1784, François Rabelais,The works of Francis Rabelais ... Now carefully revised, and compared throughout with the late new edition of M. Le du Chat, by Mr. Ozell, etc, page309:
Lute,Unds, and Sands did long our March oppose, And asp'rous Rocks, the Bulwarks of our Foes.
(Can wedate this quote?), William Drummond, letter "To the Right Honourable the Earl of Perth" inThe history of Scotland, from the year 1423 until the year 1542 containing the lives and reigns of James the I, the II, the III, the IV, the V : with several memorials of state, during the reigns of James VI & Charls I:
My Noble Lord, / AFter a long inquiry about the Arms of your Lordships antient House, and the turning of sundry Books of Impresaes and Herauldry, I found yourUNDES famous and very honourable. / In our neighbour Countrey of England they are born, but inversed upside down, and diversified. Torquato Tasso in his Rinaldo maketh mention of a Knight who had a Rock placed in the Waves with the Word Rompe ch'il percote. And other hath the Seas waves with a Syren rising out of them, the word Bella Maria, which is the name of some Courtezan.
1592, William Wyrley,The true vse of armorie, page12:
The house of Chedle yet after this diuiding it selfe into two branches, John Basset of new place (being of the yoonger house) left the Labell, and charged the blackevnds with manie besants dispersed all ouer them.
1650, Henry Estienne, Thomas Blount,The art of making devises[…]:
A Devise may also be handsomely framed from two different Coats of Armes, as of the Husband and his Wife, of two friends, of two Kings, of two States united and confederate. Will you have an example of it, taken out of our AuthorBargagli? A Husband bearingVnde in his armes, and his Wife Roses, gave occasion to joyne them together in one Blazon, with these words, IRRIGATÆ VIVATIORES, i.e.they are more lively when they are watered.
Ich kam, sahund siegte. ―I came, saw,and conquered.
1904, Rudolf Eisler,Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe, Berlin, volume 1, sub verboIch, page 446-457:
"Das »Ich = Ich« ist die ursprünglichste Erkenntnis, die Urquelle alles Denkens [..], es bedeutet »erstens die rein logische Identität von Subjectund Object im Acte des reinen Selbstbewußtseins, zweitens die reale metaphysische Identität des setzenden absoluten Ichund des gesetzten begrenzten Ich,und drittens die zeitliche Identität des Ich in zwei rasch aufeinander folgenden Zeitpunkten« [...]."