“1. voi”, inKielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][2] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki:Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland),2004–, retrieved2023-07-01
“2. voi”, inKielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish][3] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki:Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland),2004–, retrieved2023-07-01
1937, V. A. Tetjurev, translated by N. J. Molotsova,Loonnontiito oppikirja alkușkoulua vart (toin osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page16:
Näijen kasvoin seemenist, niku i podsolnuhast, puserrettaavoita.
From the seeds of these plants, just like from sunflowers,oil is pressed.
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive.
Fedor Tumansky (1790) “вой”, inОпытъ повѣствованїя о дѣянїях, положенїи, состоянїи и раздѣленїи Санкт-Петербургской губернїи [An experiment of an account of the acts, location, condition and division of the Saint Petersburg gubernia],Краткїй словарь ижерскаго, финскаго, эстонскаго, чюдскаго, и ямскаго нарѣчїя съ россїйскимъ переводомъ [A short dictionary of the Ingrian, Finnish, Estonian, Chud and Yamtian dialects with a Russian translation], page697
Ruben E. Nirvi (1971)Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page675
Third person pronominal forms used as formal terms of address to refer to second person subjects (with the first letter frequently capitalised as a sign of respect, and to distinguish them from third person subjects). Unlike the singular forms, the plural forms are mostly antiquated terms of formal address in the modern language, and second person plural pronouns are almost always used instead.
Also used as indefinite pronoun meaning “one”, and to form the passive.
c.19th century, anonymous author, “[untitled song]”, inGiovanni Spano, editor,Canti popolari in dialetto sassarese[4], volume 1 (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Cagliari, published1873,song 2,page63:
Mireddi s’in calch’ iltanti Edda si moltra affannadda, Oppuru appassionadda Sulpira par altr’ amanti, Mireddi si calchi iltanti Ha divoi cumpassioni.
[Mireddi s’in calch’ isthanti Edda si mosthra affannadda, Oppuru appassionadda Suippira par althr’ amanti, Mireddi si calchi isthanti Ha divoi cumpassioni.]
Look if, sometimes, she seems tired; or [if] she passionately sighs for other lovers. Look if, sometimes, she pitiesyou.
(literally, “Look if in some instants she appears tired, or passionate sighs for other lovers, look if [in] some instants [she] has ofyou compassion.”)