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See also:Vignette


WOTD – 31 January 2008



First attested in 1751. FromFrenchvignette, diminutive ofvigne(vine), fromLatinvīnea, fromvīnum(wine). Replaced earlierMiddle Englishvynet.





vignette (pluralvignettes)

  1. (architecture) A runningornament consisting ofleaves andtendrils, used inGothicarchitecture.
  2. (printing) A decorativedesign, originally representingvine branches or tendrils, at thehead of achapter, of amanuscript or printed book, or in a similar position.
    Coordinate terms:colophon,coronis
    • 2011, William Burgwinkle, Nicholas Hammond, Emma Wilson,The Cambridge History of French Literature, Cambridge University Press,→ISBN,page420:
      The centrality of this particular trope can been seen in thevignette adorning the opening page of Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert'sEncyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonnée des sciences, des arts et des métiers (1751–1752).
  3. (by extension) Any smallborderlesspicture in a book, especially an engraving, photograph, or the like, whichvanishesgradually at the edge.
  4. (by extension) Ashort story oranecdote that presents ascene ortableau, or paints a picture.
    • 2007, Peter Charles Taylor, John Wallace,Contemporary Qualitative Research, Springer Science & Business Media,→ISBN, page126:
      A particular classroom incident, and thevignette I used to portray it, had a significant impact on the interpretative framework for my research into scientific literacy.
    • 2019 March 1, Marina Hyde, “Chris Grayling is the Berk du Soleil as Farage maps out a road to nowhere”, inThe Guardian[1]:
      I have two favouritevignettes from the voting lobbies on Wednesday night. The first is the news that one minister told the Tory chief whip, Julian Smith: “You don’t know what you’re doing,” to which Smith replied, “I do know what I’m doing”.
  5. (philately) The central pictorial image on apostage stamp.
    • 1967,Postage Stamps of the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office:
      At the top of the stamp and centered slightly to the right is the wording, “U. S. Postage,” in white Gothic. Below thevignette are the words, “Little White House,” in quotations, with “Warm Springs,” centered directly below in dark Gothic,[]
  6. (photography) The characteristic of a cameralens, either by deficiency in design or by mismatch of the lens with the film format, that produces an image smaller than the film's frame with a crudely focused border. Photographers may deliberately choose this characteristic for a special effect.
  7. (photography) Any effect in a photographic picture where qualities vanish towards the edges.
  8. (computer graphics) A hardwaredeficiency (even occurring in most expensivemodels) of acomputerdisplay wherein the pictureslants towards acolour orbrightness towards theedges especially if viewed from anangle.
  9. (automotive) A smallsticker affixed to avehiclewindscreen to indicate thattolls have been paid.
    • 2008,Sofia In Your Pocket, In Your Pocket,→ISBN,page 7:
      In order to drive on Bulgarian roads outside Sofia you'll need to purchase avignette which must be displayed in the windscreen.

Derived terms



  • ornamental vignette (architecture)
    ornamental vignette (architecture)
  • vignette of a headpiece (printing)
    vignette of aheadpiece (printing)
  • engraved vignette
    engraved vignette
  • central pictorial image (philately)
    central pictorial image (philately)
  • vignette (photography)
    vignette (photography)
  • vignette (road tax sticker)
    vignette (road tax sticker)


running ornament used in Gothic architecture
decorative design at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book
small borderless picture in a book
short story
small picture on a postage stamp
photography: the characteristic of a camera lens
computer graphics: a slanting screen
small sticker affixed to a vehicle windscreen
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vignette (third-person singular simple presentvignettes,present participlevignetting,simple past and past participlevignetted)

  1. To make, as anengraving or aphotograph, with a border or edge gradually fading away.
    • 1922,T. E. Lawrence,Seven Pillars of Wisdom[2], Book Five, Chapter 68:
      Long minutes afterwards the sun disclosed itself, high above the earth's rim, over avignetted bank of edgeless mist.
    • 1937,Robert Byron, “Saoma”, inThe Road to Oxiana[3]:
      Along the wainscot lie heaps of bolsters and quilts, covered with old-fashioned chintzes. Before the War these chintzes were specially made in Russia for the Central Asian market: one bolster depicts steamships, early motor-cars, and the first aeroplane,vignetted in circles of flowers on a vermilion background.

Derived terms


Further reading






Fromvigne +‎-ette.





vignette f (pluralvignettes)

  1. vignette
  2. image,illustration,motif



Further reading






vignette f

  1. plural ofvignetta
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