Borrowed fromSpanish andPortuguese vara ( “ rod ” ) , fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) .
vara (plural varas )
( historical ) Atraditional Spanish unit oflength ,equivalent to about 83.7cm .Synonyms: Spanish rod ,Spanish ell ,Spanish yard ,( Spanish contexts ) rod ,ell ,yard Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 8 vara) coto ,( 1 ⁄ 4 vara) palmo ,( 1 ⁄ 3 vara) pie ,( 1 ⁄ 2 vara) codo ,( 1+ 2 ⁄ 3 pies ) Spanish pace ,estado ,braza ,( 2 varas ) toesa ,( 4 varas ) estadal ,( 50 varas ) cordel ,( 5,000 varas ) legua ( historical ) Atraditional Portuguese unit oflength ,equivalent to about 1.1m .Synonyms: Portuguese rod ,Portuguese ell ,Portuguese yard ,( Portuguese contexts ) rod ,ell ,yard Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 40 vara) polegada ,( 1 ⁄ 5 vara) palmo ,( 3 ⁄ 10 vara) Portuguese foot ,( 3 ⁄ 5 vara) covado ,( English equivalents to the vara ) yard ,rod ,ell ,( 1+ 1 ⁄ 2 varas ) passo ,( 1+ 4 ⁄ 5 varas ) toesa ,( 2 varas ) braça ( historical ) Atraditional Spanish unit ofarea ,equivalent to about 0.7m² .Coordinate terms: ( 100 varas ) fanega ,( 10,000 varas ) manzana ,( 1,000,000 varas ) labor vara
first-person singular aorist indicative ofvar Inherited fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withGalician ,Portuguese , and Spanish vara .
vara f (plural vares )
( historical , measure) vara , aSpanish rod ,ell , oryard ,a traditional unit of length Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 3 vara) peu ,( 1+ 2 ⁄ 3 varas ) pas ,passa ,( 2 varas ) braça Inherited fromProto-Finnic *vara , borrowed fromProto-Germanic *warō , compareSwedish vara ,German Ware ,English ware . Cognate toFinnish vara andLivonian varā .
vara (genitive vara ,partitive vara )
property ,estate ,goods ;things belonging to a person or organisationDerived fromProto-Finnic *varas , borrowed fromProto-Baltic *vāras , compareLithuanian voras ( “ old ” ) . Cognate toFinnish varhain .
vara (comparative varem )
early Antonym: hilja Derived fromMiddle Low German waren .
vara (third person singular past indicative vardi ,third person plural past indicative vart ,supine vart )
totake ,last ,require ( about time ) 1 Only the past participle being declined.
Inherited fromProto-Oceanic *paraq fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *para (compare withIlocano pára ).
coconut heart orcoconut apple , i.e. spongycotyledon from a sproutingcoconut Gatty, Ronald (2009 ) “vara”, inFijian-English Dictionary , Suva, Fiji: Ronald Gatty,→ISBN , page292 Ross, Malcolm D., Pawley, Andrew, Osmond, Meredith (2008 )The lexicon of Proto-Oceanic , volume 3: Plants, Canberra: Australian National University,→ISBN , pages373-4 FromProto-Finnic *vara (compareEstonian vara ), borrowed fromProto-Germanic *warō (compareSwedish vara ( “ goods ” ) ,vara ( “ care ” ) ,English ware ( “ aware ” ) ,aware ,ware ( “ goods ” ) ).
reserve ,backup ( that which is reserved or kept back, as for future use ) Mäyrä tarvitsee paksun rasvakerroksen talvenvaraksi . ―A badger needs a thick layer of fat as areserve for winter. Minulla on ylimääräinen tulppavaralla . ―I have an extra plug asbackup . ( in theplural ) (natural )resources , (natural )reserves Synonym: luonnonvarat Irakilla on suuret öljyvarat . ―Iraq has large oilreserves . ( in theplural ) stores ,stocks ,reserves Synonym: varasto ( usually in theplural ) funds ,means ,assets ,savings Synonyms: rahat ,maksukyky ( literally“ ability to pay ” ) ,( asset ) varallisuus Minulla ei ole tähänvaraa . ―I can't afford this. (literally, “I don't have the funds for this. ”)( usually in thesingular ) room ,margin ;allowance Muista jättää kutistumisenvaraa . ―Remember to leave anallowance for shrinking. Minulla ei olevaraa autoon. I can'tafford a car. Meillä ei olevaraa virheisiin. ―We have nomargin for errors. ( mostly in idioms and proverbs ) caution ,concern ,care ;often translated into English with an adjective ( see alsopitää varansa ) Synonym: varovaisuus Pidävarasi , ettet putoa. ―Becareful so that you don't fall. Eivara venettä kaada. ( proverb ) ―Caution does not overturn a boat. ( woodworking ) atool forcutting long grooves into (the bottoms of)logs for fitting, or fordrafting where the grooves will be cutSynonym: varausrauta Collocations
elää ylivarojensa ―to live beyond one'smeans heittäytyä[ + genitive + ] varaan ―to bank on, count on, depend on (literally, “to cast oneselfon ”)jättää sattumanvaraan ―to leaveto chance/contingency ollavaraa ( + illative; monopersonal, verb always in the third-person singular, subject in the adessive ) ―to afford (literally, “to havefunds ”)ollavaralla ―to be in reserve/store, be at hand, be (readily) available olla[ + genitive + ] varassa ―to rest on( physically ) , to rely/depend on( figuratively ) olla[ + genitive + ] varoissaan ―to be wealthy, be well-to-do, be flush (literally, “to be in one'sfunds ”)rakentua[ + genitive + ] varaan ―to be basedon , be foundedon , be groundedin siltävaralta , että... ―in case... Inherited fromOld Galician-Portuguese vara ( “ rod ” ) attested in the 13th centuryCantigas de Santa Maria , fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withCatalan ,Portuguese , andSpanish vara .
vara f (plural varas )
a long and thinstick ,pole orrod Synonym: valoira shoot ;twig ( historical , measure) vara ,especially as acloth yard ,a former unit of length Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 3 vara) pé ,( 1+ 2 ⁄ 3 varas ) paso ,( 2 varas ) braza 1335 , M. Lucas Álvarez, P. Lucas Domínguez, editors,El monasterio de San Clodio do Ribeiro en la Edad Media: estudio y documentos , Sada / A Coruña: Edicións do Castro, page463 :que den a uos Eluira Perez en uossa vida de tres en tres annos çinquovaras de valacyna noua ou os dineiros para ella, quantos ella custar enna tenda they should give you, Elvira Pérez, throughout your life each three years, fiveyards of new Valencian cloth or the money for them, whatever it costs in the store See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofvarar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja ,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006 –2022 ) “vara ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006 –2018 ) “vara ”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “vara ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “vara ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “vara ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN Inherited fromOld Norse vara .
vara f (genitive singular vöru ,nominative plural vörur )
article ,commodity ( in the plural form ) goods ,wares ,freight ,commodities ,merchandise plural form
aðrar neytendavörur en matvæli ( “ non-food product ” ) afritunarvörur ( “ reprographic supplies ” ) alþjóðasamningur um viðskipti með mjólkurvörur ( “ International Dairy Agreement ” ) Bandalagsvörur ( “ Community goods ” ) blekvörur ( “ ink products ” ) brauðvörur ( “ bakery products, bread products, baker's wares ” ) búnaður til að meðhöndla vörur ( “ goods-handling equipment ” ) efnislegar fjárfestingarvörur ( “ tangible capital goods ” ) efnislegar vörur ( “ tangible goods ” ) einnota vörur ( “ disposable articles ” ) endursendar vörur ( “ returned consignments ” ) fiskveiðivörur ( “ articles for fishing ” ) fjárfestingarvörur ( “ capital goods, investment goods ” ) flugeldavörur ( “ pyrotechnics ” ) flugeldavörur ( “ pyrotechnic articles ” ) fótsnyrtivörur ( “ pedicure preparations ” ) framleiðsluvörur ( “ manufactured goods ” ) fullunnar vörur ( “ compensating products, final goods ” ) förðunarvörur ( “ make-up preparations ” ) gerð vörureikninga ( “ invoicing ” ) gerjaðar drykkjarvörur ( “ fermented beverages ” ) gullsmíðavörur ( “ goldsmiths' ' wares ” ) handsnyrtivörur ( “ manicure preparations ” ) handverksvörur ( “ handicraft supplies ” ) hálfunnar vörur ( “ intermediate goods ” ) háraflitunarvörur ( “ hair bleaches ” ) hárlitunarvörur ( “ hair tints ” ) hárvörur ( “ articles for use with the hair ” ) hjúkrunarvörur ( “ medical goods ” ) hreingerningavörur ( “ cleaning products ” ) hreinlætisvörur ( “ toilet articles ” ) hreinsaðar olíuvörur ( “ refined petroleum products ” ) innfluttar vörur ( “ imported products ” ) innlendar vörur ( “ domestic goods ” ) íþróttavörur ( “ sports goods ” ) járnsmíðavörur ( “ blacksmiths' wares ” ) járnvörur ( “ hardware, ironmongery ” ) kornvörur ( “ cereals ” ) körfugerðarvörur ( “ basketware ” ) leðurvörur ( “ leather articles, leather goods ” ) leirvörur ( “ crockery ” ) markaðskynningarvörur ( “ promotion products ” ) markaður með notaðar vörur ( “ second-hand market ” ) millistigsvörur ( “ intermediary goods ” ) mjólkurvörur ( “ lactic products ” ) munaðarvörur ( “ luxury goods ” ) nefnd um textílvörur ( “ Textiles Committee ” ) neysluvörur sem ekki eru varanlegar ( “ consumer non-durables ” ) notaðar vörur ( “ second-hand goods ” ) of hár vörureikningur ( “ over invoicing ” ) óunnar vörur ( “ goods in the unaltered state ” ) pakki sem inniheldur tóbaksvörur ( “ unit packet of tobacco products ” ) rafeindavörur ( “ electronic supplies ” ) raftæknivörur ( “ electrotechnical supplies ” ) rafvörur ( “ electrical goods ” ) rafvörur til sérstakra nota ( “ special-purpose electrical goods ” ) rekstrarvörur ( “ consumables, supplies, production supplies ” ) rekstrarvörur til blóðlækninga ( “ haematological consumables ” ) rekstrarvörur til lækninga ( “ medical consumables ” ) rekstrarvörur til nota við geislagreiningar ( “ radiodiagnostic supplies ” ) rekstrarvörur til nota við sjúkdómsgreiningar ( “ diagnostic supplies ” ) rekstrarvörur til tannlækninga ( “ dental consumables ” ) samkeppnisvörur ( “ competitive products ” ) samlímdar vörur ( “ laminated products ” ) samningur um textílvörur og fatnað ( “ Agreement on Textiles and Clothing ” ) samsvarandi vörur ( “ corresponding goods ” ) silfursmíðavörur ( “ silversmiths' wares ” ) skattfrjálsar vörur ( “ tax-free goods ” ) skrifstofuvörur ( “ office supplies ” ) skömmtunarvél fyrir hreinlætisvörur ( “ sanitary dispensing machine ” ) smíðavörur ( “ smiths' wares ” ) snyrtivörur ( “ cosmetics, toiletry, toilet preparations, cosmetic articles ” ) snyrtivörur í duftformi ( “ powdered cosmetics ” ) sokkavörur ( “ hosiery ” ) steypuvörur úr hita- og þrýstihertri frauðsteypu ( “ autoclaved aerated concrete products ” ) steypuvörur úr léttri frauðsteypu ( “ lightweight aerated concrete products ” ) stoðtækjavörur ( “ orthopaedic supplies ” ) sviknar vörur ( “ counterfeit goods ” ) sælkeravörur ( “ delicatessen ” ) sætabrauð og brauðvörur ( “ pastry-cook product ” ) tankskip fyrir unnar olíuvörur ( “ product tanker ” ) tágasmíðavörur ( “ wickerwork ” ) textílvörur til innanhússnota ( “ interior textiles ” ) tollar á útfluttar vörur ( “ customs duties on exports ” ) tóbaksvörur ( “ tobacco goods ” ) tómstundavörur ( “ recreational goods ” ) trésmíðavörur ( “ carpentry ” ) tölvuvörur ( “ computer supplies ” ) unnar kornvörur ( “ cereal preparations ” ) upplýsingavörur ( “ information products ” ) útvega vörur ( “ supply goods ” ) varanlegar neysluvörur ( “ consumer durables ” ) veiðivörur ( “ articles for hunting ” ) viðskipti með framleiðsluvörur ( “ trade in products ” ) vísindanefnd um neysluvörur ( “ Scientific Committee on Consumer Products ” ) vísindanefnd um snyrtivörur og aðrar neytendavörur en matvæli ( “ Scientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for Consumers ” ) vörur af ólíkum uppruna ( “ items of mixed provenance ” ) vörur á vörubrettum ( “ palletised goods ” ) vörur bundnar í stroffu ( “ pre-slung goods ” ) vörur frá löndum utan Bandalagsins ( “ non-Community goods ” ) vörur í dósum ( “ canned products ” ) vörur í gámum ( “ containerised freight ” ) vörur í krukkum ( “ jarred products ” ) vörur í tengslum við gagnagrunna ( “ database goods ” ) vörur í umbúðum ( “ packaged goods ” ) vörur í vistarverur manna ( “ furnishing articles ” ) vörur sem framleiddar eru til eigin neyslu ( “ goods produced for own consumption ” ) vörur sem greinarmunur er á ( “ differentiated products ” ) vörur sem nota orku ( “ energy-using products ” ) vörur sem tengjast menningu ( “ cultural goods ” ) vörur sem þjóna tvenns konar tilgangi ( “ dual-purpose products, dual-use goods ” ) vörur til að meðhöndla nýrnasjúklinga ( “ renal consumables ” ) vörur til einkanota ( “ personal goods ” ) vörur til heimilisnota ( “ household goods ” ) vörur til hreinlætisnota ( “ toilet requisites ” ) vörur til listsköpunar ( “ art supplies ” ) vörur til veitingarekstrar ( “ catering supplies ” ) vörur til æðamyndatöku ( “ angiography supplies ” ) vörur úr hertu gleri ( “ toughened glassware ” ) vörur úr jurtaríkinu ( “ vegetable products ” ) vörur úr keramíkgleri ( “ ceramic glassware ” ) vörur úr vefleysu ( “ articles made from non-wovens ” ) vörureikningur ( “ invoice ” ) yfirlýsing á vörureikningi ( “ invoice declaration ” ) Inherited fromOld Norse vara , fromProto-Germanic *warōną .
vara (weak verb ,third-person singular past indicative varaði ,supine varað )
towarn [with accusative ]Synonym: gefa aðvörun 1 Spoken form, usually not written; in writing, the unappended plural form (optionally followed by the full pronoun) is preferred.
1 Spoken form, usually not written; in writing, the unappended plural form (optionally followed by the full pronoun) is preferred.
Borrowed fromMiddle Low German waren (whence alsoSwedish vara ,Norwegian vare ,Danish vare ), fromProto-West Germanic *waʀōn .
vara (weak verb ,third-person singular past indicative varði ,supine varað )
( intransitive ) tolast , tocontinue , togo on Synonym: standa Hvaðvarir þetta lengi? ―How long will thislast ? ( intransitive ) tolast , toendure , to bepermanent Synonym: endast vara (weak verb ,third-person singular past indicative varði ,supine varað )
( impersonal ) toexpect Gestirnir komu fyrr en migvarði . ―The guests arrived earlier thanexpected . See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
indefinite genitive plural ofvar See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
indefinite genitive plural ofvör Inherited fromProto-Finnic *vara , borrowed fromProto-Germanic *waraz . Cognates includeFinnish vara andEstonian vara .
protection ,safety property ,possession alertness ,awareness Ruben E. Nirvi (1971 )Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja , Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page640 See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
feminine singular ofvaro vara
inflection ofvarare : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative Inherited fromOld Norse vera ( “ to be ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *wesaną ; see there for further details.
tobe ^ Söderström, Sven. 1972.Om kvantitetsutvecklingen i norrländska folkmål. p. 27 Inherited fromProto-Finnic *vara , borrowed fromGermanic .
reserve Inherited fromOld Spanish vara , fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withCatalan ,Galician , andPortuguese vara .
vara f ( Hebrew spelling ב׳ארה ,plural varas )
stick ;rod ;crossbar ( diminutive form, typography ) Therafe lines in the shape of crossbars that can be used inLadino orthography asdiacritics onHebrew script to alter the sound of letters to create new letters; abreve diacritic (˘ ) is placed on top of letters to formfricative consonant sounds, such as changing פ (/p/) into פﬞ (/f/); usually referred to by the diminutivevarika ( “little crossbar” ) .Synonym: varika See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
third-person singular present indicative ofvarar second-person singular imperative ofvarar From the feminine of the adjectivevārus, vāra, vārum ( “ bent in;knock-kneed ;different ” ) .
vāra f (genitive vārae ) ;first declension
fork ,forked branch tripod ,easel First-declension noun.
inflection ofvārus : nominative / vocative feminine singular nominative / accusative / vocative neuter plural vārā
ablative feminine singular ofvārus Seevarš .
vara m
genitive singular ofvarš (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
vara f (4th declension )
power This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with theIPA then please add some!
accusative / genitive singular ofvarra vara m or f
definite feminine singular ofvare vara m (definite singular varaen ,indefinite plural varaer or varaar ,definite plural varaene or varaane )
clipping ofvararepresentant vara (present tense varar /varer ,past tense vara /varte ,past participle vara /vart ,passive infinitive varast ,present participle varande ,imperative vara /var )
alternative form ofvare vara (present tense varar ,past tense vara ,past participle vara ,passive infinitive varast ,present participle varande ,imperative vara /var )
alternative form ofvare vara f
definite singular ofvare vara n
definite plural ofvar vara
( dialectal , nonstandard ) alternative form ofvera 1949 ,Alf Prøysen ,Dørstokken heme [The Doorstep at Home ], Høvik, page20 :Nå kunde detvara det samma med alt. Now, it couldbe all the same [to him]. “vara” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .Old Galician-Portuguese [ edit ] Inherited fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withOld Spanish vara .
( measure ) vara , aPortuguese rod ,yard orell ,a traditional unit of length vara
genitive plural ofvǫr Inherited fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withOld Galician-Portuguese vara .
vara f (plural varas )
( measure ) vara , aSpanish rod ,ell , oryard ,a traditional unit of length Ralph Steele Boggset al. (1946 ) “vara”, inTentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish , volume II, Chapel Hill,page518 Inherited fromOld Norse vera , earliervesa , fromProto-Germanic *wesaną . Cognate withDanish være ,Icelandic vera .
Tobe to occupy a place, to be Conjugation of vara
present past infinitive vara ,væra — participle vara varin active voice indicative subjunctive imperative indicative subjunctive iæk æm ,ær sē ,sēi ,sī ,æri ,væri — var ,uas vāre þū æst sē ,sēi ,sī ,æri ,væri æ vart ,uast vāre han ær sē ,sēi ,sī ,æri ,væri — var ,uas vāre vīr ærum sēin ,varin ,værin ærum vārom vāre īr ærin sēn ,vari ,værin ærin vārin vāre þēr æru ,æra ,aru sē — vāro vāre
Alternative scripts
𑀯𑀭 ( Brahmi script ) वर ( Devanagari script ) ৰর ( Bengali script ) වර ( Sinhalese script ) ဝရ ( Burmese script ) วร orวะระ ( Thai script ) ᩅᩁ ( Tai Tham script ) ວຣ orວະຣະ orວະລະ ( Lao script ) វរ ( Khmer script ) 𑅇𑄢 ( Chakma script ) vara
excellent[ 1] noble[ 1] Declension table of "vara" (masculine)
Declension table of "varā" (feminine)
Declension table of "vara" (neuter)
vara m or n [ 1]
wish,[ 1] boon,[ 1] favour[ 1] As the masculine or neuter of the adjective above, as appropriate.
second-person singular imperative active ofvarati ( “ to desire ” ) Extracted fromvarati ,vareti andvāreti .
vara m
The Pali root var [ 2] Synonym: vu [ 3] ↑1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Pali Text Society (1921–1925 ) “vara ”, inPali-English Dictionary , London: Chipstead ^ Warder A.K. (2001 )Introduction to Pali (overall work in English), Oxford: The Pali Text Society, page380 : “var (I) varati vuta -vari varissati varitvā ” ^ Pali Text Society (1921–1925 ) “vuṇāti ”, inPali-English Dictionary , London: Chipstead
Rhymes:-aɾɐ Hyphenation:va‧ra Inherited fromOld Galician-Portuguese vara ( “ rod ” ) , fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withCatalan ,Galician , andSpanish vara .
vara f (plural varas )
( historical , measure) vara , aPortuguese rod ,yard orell ,a former unit of length about equal to 1.1 m Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 40 vara) polegada ,( 1 ⁄ 5 vara) palmo ,( 3 ⁄ 10 vara) pé ,( 3 ⁄ 5 vara) côvado ,( English equivalent, reckoned as5 ⁄ 6 vara ) jarda ,( 1+ 1 ⁄ 2 vara ) passo ,( 1+ 4 ⁄ 5 varas ) toesa ,( 2 varas ) braça ( historical , measure) square vara ,a former unit of area about equal to 1.2 m² Synonym: vara quadrada Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 25 vara) palmo ,( 403+ 1 ⁄ 3 varas ) aguilhada ,( 4,840 varas ) geira astick , atwig a districtcourt , an original court, a trial court or court of first instance ( collective ) herd ofpigs ( collective ) band ofcoatis ( vulgar , slang ) thepenis See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofvarar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative “vara ”, iniDicionário Aulete (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital,2008 –2025 “vara ”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006 –2025 “vara ” inDicionário Aberto based onNovo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo , 1913 “vara ”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003 –2025 “vara ”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015 –2025 “vara ”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008 –2025 Fromvară +-a .
in thesummer vara f
definite nominative / accusative singular ofvară vara (Cyrillic spelling вара )
genitive singular ofvar vara (Cyrillic spelling вара )
third-person singular present ofvarati Of Germanic origin, borrowed fromLombardic *bāra ( “ stretcher, bier ” ) , ultimately fromProto-West Germanic *bāru , fromProto-Germanic *bērō , fromProto-Indo-European *bʰer- ( “ to carry, bear ” ) . Cognate withSaterland Frisian Beere ( “ stretcher, bier ” ) ,Dutch baar ( “ bier ” ) ,German Bahre ( “ bier, stretcher ” ) andItalian barella .
IPA (key ) : /ˈva.ɾa/ ,[ˈva.ɾa] Hyphenation:và‧ra vara f (plural vari )
( dated ) bier ,stretcher Synonyms: catalettu ,littica ( by extension, religious folklore ) ferculum IPA (key ) : /ˈbaɾa/ [ˈba.ɾa] Rhymes:-aɾa Syllabification:va‧ra Inherited fromOld Spanish vara , fromLatin vāra ( “ fork ” ) . Cognate withCatalan ,Galician , andPortuguese vara .
vara f (plural varas )
rod ,pole ( a long thin stick ) Synonyms: palo ,bastón ,barra rod ( a thin cane or branch ) Synonym: rama rod ( a staff of office ) ( bullfighting ) lance ( historical , measure) vara , aSpanish rod oryard ( a traditional unit of length equivalent to about 83.7 cm ) Coordinate terms: ( 1 ⁄ 8 vara) coto ,( 1 ⁄ 4 vara) palmo ,( 1 ⁄ 3 vara) pie ,( 1 ⁄ 2 vara) codo ,( English equivalent ) yarda ,( 1+ 2 ⁄ 3 varas ) paso ,( 2 varas ) estado ,braza ,toesa ,( 4 varas ) estadal ,( 50 varas ) cordel ,( 5,000 varas ) legua ( historical , measure) vara , asquare vara ( a traditional unit of area equivalent to about 0.7 m² ) Synonym: vara cuadrada Coordinate terms: ( 100 varas ) fanega ,( 10,000 varas ) manzana yardstick ( a straight-edge tool for measuring length ) ( figurative ) yardstick ( a standard used to establish a baseline for measurements or comparisons ) Synonym: estándar 2020 October 4, Franco Mizrahi, “La doble vara de la Corte Suprema de Justicia: los casos sensibles que posterga el máximo tribunal”, inEl Destape [2] :La inusual celeridad con la que la Corte Suprema de Justicia abordó el caso de los jueces Leopoldo Bruglia, Pablo Bertuzi y Germán Castelli expuso la doblevara con la que el Tribunal Supremo toma o deja los expedientes que le llegan. (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
feminine singular ofvaro See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofvarar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative IPA (key ) : /²vɑːra/ ,( verb, usually ) /vɑː/ Pronunciation of the present tense formär usually varies between/eː/ and/ɛː/ depending on the accent. The pronunciation/ɛːr/ ,[æːɾ] also occurs, especially when it is stressed, in ceremonial speech, or increasingly also due tospelling pronunciation . Rhymes:-²ɑːra ,-ɑː Inherited fromOld Swedish vara ,væra fromOld Norse vera , earliervesa , fromProto-Germanic *wesaną . Cognate withDanish være ,Icelandic vera ,Norwegian være .
vara (present är ,preterite var ,supine varit ,imperative var )
tobe to occupy a place, to be (somewhere)Var har duvarit ? Where have youbeen ? Synonyms: befinna sig ,finnas ,ligga ,sitta ,stå to occur, to take placeDetvar fest igår Therewas a party yesterday ( uncommon ) to existc. 1847 , Carl August Hagberg, translation of Shakespeare'sHamlet (c. 1601),act 3, scene 1 Attvara eller ickevara , det är frågan: Månn’ ädlare att lida och fördraga Ett bittert ödes styng och pilar eller Att ta till vapen mot ett haf af qval Tobe or not tobe – that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles Attvara eller intevara , det är frågan Tobe or not tobe , that is the question Synonyms: finnas ,finnas till ,existera ,vara till ( copulative ) Indicates that the subject and object are the same. Bruce Wayneär Batman Bruce Wayneis Batman ( copulative , mathematics ) Indicates that the values on either side of an equation are the same. ett plus ettär två one plus oneis two ( copulative ) Indicates that the subject plays the role of or belongs to the group represented by the predicate nominal. This is idiomatically applied more broadly compared to English, as the examples below show. Including an article or making the noun definite – like in English – is not ungrammatical and does not change the meaning of the examples – it is only unidiomatic (and often intuitively redundant to native speakers, for example for giving a count of one (en /ett ) to a role, similar to how "became a president" sounds to English speakers). Han blevpresident 2007 He becamepresident in 2007 [same in Swedish as in English] Jag ärislänning I amIcelandic [[an] Icelander] Jag äriranier I amIranian [[an] Iranian] Jag ärtysk I amGerman [[a] German] Jag äramerikan I am anAmerican [[an] American] Jag ärbritt I amBritish [[a] Brit] Hon ärläkare She isa doctor Är honbagare ? Is shea baker ? Han varsoldat He wasa soldier Han har varitlöjtnant He has beena lieutenant Hon ärlagkapten She isa/the team captain Han ärfrimurare He isa Freemason Han ärfilmfantast He isa movie buff Hon har blivitmamma She has becomea mother Vem ärfar till barnen? Who isthe father of the children? Vem ärstorasyster och vem ärlillasyster ? Who isthe big sister and who isthe little sister ? att varamänniska to bea human Hon ärläkare ,soldat ochmamma på samma gång She isa doctor ,a soldier , anda mother at the same time Hon ären skicklig läkare She isa skilled doctor ["Skilled doctor" is not considered a "role," so an article (en ) appears in this example, like in English] ( copulative ) Connects a noun to an adjective that describes it. Såsenär krämig The sauceis creamy 1917 translation, theBible ,Deuteronomy (Femte Mosebok ),1:26 Men I villen icke draga ditupp, utanvoren gensträviga motHerrens , eder Guds, befallning. Notwithstanding ye would not go up, but rebelled against the commandment of theLord your God. Forms a passive voice that indicates a state or a completed action. The examples below show comparisons against-s , which also forms the passive voice. The examples are kept basic for the sake of illustration and do not always represent the most idiomatic way to say things in either Swedish or English. Rummetstädas The roomis cleaned (is being cleaned right now (or, alternatively, is cleaned from time to time, as opposed to never being cleaned)) Rummetär städat The roomis clean ("is cleaned" in the sense of "has been cleaned") Rummetstädas en gång i veckan The roomis cleaned once a week Rummetär städat en gång i veckan The roomis clean once a week (an unusual thing to say in Swedish as well) Husetmålades förra veckan, så detvar målat när jag gick förbi det för en timme sen The housewas painted last week, so itwas painted (had painted walls) when I walked past it an hour ago Viräddades av en räddningshelikopter Wewere rescued by a rescue helicopter (a rescue helicopter came and rescued us) Vivar räddade Wehad been rescued ("We were rescued" in the sense of "We had (the property of having) been rescued" as opposed to "Someone came and rescued us" – "We were rescued" is used to express both in English, but Swedish separates them) Pojkenräddades av hunden The boywas saved by the dog Pojkenvar räddad av hunden The boyhad the property of having been saved by the dog (had at some earlier time been saved by the dog – odd-sounding in Swedish too) Pojkenhade räddats av hunden The boyhad been saved by the dog (for comparison – idiomatic-sounding) Bilenkörs The caris driven (right now (or from time to time)) Bilenär körd The caris driven (has been driven (in some context), has more than zero kilometers on the odometer (if talking generally)) Synonyms: ( when putting stress on the process ) bli ,( archaic, only still commonly used in the past tense formvart ) varda ( archaic ) Used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs. Jagär uppstigen sedan en timme ―Ihave been out of bed for an hour Used to indicate things like age, height, temperature, weather, ... Although the past subjunctive in most verbs is viewed as dated (see:Appendix:Swedish verbs ),vore is still very much in use by young speakers, even in informal or colloquial language.
Conjugation ofvara (irregular) active passive infinitive vara — supine varit — imperative var — imper. plural 1 varen — present past present past indicative är var — — ind. plural 1 äro voro — — subjunctive 2 vare vore — — present participle varande past participle —
See also:äm ( archaic first-person singular present indicative) äst ( archaic second-person singular present indicative) ären ( archaic second-person plural present indicative) voren ( archaic second-person plural past indicative) vara n
existence ,being Varats olidliga lätthet ―The Unbearable Lightness ofBeing (1984 novel by Milan Kundera)Inherited fromOld Swedish vara , fromMiddle Low German waren , fromOld Saxon waron , fromProto-Germanic *warōną . Cognate withDanish vare .
vara (present varar ,preterite varade ,supine varat ,imperative vara )
tolast (go on for)Synonyms: hålla på ,pågå ,( dated ) fortfara Mötetvarade flera timmar. The meetinglasted several hours. tolast , tokeep (not spoil)Synonyms: ( more common ) hålla ,stå sig Mjölkenvarar längre i kylskåpet. The milk willlast longer in the fridge. Conjugation ofvara (weak) active passive infinitive vara — supine varat — imperative vara — imper. plural 1 varen — present past present past indicative varar varade — — ind. plural 1 vara varade — — subjunctive 2 vare varade — — present participle varande past participle —
Inherited fromOld Swedish vara , fromOld Norse vari , cognate withDanish vare , possibly from an unattested Old Swedish*vari ( “ care ” ) , related toIcelandic vari ( “ caution, carefullness ” ) , but influenced byMiddle Low German ware namen , related toGerman wahren ,wahrnehmen .
vara c
care tavara på ―take care of, keep, not throw away, not waste ta sig tillvara ―be careful, beware Only used in expressions like the ones in the usage examples above. Inherited fromOld Swedish vara , fromOld Norse vara , fromMiddle Low German ware . Cognate withDanish vare ,German Ware ,English ware . Could be related toSanskrit वर ( vara ,“ valuable ” ) .
varor vara c
a commodity Kärleken har blivit envara Love has become acommodity ( in thesingular ) anitem (as a singular ofgoods ), anarticle att lägga envara ivaru korgen to put anitem in the shopping basket [item basket] ( in theplural ) goods ,merchandise ,wares varor som är pårea items/goods that are on saleAttested since 1664. Fromvar ( “ pus ” ) +-a .
vara (present varar ,preterite varade ,supine varat ,imperative vara )
to generatepus Såret börjadevara efter några timmar. The wound began tofill with pus after a few hours. Inherited fromProto-Finnic *vara , borrowed fromGermanic . Cognates includeFinnish vara .
stock ,store ,inventory resource asset Zajceva, N. G., Mullonen, M. I. (2007 ) “запас ,ресурс ,состояние ,средство ,фонд ”, inUz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary ][3] , Petrozavodsk: Periodika Inherited fromProto-Finnic *vara .
property ,possessions supplies ,stock support share ( of something ) Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012 ) “vara ”, inVadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language ], 2nd edition, Tallinn