A single juicevesicle from a grapefruit; many such vesicles make up the fruit'spulp.FromMiddle Frenchvesicule, fromLatinvēsīcula.
vesicle (pluralvesicles)
- (cytology) Amembrane-bound compartment found in acell.
- A small bladder-like cell or cavity, as:
- (botany) A small sac filled with juice, one of many constituting thepulp of a fruit such as an orange, lemon, or grapefruit.
- Coordinate term:acinus
- (biology, medicine) A smallsac orcyst orvacuole, especially one containing fluid. Ablister formed in or beneath the skin, containingserum. Ableb.
- (biology, medicine)(usually and especially) Such a blister that is less than 5 mm in diameter.
- Synonym:vesicula
- Coordinate term:bulla
- (anatomy) A pocket of embryonic tissue that is the beginning of an organ.
- Coordinate term:germ
- (geology) A small cavity formed in volcanic rock by entrapment of a gas bubble during solidification.
2004,Richard Fortey,The Earth, Folio Society, published2011, page51:It frequently contains holes, orvesicles, especially nearer the surface of a flow where gas has escaped.
cytology: membrane-bound compartment
small bladderlike cell or cavity
anatomy: small sac or cyst
anatomy: pocket of embryonic tissue