukuya ezingezukuya zingezukuya class 9 izokuya ezokuya izokuya ayizukuya engezukuya ingezukuya class 10 zizokuya ezizokuya zizokuya azizukuya ezingezukuya zingezukuya class 11 luzokuya oluzokuya luzokuya aluzukuya olungezukuya lungezukuya class 14 buzokuya obuzokuya buzokuya abuzukuya obungezukuya bungezukuya class 15 kuzokuya okuzokuya kuzokuya akuzukuya okungezukuya kungezukuya class 17 kuzokuya okuzokuya kuzokuya akuzukuya okungezukuya kungezukuya remote future positive absolute positive relative positive participial negative absolute negative relative negative participial 1st singular ngiyokuya engiyokuya ngiyokuya angiyukuya engingeyukuya ngingeyukuya 2nd singular uyokuya oyokuya uyokuya awuyukuya ongeyukuya ungeyukuya 1st plural siyokuya esiyokuya siyokuya asiyukuya esingeyukuya singeyukuya 2nd plural niyokuya eniyokuya niyokuya aniyukuya eningeyukuya ningeyukuya class 1 uyokuya oyokuya eyokuya akayukuya ongeyukuya engeyukuya class 2 bayokuya abayokuya beyokuya abayukuya abangeyukuya bengeyukuya class 3 uyokuya oyokuya uyokuya awuyukuya ongeyukuya ungeyukuya class 4 iyokuya eyokuya iyokuya ayiyukuya engeyukuya ingeyukuya class 5 liyokuya eliyokuya liyokuya aliyukuya elingeyukuya lingeyukuya class 6 ayokuya ayokuya eyokuya awayukuya angeyukuya engeyukuya class 7 siyokuya esiyokuya siyokuya asiyukuya esingeyukuya singeyukuya class 8 ziyokuya eziyokuya ziyokuya aziyukuya ezingeyukuya zingeyukuya class 9 iyokuya eyokuya iyokuya ayiyukuya engeyukuya ingeyukuya class 10 ziyokuya eziyokuya ziyokuya aziyukuya ezingeyukuya zingeyukuya class 11 luyokuya oluyokuya luyokuya aluyukuya olungeyukuya lungeyukuya class 14 buyokuya obuyokuya buyokuya abuyukuya obungeyukuya bungeyukuya class 15 kuyokuya okuyokuya kuyokuya akuyukuya okungeyukuya kungeyukuya class 17 kuyokuya okuyokuya kuyokuya akuyukuya okungeyukuya kungeyukuya present subjunctive positive negative 1st singular ngiye ngingayi 2nd singular uye ungayi 1st plural siye singayi 2nd plural niye ningayi class 1 aye angayi class 2 baye bangayi class 3 uye ungayi class 4 iye ingayi class 5 liye lingayi class 6 aye angayi class 7 siye singayi class 8 ziye zingayi class 9 iye ingayi class 10 ziye zingayi class 11 luye lungayi class 14 buye bungayi class 15 kuye kungayi class 17 kuye kungayi past subjunctive positive negative 1st singular ngaya ngangaya ,angaya ,angangaya 2nd singular waya wangaya ,awaya ,awangaya 1st plural saya sangaya ,asaya ,asangaya 2nd plural naya nangaya ,anaya ,anangaya class 1 waya wangaya ,akaya ,akangaya class 2 baya bangaya ,abaya ,abangaya class 3 waya wangaya ,awaya ,awangaya class 4 yaya yangaya ,ayaya ,ayangaya class 5 laya langaya ,alaya ,alangaya class 6 aya angaya ,awaya ,awangaya class 7 saya sangaya ,asaya ,asangaya class 8 zaya zangaya ,azaya ,azangaya class 9 yaya yangaya ,ayaya ,ayangaya class 10 zaya zangaya ,azaya ,azangaya class 11 lwaya lwangaya ,alwaya ,alwangaya class 14 baya bangaya ,abaya ,abangaya class 15 kwaya kwangaya ,akwaya ,akwangaya class 17 kwaya kwangaya ,akwaya ,akwangaya