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See also:Wall,wall-,andw'all





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishwal, fromOld Englishweall(wall, dike, earthwork, rampart, dam, rocky shore, cliff), fromProto-West Germanic*wall(wall, rampart, entrenchment), fromLatinvallum(wall, rampart, entrenchment, palisade), fromProto-Indo-European*welH-(to turn, wind, roll).

Perhaps conflated withwaw(a wall within a house or dwelling, a room partition), fromMiddle Englishwawe, fromOld Englishwāg,wāh(an interior wall, divider), seewaw.

Cognate withNorth Frisianwal(wall),Saterland FrisianWaal(wall, rampart, mound),Dutchwal(wall, rampart, embankment),GermanWall(rampart, mound, embankment),Swedishvall(mound, wall, bank). More atwallow,walk.


EnglishWikipedia has articles on:
A stone wall

wall (pluralwalls)

  1. Arampart of earth, stones etc. built up fordefensive purposes.
  2. A structure built fordefense surrounding a city, castle etc.
    The townwall was surrounded by a moat.
    • 2013 June 8, “The new masters and commanders”, inThe Economist, volume407, number8839, page52:
      From the ground, Colombo’s port does not look like much. Those entering it are greeted by wire fences,walls dating back to colonial times and security posts. For mariners leaving the port after lonely nights on the high seas, the delights of the B52 Night Club and Stallion Pub lie a stumble away.
  3. Each of the substantialstructures acting either as theexterior of ordivisions within a structure.
    We're adding anotherwall in this room during the remodeling. The wind blew against thewalls of the tent.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter VII, inThe Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC:
      [] St. Bede's at this period of its history was perhaps the poorest and most miserable parish in the East End of London. Close-packed, crushed by the buttressed height of the railway viaduct, rendered airless by hugewalls of factories, it at once banished lively interest from a stranger's mind and left only a dull oppression of the spirit.
    • 1963,Margery Allingham, chapter 14, inThe China Governess: A Mystery, London:Chatto & Windus,→OCLC:
      Nanny Broome was looking up at the outerwall. Just under the ceiling there were three lunette windows, heavily barred and blacked out in the normal way by centuries of grime.
  4. Apoint ofdesperation.
  5. A point of defeat or extinction.
    • March 11 2022, David Hytner, “Chelsea are in crisis but there is no will to leave club on their knees”, inThe Guardian[1]:
      They wantAbramovich out for obvious reasons, including the optics, and they do not want to send Chelsea to thewall as they consider the club to be of cultural significance to the country.
  6. Animpediment to free movement.
    Awall of police officers met the protesters before they reached the capitol steps.
  7. ThebutterflyLasiommata megera.
    Synonym:wall brown
    • 2015 November 24, Patrick Barkham, “Pesticide may be reason butterfly numbers are falling in UK, says study”, inThe Guardian[2]:
      Researchers found that 15 of 17 species which commonly live on farmland – including the small tortoiseshell, small skipper andwall butterfly – show declines associated with increasing neonic use.
  8. (often in combination) A barrier.
    a seawall; a firewall
  9. Something with the apparent solidity, opacity, or dimensions of a building wall.
    awall of sound; awall of water; awall of smoke obscured their view of enemy forces
  10. (figurative) A means ofdefence orsecurity.
    I built awall between myself and the bullies.
  11. One of theverticalsides of a container.
    • 1907, Ronald M. Burrows,The Discoveries In Crete, page60:
      The extraordinary thinness of thewalls of these vases, which reminds us of the finest china, or even of Venetian glass
  12. (anatomy, zoology, botany) Adividing orcontaining structure in anorgan or cavity.
    • 1982 April 24, Matthew Ross, “Personal advertisement”, inGay Community News, page15:
      There is definitely some sort of lump on the backwall of my throat (right side).
    • 1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster,The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, Chicago, Ill.:Field Museum of Natural History,→ISBN, pages4-5:
      The epidermal cells of the capsulewall ofJubulopsis, with nodose "trigones" at the angles, are very reminiscent of what one finds inFrullania spp.
  13. A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction.
  14. (US, slang, medicine) Adoctor who tries toadmit as fewpatients as possible.
  15. (soccer) A line ofdefenders set up between an opposingfree-kick taker and thegoal.
    • 2011 January 23, Alistair Magowan, “Blackburn 2-0 West Brom”, inBBC:
      Blackburn were the recipients of another dose of fortune when from another Thomas pass Odemwingie was brought down by Jones inside the penalty area, but referee Mark Clattenburg awarded a free-kick which Chris Brunt slammed into thewall.
  16. (roller derby) Two or moreblockers skating together so as to impede the opposing team.
    • 2013, Ellen Parnavelas,The Roller Derby Athlete, page48:
      It can also be used to maintain the presence of awall when one of the blockers who makes up thewall is picked off by an opposing blocker attempting to shut down thewall.
  17. (mining) Any of thesurfaces ofrock enclosing thelode.
  18. (Internet) A personalnotice board listingmessages of interest to a particularuser.
  19. (roleplaying games) A character that has high defenses, thereby reducing the amount of damage taken from the opponent’s attacks.
  20. (slang, seduction community, chiefly definite) Thestage ofbiologicalaging wherephysicalappearance andattractiveness start todeteriorate rapidly.
    • 1996 December 27, “The Definitive Answer to "Why Nice Guys Finish Last"”, inalt.romance[3] (Usenet):
      Depreciation of assets happens. Prepare yourself
      Marla. Get ready forthe wall.
    • 2001 February 2, “what a drag it is getting old”,[4] (Usenet):
      At what age would you peg the
      'wall' to be for men, on or thereabouts?
    • 2001 June 19, “the laws of biomechanics”,[5] (Usenet):
      I have never had a problem getting the attention of men. I'm 44
      and there's nowall staring me in the face
    • 2002 January 22, “towards a useful smv metric”,[6] (Usenet):
      That was only six
      years later and Natasha is not nearthe wall yet
    • 2015 July 20, “catcalls are bad”,[7] (Usenet):
      As forthe wall....Im convinced part of this is just something us guys tell ourselves to 'get back'(in our minds) at all the girls who wouldn't sleep with us 5-10 years ago
  21. (historical) Theright orprivilege of taking the side of the road near the wall when encountering anotherpedestrian;said to be taken or given.
    • 1791,James Boswell,Life of Johnson:
      He related to me the following minute anecdote of this period: 'In the last age, when my mother lived in London, there were two sets of people, those who gave thewall, and those who took it; the peaceable and the quarrelsome.[] Now it is fixed that every man keeps to the right; or, if one is taking thewall, another yields it; and it is never a dispute.'
    • 1822,The Pamphleteer, page118:
      All persons, in walking the streets, whose right sides are next the wall, are intitled to take thewall.
    • 2017, Catharina Löffler,Walking in the City, page135:
      Taking thewall thus was also a social distinction. An entire episode in the second book is therefore dedicated “to whom to give thewall” and “to whom to refuse thewall” (II. 4564).
  22. (cycling) A very steep slope.
Derived terms
defensive rampart
structure built for defense surrounding an area
substantial structure acting as side or division in a building
point of desperation
point of defeat or extinction
impediment to free movement
butterflyLasiommata megera
barrier to vision
something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall
anatomy, zoology, botany: divisive or containing structure
fictional bidder at an auction
soccer: line of defenders
internet: personal notice board
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wall (third-person singular simple presentwalls,present participlewalling,simple past and past participlewalled)

  1. To enclose with, or as if with, a wall or walls.
    Hewalled the study with books.
  2. (video games, slang) To use a wallhack.
  3. (video games, slang, transitive) Towallbang.
    Iwalled her. She's low [health].
Derived terms
Terms derived from the noun or verbwall
to enclose by surrounding with walls

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishwallen, fromOld Englishweallan(to bubble, boil), fromProto-West Germanic*wallan, fromProto-Germanic*wallaną(to fount, stream, boil), fromProto-Indo-European*welH-(wave).

Cognate withMiddle Dutchwallen(to boil, bubble),Dutchwellen(to weld),Germanwellen(to wave, warp),Danishvælde(to overwhelm),Swedishvälla(to gush, weld). See alsowell.



wall (third-person singular simple presentwalls,present participlewalling,simple past and past participlewalled)

  1. Toboil.
  2. Towell, aswater;spring.
Related terms

Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishwalle, fromOld English*wealla,*weall(spring), fromProto-Germanic*wallô,*wallaz(well, spring). See above. Cognate withOld Frisianwalla(spring),Old Englishwiell(well).



wall (pluralwalls)

  1. (chiefly dialectal) Aspring ofwater.

Etymology 4


(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium.)



wall (pluralwalls)

  1. (nautical) A kind ofknot often used at the end of arope; awall knot orwale.



wall (third-person singular simple presentwalls,present participlewalling,simple past and past participlewalled)

  1. (transitive, nautical) To make a wall knot on the end of (a rope).

Etymology 5





  1. (US)Pronunciation spelling ofwell.
    • 1858,Robert Lowell,The New Priest in Conception Bay[8]:
      Wall, they spoke up, 'n' says to her, s'd they, "Why, look a-here, aunty, Wus't his skin, 't was rock?" so s's she, "I guess not." (Well, they spoke up and says to her, said they, "Why look a-here, aunty, was it his skin that was rock [referring to the Apostle Peter]?" So says she, "I guess not.")
    • 1988, Herbert M. Sutherland,Tall Tales of the Devil's Apron, The Overmountain Press,→ISBN, page97:
      Wall, be that as it may, ol' Hosshead was a purty good citizen in his day, an' he shore did make Juneybell toe the mark.



Central Franconian


Alternative forms

  • wahl(interchangeable variant)
  • woal(western Eifel; may continueMHGa oro)
  • woll,wohl(southern Moselle Franconian)



FromMiddle High Germanwal(e), fromOld High Germanwala. Cognate withMiddle Dutchwale, whenceLimburgishwaal. Also cognate with the German, Dutch and English words below, though these have a different vocalism.





wall(Ripuarian, parts of northern Moselle Franconian)

  1. A modal particle, generally equivalent to Germanwohl, Dutchwel, sometimes also to Englishwell, but often not literally translatable.
    Du beswall jeck!You must be crazy!








  1. singularimperative ofwallen
  2. (colloquial)first-personsingularpresent ofwallen

Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofwale(selection, preference)




  1. Alternative form ofwale

Old English




wall m

  1. Alternative form ofweall





FromOld Englishwell, wella





wall (pluralwalls)

  1. Awell.(clarification of this definition is needed)
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