(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
Ⅵ , theRoman numeral six (6 )From either anAbbreviation ofEnglish Vi etnamese orVietnamese TiếngVi ệt
( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forVietnamese . (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( music ) minor submediant triad This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with theIPA orenPR then please add some!
( grammar ) Initialism ofverb intransitive orintransitive verb (often in dictionaries)vi
down below Ross, M. & Næss, Å. (2007 ) “An Oceanic origin for Äiwoo, the language of the Reef Islands?”, inOceanic Linguistics , volume46 , number 2 . Cited in: "Äiwoo " in Greenhill, S.J.,Blust, R. , &Gray, R.D. (2008).The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics .Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 4:271–283.Cf. the correspondingni fornoi . CompareRomanian vă . Compare alsoItalian vi
vi (unstressed/shortaccusative andreflexive form of voi )
( direct object, second-person plural ) you (group being addressed)voi (stressed/long form accusative )vi
( indirect object ) (to)you (group being addressed)vau (stressed/long form dative )FromProto-Celtic *āwyom (compareWelsh wy ,Cornish oy ), fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ōwyóm ( “ egg ” ) .
vi m
egg Inherited fromOld Catalan vi ~vin , fromLatin vīnum , fromProto-Italic *wīnom , fromProto-Indo-European *wóyh₁nom .
vi m (plural vins )
wine ( alcoholic beverage ) Fromvoi ( “ you ” ) . CompareItalian vi andRomanian vi .
you ( plural, both direct or indirect object ) FromLatin vīvus .
vi m (plural vei )
alive ,living FromOld Norse vér , fromProto-Germanic *wīz , fromProto-Indo-European *wéy , plural of*éǵh₂ .
vi (first-person plural nominative ,accusative os ,genitive vores ,c vor ,n vort ,pl vore )
we Borrowed fromItalian voi ,French vous and/orRussian вы ( vy ) , plus thei of personal pronouns.
vi (accusative vin ,possessive via )
(second-person plural and formal singular pronoun ):you Vi batis min. ―You hit me. yourselves Vi diras alvi . ―You say toyourselves . vi
little small vi
child ( a son or daughter ) descendant vi
( reintegrationist norm) first-person singular preterite indicative ofver FromProto-Gbe *-ví , cognates includeSaxwe Gbe ovi ,Fon ví ,Adja evi ,Ewe vi
ví (plural ví lɛ́ or ví lẹ́ )
child Synonyms: òví ,yɔ̀kpɔ́ ,yọ̀pọ́ vu ( “ you ” ) +-i ( “ -s; plural ” )
vi pl
you ( plural ) Seevoi .(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
second-person personal plural object pronoun: you , to you(noi)vi amiamo ―we loveyou second-person reflexive plural: yourselves (voi)vi ricordate ―you remember ( often not translated ) it ; about it, of it, on itBecomesve when followed by a third person direct object clitic (lo ,la ,li ,le , orne ). Italian personal pronouns
Number Person Gender Nominative Reflexive Accusative Dative Combined Disjunctive Locative Partitive Singular first — io mi ,m' ,-mi me me — second — tu ti ,t' ,-ti te te third m lui si 2 ,s' ,-si lo ,l' ,-lo gli ,-gli glie ,se 2 lui ,sé ci ,c' ,vi ,v' ( formal ) ne ,n' f lei ,Lei 1 la ,La 1 ,l' ,L' 1 ,-la ,-La 1 le 3 ,Le 1 ,-le 3 ,-Le 1 lei ,Lei 1 ,sé Plural first — noi ci ,c' ,-ci ce noi — second — voi ,Voi 4 vi ,Vi 4 ,v' ,V' 4 ,-vi ,-Vi 4 ve voi ,Voi 4 third m loro ,Loro 1 si ,s' ,-si li ,Li 1 ,-li ,-Li 1 gli ,-gli ,loro ( formal ) ,Loro 1 glie ,se loro ,Loro 1 ,sé ci ,c' ,vi ,v' ( formal ) ne ,n' f le ,Le 1 ,-le ,-Le 1 1 Third person pronominal forms used as formal terms of address to refer to second person subjects (with the first letter frequently capitalised as a sign of respect, and to distinguish them from third person subjects). Unlike the singular forms, the plural forms are mostly antiquated terms of formal address in the modern language, and second person plural pronouns are almost always used instead. 2 Also used as indefinite pronoun meaning “one”, and to form the passive. 3 Often replaced bygli ,-gli in informal language. 4 Formal (capitalisation optional); in many regions, can refer to just one person (compare with Frenchvous ).
FromLatin ibi .
( formal ) there Synonym: ci ( formal ) here Synonym: ci Stylistically elevated variant ofci , only used in formal contexts. vi f (invariable )
Alternative form ofvu vi
Rōmaji transcription ofゔぃ Rōmaji transcription ofゐ゙ Rōmaji transcription ofヴィ Rōmaji transcription ofヸ vī f
ablative singular ofvīs ( “ force, strength ” ) dative singular ofvīs (rare)“vi ”, inWilliam Smith et al., editor (1890 ),A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities , London: William Wayte. G. E. Marindin vi
fire (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
we Hvordan kommervi dit? How dowe get there? vi
imperative ofvie Probably with influence fromSwedish vi andDanish vi , fromOld Norse vér , fromProto-Germanic *wīz , fromProto-Indo-European *wéy , plural of*éǵh₂ .
we Norwegian Nynorsk personal pronouns first person second person reflexive third person masculine feminine neuter singular nominative eg ,je 1 du — han ho det ,dat 2 accusative meg deg seg han ,honom 2 ho ,henne 2 det ,dat 2 dative 2 meg deg seg honom henne di 2 genitive min din sin hans hennar ,hennes 1 dess 3 plural nominative me ,vi de ,dokker — dei accusative oss ,okk dykk ,dokker seg dei ,deim 2 dative oss ,okk dykk ,dokker seg deim 2 genitive vår ,okkar dykkar ,dokkar sin deira ,deires 1
1 Obsolete.2 Landsmål.3 Rare or literary. Italic forms unofficial today.
imperative ofvia vi
Eye dialect spelling ofvil .“vi” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .FromLatin vīdī . Cognate withGalician vin andSpanish vi .
first-person singular preterite indicative ofver vi (dative form ofvoi ; form ofvă )
toyou This word is used whenvă (which is dative) is combined with the following accusatives:
îl (the accusative ofel , contracted asvi-l )îi (the accusative ofei , contracted asvi-i )le (the accusative ofele )se (the reflexive accusative of all third-person pronouns )v' ( apocopic ) -vi ( enclitic ) FromLatin ibi ( “ there; then ” ) , fromProto-Italic *iðei or*ifei with iambic shortening, from the pronominal stemProto-Indo-European *éy .
here Synonym: zi in or at this place to or into this place there Synonym: zi in or at that place1866 [1770s ],Antonio Martini , chapterXVII , inGiovanni Spano , transl.,L'ebagneliu sigundu S. Matteju [The Gospel according to St. Matthew ][1] , London, translation ofIl santo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Matteo (in Italian), verse 26,page68 :Ma pa no ilcandalizzalli, vai a mari, e getta l’amu: e piglia lu primu pesciu, chi n’alzarà: e abbrendili la boccav’ hai a incuntrà un iltateri: pigliannilu, e paga pal me, e pal te. But, so as to not cause them indignation, go to the sea, and cast the hook; and take the first fish that comes up; and, opening its mouth,there you will find astater ; take it, and pay for me, and for yourself. 1989 , Giovanni Maria Cherchi, “Ulisse [Ulysses ]”, inLa poesia di l'althri [The poetry of others ] (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Sassari: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, page51 :Raramentivi fàrani pizoni, si sò abbramiddi, pa’ zirchà ricattu. Birds seldom glidethere , if they are hungry, to look for food. to or into that place1866 [1770s ],Antonio Martini , chapterXXI , inGiovanni Spano , transl.,L'ebagneliu sigundu S. Matteju [The Gospel according to St. Matthew ][2] , London, translation ofIl santo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Matteo (in Italian), verse 29,page84 :Ma eddu rilpundendi, dizisi: Nov’ andu. Ma poi, pintiddu,v’ andesi. But he, answering, said: "I will not gothere ". But afterwards, regretful, he wentthere . vi
( accusative ) you ( plural ) 1866 [1770s ],Antonio Martini , chapterIV , inGiovanni Spano , transl.,L'ebagneliu sigundu S. Matteju [The Gospel according to St. Matthew ][3] , London, translation ofIl santo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Matteo (in Italian), verse 19,page11 :E li dizisi: Viniddi dareddu a me, evi aggiu a fà pilcadori d’ omini. And he said to them: "Come after me, and I will makeyou fishers of men. 1989 , Giovanni Maria Cherchi, “Puisia [Poem ]”, inLa poesia di l'althri [The poetry of others ] (overall work in Italian and Sassarese), Sassari: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, page19 :[ …] un’oasi prupizia pa’ pudé / cu lu pientu annittavvi da li fàuri / chivi sò già incighendi.A propitious oasis, so I can cleanse you with my tears from the lies that are already blindingyou . ( dative ) toyou ( plural ) Abàvi diggu la veriddai ―I'll tell you the truth now (literally, “Nowto you I tell the truth ”)1866 [1770s ],Antonio Martini , translated byGiovanni Spano ,L'ebagneliu sigundu S. Matteju [The Gospel according to St. Matthew ][4] , London, translation ofIl santo Vangelo di Gesù Cristo secondo Matteo (in Italian), verse 18,page14 :Palchìvi diggu in viriddai; finza chi passia lu zelu e la terra, no ha a vinì mancu un etti, o un puntu di la leggi finza chi tuttu si cumplia. for truly I sayto you , until the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the Law, until all may come to pass Literal Standard Version translation it , toit novi credu ―I don't believeit (literally, “Notto it I believe ”)Rubattu, Antoninu (2006 )Dizionario universale della lingua di Sardegna , 2nd edition, Sassari: Edes Inherited fromProto-Slavic *vy .
vȋ (Cyrillic spelling ви̑ )
you (nominative plural oftȋ ( “ you ” ) )you (vocative plural oftȋ ( “ you ” ) )( formal ) you (formal singular and plural)FromProto-Slavic *vy .
you (masculine plural, more than two)( formal ) you (masculine singular)Declension ofvi (irregular, suppletive) singular 1st person 2nd person reflexive nominative jàz tí — accusative méne ,me tébe ,te sébe ,se genitive méne ,me tébe ,te sébe ,se dative méni ,mi tébi ,ti sébi ,si locative méni tébi sébi instrumental menój ,máno tebój ,tábo sebój ,sábo possessive mój tvój svój dual 1st person 2nd person reflexive nominative mídva m ,médve /mídve f or n vídva m ,védve /vídve f or n — accusative náju váju sébe ,se genitive náju váju sébe ,se dative náma váma sébi ,si locative náju váju sébi instrumental náma váma sebój ,sábo possessive nájin vájin svój plural 1st person 2nd person reflexive nominative mí m ,mé f or n ví m ,vé f or n — accusative nàs vàs sébe ,se genitive nàs vàs sébe ,se dative nàm vàm sébi ,si locative nàs vàs sébi instrumental nàmi vàmi sebój ,sábo possessive nàš vàš svój
IPA (key ) : /ˈbi/ [ˈbi] Rhymes:-i Syllabification:vi vi
first-person singular preterite indicative ofver FromOld Swedish vīr , fromOld East Norse *wīʀ (comparevér ), fromProto-Germanic *wīz , fromProto-Indo-European *wéy , plural of*éǵh₂ .
we (first-person personal plural subject pronoun )1981 ,X Models , “Två av oss [Two of us ]”[5] :Det finns bara en av mig och det är jag. Det finns bara en av dig och det är du. Det finns bara två av oss, och det ärvi . There is only one of me and that is I. There is only one of you [object] and that is you [subject]. There are only two ofus , and that isus [we – subject]. [Swedish has some of the same subject/object fuzziness as English, but a standalone "Det är <pronoun>" idiomatically (through intuition rather than being taught) uses the subject form] 1791 ,Carl Michael Bellman ,Fredmans sånger , N:o 21Så lunkavi så småningom från Bacchi buller och tumult We' ll walk away eventually from the noise and tumult of BacchusA standalone "That is us" is idiomatically "Det är vi" rather than "Det är oss." Compare "That is I" in (taught) English, which also uses the subject form. See the quotations above for an example.
Swedish personal pronouns Number Person nominative oblique possessive common neuter plural singular first — jag mig ,mej 3 min mitt mina second — du dig ,dej 3 din ditt dina third masculine (person)han honom ,han 2 ,en 5 hans feminine (person)hon henne ,na 5 hennes gender-neutral (person)1 hen hen ,henom 7 hens common (noun)den den dess neuter (noun)det det dess indefinite man or en 4 en ens reflexive — sig ,sej 3 sin sitt sina plural first — vi oss vår ,våran 2 vårt ,vårat 2 våra second — ni er er ,eran 2 ,ers 6 ert ,erat 2 era archaic I eder eder ,eders 6 edert edra third — de ,dom 3 dem ,dom 3 deras reflexive — sig ,sej 3 sin sitt sina
1 Neologism. Usage has increased since 2010, though it remains limited.
2 Informal
4 Dialectal, also used lately as an alternative toman , to avoid association to the male gender.
5 Informal, somewhat dialectal
6 Formal address
FromOld Swedish hvi , fromOld Norse hví , fromProto-Germanic *hwī ( “ by what, how ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *kʷey , locative of*kʷis ( “ who ” ) . Cognate withOld Danish hvi ,Danish hvi ,Old West Norse hví ,Norwegian Nynorsk kvi ,Norwegian Bokmål hvi ,Old Saxon hwi ,hwiu ,Old High German hwiu ,Middle High German wiu ,German wie ( “ how ” ) ,Old English hwȳ ,hvī ,Middle English why ,English why , more distantly withLatin quī ( “ what, who, which ” ) .
( archaic or poetic ) why 1541 ,Gustav Vasa Bible ,Matthew 9:5 Men när Jesus sågh theras tanckar, sadhe han,Hwj tencken j ondt j idhor hierta? (pre-1906 spelling) Men när Jesus såg deras tankar, sade han,Hvi tänken I ondt i edor hjerta? And Jesus knowing their thoughts said,Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? Synonym: varför FromOld Norse vé , fromProto-Germanic *wīhą , fromProto-Indo-European *weyk- ( “ to choose, separate out, set aside as holy, consecrate, sacrifice ” ) . Cognate withLatin victima ( “ offering, sacrifice ” ) .
vi n
sanctuary Borrowed fromEnglish vee , the English name of the letterV /v .
vi (Baybayin spelling ᜊᜒ )
the name of theLatin-script letterV /v , in theFilipino alphabet Synonym: ( in the Abecedario ) ve ( Latin-script letter names ) titik ;ey ,bi ,si ,di ,i ,ef ,dyi ,eyts ,ay ,dyey ,key ,el ,em ,en ,enye ,en dyi ,o ,pi ,kyu ,ar ,es ,ti ,yu ,vi ,dobolyu ,eks ,way ,zi (classifier cái ) vi
( anatomy , especially of sharks) Alternative form ofvây ( “ fin ” ) Sino-Vietnamese word from微 .