Borrowed fromMiddle Frenchvalet, fromOld Frenchvaslet, fromMedieval Latin*vassellittus, diminutive ofLate Latinvassallus(“manservant, domestic, retainer”), fromvassus(“servant”), fromGaulish*wassos(“young man, squire”), fromProto-Celtic*wastos(“servant”) (compareOld Irishfoss andWelshgwas).Doublet ofvarlet.
valet (pluralvalets)
- A man'spersonal maleattendant, responsible for his clothes and appearance.
- Synonyms:(proscribed)butler,gentleman's gentleman
- Ahotelemployee performing such duties for guests.
- (professional wrestling) Afemaleperformer inprofessional wrestling, acting as either a manager or personal chaperone; often used to attract and titillate male members of the audience.
- A femalechaperone who accompanies a man, and is usually not married to him.
- (US) A person employed to clean orpark cars.
- Synonym:parking attendant
- A person employed to assist thejockey andtrainer at aracecourse.
- Awoodenstand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing.
- A kind ofgoad orstick with anironpoint.
a man's personal male attendant
- Bulgarian:слуга (bg) m(sluga),камериер m(kamerier)
- Catalan:ajudant de cambra m
- Finnish:miespalvelija (fi),kamaripalvelija (fi)
- French:valet (fr) m,valet de chambre (fr) m,majordome (fr) m
- Georgian:კამერდინერი(ḳamerdineri),ლაქია(lakia),მოსამსახურე(mosamsaxure)
- German:Kammerdiener (de) m,Diener (de) m,Putzer m,Leibdiener (de) m,Hausdiener (de) m,Dienstbote (de) m
- Greek:υπηρέτης (el) m(ypirétis)
- Hebrew:נושא־כלים m(nossei qeilimm),נער (he) m(na'arr)
- Hungarian:inas (hu)
- Latin:pedisequus m
- Macedonian:ли́чен слу́га m(líčen slúga)
- Ottoman Turkish:اوشاق(uşak)
- Portuguese:mordomo (pt) m
- Romanian:valet (ro) m,fecior (ro) m,lacheu (ro) m
- Russian:камерди́нер (ru) m(kamerdíner),слуга́ (ru) m(slugá),денщи́к (ru) m(denščík)(dated),ордина́рец (ru) m(ordinárec)(dated, military)
- Scottish Gaelic:gille-coise m
- Spanish:edecán (es) m
- Swedish:kammartjänare (sv) c
- Turkish:uşak (tr)
- Yiddish:קאַמער־דינער m(kamer-diner)
a female performer in professional wrestling
a female chaperone who accompanies a man
a hotel employee performing such duties for guests
a person employed to clean or park cars
a wooden stand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing
valet (third-person singular simple presentvalets,present participlevaleting,simple past and past participlevaleted)
- (transitive) Toserve (someone) as a valet.
1866,Wilkie Collins,Armadale[1], London: Smith, Elder & Co., Volume I, Book 2, Chapter 2, p. 163:You canvalet me, can you? Bothervaleting me! I like to put on my own clothes, and brush them, too, when theyare on; and if I only knew how to black my own boots, by George I should like to do it!
1926,Neville Shute, chapter 7, inMarazan[2], London: Cassell:[…] the red-haired boy who hadvaleted me in the morning appeared in a plain suit of black.
- (transitive, chiefly UK, Ireland) Toclean andservice (acar), as a valet does.
- (transitive, US) To leave (a car) with a valet topark it.
Borrowed fromRussianвалет(valet).
- (card games)jack
- partitivesingular ofvale
Inherited fromOld Frenchvaslet, fromMedieval Latin*vassellittus, diminutive ofLate Latinvassallus(“manservant, domestic, retainer”), fromLatinvassus(“servant”), fromGaulish*wassos(“young man, squire”), fromProto-Celtic*wastos(“servant”) (compareOld Irishfoss andWelshgwas).
valet m (pluralvalets)
- (history) a maleattendant of aknight or alord
- (history)officer belonging to the king's house or aprincely house, alsovalet de chambre
- a male servant, afootman
- awoodenstand on which to hold clothes and accessories in preparation for dressing, alsovalet de nuit
- (card games)jack
- (especially in the formvalet de menuisier) aholdfast (a hooked tool to hold a workpiece down to a workbench)
- third-personsingularpresentactiveindicative ofvaleō
Old Frenchvaslet.
valet m (pluralvalets)
- manservant; (male)attendant
Borrowed fromFrenchvalet.
valet m (pluralvalets)
- (Jersey)This term needs a translation to English. Please help out andadd a translation, then remove the text
. - (Jersey, card games)jack
valet n
- definitesingular ofval
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Unadapted borrowing fromFrenchvalet.
valet m orfby sense (pluralvalets)
- valet(a person employed to park cars)
Borrowed fromFrenchvalet.
valet m (pluralvaleți)
- valet
Borrowed fromFrenchvalet.
valet m (pluralvalets)
- (card games)jack,knave
- definitesingular ofval